I stood outside the school gate, waiting for Raymond, when Jeremiah Lewis's car screeched to a halt nearby.

He stormed out, fury in his eyes, and marched over to me. "What do you think you're doing, Catarina?"

I knew he was referring to my now-public relationship with Raymond, but I feigned ignorance. "What are you talking about, Jeremy?"

He searched my eyes, frustration evident. "How could you do this to me?"

I let out a deep sigh. "Swanta wants you and Paula  to get back together."

"Is that your only reason?"

I met his gaze steadily. "I'm a Christian. I can't marry a divorcee."

"But I love you, Catarina."

"We're both confusing a crush for love, Jeremy. I care about you, but I want what's best for you."

"I won't accept that, Catarina..."

Before I could respond, Raymond's car pulled up beside us.

I was surprised by how calm he seemed despite seeing us together.

I turned to approach him, but Jeremy grabbed my hand. "You can't just go to him."

"And why not?"

"Because you don't like him. You like me."

I hesitated, unsure. "I don't know what I feel right now. Don't jump to conclusions."

With that, I got into Raymond's car, and he quietly drove off.

I expected him to ask about Jeremy, but instead, he calmly turned on the stereo, letting Michael Smith's song fill the car.

After a few moments of silence, he glanced at me. "Are you too tired to see a movie with me? We could just relax there if you don't mind."

His sudden request caught me off guard, and I wondered what was behind it.

I nodded, curious.

I had never gone to see a movie with Raymond and wanted to experience it.

When we arrived at the cinema, Raymond got out and, like a true gentleman, opened the car door for me.

His behavior felt strange as he took my hand and led me inside.

We watched Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers.

I had only read the novel, unaware it had been adapted into a film.

I was captivated by the scenes, feeling Raymond's occasional glances, even though he held my hand throughout.

I felt an unexpected closeness to this mysterious man, Raymond.

The movie, just like the book, left a deep impression on me.

I was eager to read the book of Hosea again before bed that night.

As we walked out, still holding hands like a real couple, Raymond turned to me. "Do you think there should be a reason to love someone?"

His sudden question stunned me. "A reason? Real love is being drawn to someone in a way you can't explain."

"Is that how you felt with Richard?"

I sighed. "I loved Richard. I would have given my life for him."

He stopped walking, and I instinctively did the same, our eyes locking. "Can you give your heart another chance?"

"Another chance?" I was confused.

He nodded, still holding my gaze. "To love others. Can you intentionally open your heart to someone else?"

I was curious about why he was asking, but when I looked into his eyes, it was as if I could see the answer there.

After a brief silence, he gestured toward the counter. "Let's get something for you and Juliet to eat."

My heart raced at his kindness.

He was always so thoughtful toward everyone around him.

He carried the food packages to the car, and I followed.

As he started the ignition, Michael Smith's song resumed.

When we arrived at the house, he handed me the packages. "It was nice watching Redeeming Love with you."

Tears welled up in my eyes, remembering the profound movie. "Hosea's love is a reflection of Christ's love."

He smiled softly. "No one can truly understand it until they have His spirit."

I couldn't help but ask about Jeremy. "What do you think about Jeremy? Do you despise him? I'm only asking because you didn't mention him, even after seeing us together."

Raymond sighed. "Jeremy is... pitiful."

I was taken aback. "You think so?"

"He wants to change, and growth is difficult. But one thing I've learned is that family doesn't wait for you to grow before accepting you."

Tears stung my eyes. "Why are you always so right?"

He chuckled. "I'd like to meet your family someday, though."

I gasped, surprised by his words. Why was he being so unexpected tonight?

"You should get going so you can rest; it's Saturday tomorrow."

I nodded, still in shock.

I got out of the car and waved until he was out of sight.

I stayed there for a moment until I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I turned to see Juliet, munching on chips and eyeing me suspiciously. "I was waiting out here, thinking that, despite your Christian faith, you might have decided to start sleeping at a man's house."

I smiled shyly and handed her the package. "This is for you."

Juliet licked her lips, curious. "This meeting must be heaven-sent."

She eagerly followed me inside. "What happened between our princess and her handsome prince today?"

I chuckled, blushing. "We watched Redeeming Love together."

Juliet squealed in excitement. "Come on, spill every single detail!"

We both laughed as we ran into my room, ready to dive into the evening's story.


Jeremiah Lewis stared hard at the blinds in his large room, recounting his sad encounter with Catarina today.

Tears welled up in his eyes as he recalled how Raymond had driven and she had without a second thought entered his car, leaving him behind.

Did he really love her enough to still keep tryiny  to convince her to trust him?

Afterall he couldn't even keep his marriage.

Fear gripped him as if he was loosing out on everything.

Paula appeared in his memory and he could imagine her cleaning her smoky counter and struggling with cough welling up in her throat.

As more as he got more confused about everything, the more he questioned himself, did he really stop loving her or he had only gotten so used to her and longed for Catarina because she was a new person and he enjoyed the excitement behind exploring?

Why did thinking of Paula always feel so challenging for him?

What if Paula walks in today? Will it affect his confusing decisions?

Why was it so easy to feel all of Paula's pain?

Was it because she was the only woman he had known so much?

His phone rang.

It was his personal assistant.

He connected it and was surprised at the chaotic atmosphere he could hear at the other end. "Hello Cole, what is happening?".

"Fire outbreak has consumed our company! Including our warehouses!".

Jeremiah's heart raced as he jumped to his feet, tears filling his eyes and finally understanding reality.

He was finished.


Juliet was calculating the new fish project sales for the month when someone knocked.

She told the person in without lifting her head from the table.

When she noticed that the person was too silent, she looked up and almost jumping to her feet, realized that it was Francis.

He smiling and holding a flower. He dropped the flower on her desk. "This is for the most hardworking woman in Bower Bound organization".

That was the least thing she expected from him.

Why was he awarding her for her own work?

She didn't trust him. "Why are you giving me flowers?".

He smirked and drew out a chair to sit. "What reason does it look like?".

Her heart raced, still wondering how he was still acting so mysterious. "Are you doing this because you still like me?". She said curiously.

He chuckled, making her feel more like a fool. "I gave flowers to every lady at the organization".

Anxious, she rushed out to check and realized that it was true.

She returned and stared fearfully at him. "What are you up to this time,Francis?".

He shrugged. "Nothing really. You are just the one convincing yourself over nothing". He rose to his feet and walked to the door.

Her heart raced after him and she wondered if she could tell him that she still loved him but dignity forced the urge down.

She watched him leave the office and admitted it that she still completely loved him and that was why she had been so overwhelmed about him sticking around.