Forming an exorcist organisation

The Grand Purchase refers to the formation of an organisation where each clan unites, similar to the establishment of the academy.

However, an exorcist organisation differs in that, once formed, all exorcists from each clan must leave their clans to become members of the association, with only the Grand Exorcist remaining.

As a result, no clan is eager to pursue a Grand Purchase. Yet, in this era of souls risimg in numbers, they find themselves with no other choice.


Two days later, nine people gathered in the meeting room: the three clan heads, the master, and the Grand Exorcists.

The head of the Seren Clan wore a black mask that obscured his face.

The room was spacious with a wide layout, and a long table, stretching about 10 feet across the center, where all nine were seated.

Souta, the head of the Shadokai Clan, dressed in a black hakama, was of similar age to the Kuroyami Clan head.

"With the rise in the number of souls, we must proceed with the Grand Purchase. We can't afford for new ranks to emerge. Show them the increase rate, Akiko," Shota commanded, addressing Akiko.

A projector screen was positioned on one side of the room, ready to display the critical data.

She stood up and approached the screen, holding a small remote in her hand. With a click, it powered on, displaying the statistics:

•Occurrence: 67% (Yesterday)

•Missing Reports Over the Month: 1,200 People (+7% each day)

•Locations: Tokyo, Shibuya, Kyoto, Osaka, Kobe, Sendai.

"That's actually high, but the..." L pondered for a moment before deciding to agree. The two of them glanced at Souta, awaiting his response.

He cleared his throat and placed a hand on the table.

"Since you've all agreed to this, and it's to safeguard the citizens, let's proceed."

Taro stood up, raising the tablet in his hand.

"Total funds saved: 30 billion Yen. Five billion will go towards building the headquarters, and seven billion a year for the salaries of the exorcists. The remaining funds will sponsor each mission, cover accommodations, vacation bonuses for the exorcists, and maintenance."

"I'm definitely looking forward to that vacation bonus," Taro thought.

The remaining eight stood up as Hiro, the Grand Exorcist of Shadokai, declared the final line. "It has been decided; we shall name the association Tenshi no Yōkai, meaning 'Angels of Exorcism.'

"The three clan heads shook hands with smiles, but this did not signify reconciliation; each clan remained poised to vie for dominance over the others.

As they exited the meeting room, chatting and laughing, rows of cars awaited outside—three for each clan.

"We shall see," Souta remarked.

They climbed into their cars, and the drivers pulled away, going in different directions back to their palaces.


Ryu and Yuki were inside the classroom with the others, waiting for Denji, who had yet to arrive. A few minutes later, he burst into the room, looking as if he had just won the lottery.

"Exciting announcement: An organisation has been formed earlier this morning! You want to know the best part? I now have a vacation bonus, and my salary has been increased!" Denji exclaimed.

"See ya! I have a clearing to do. You can go train or do something fun; the academy is large enough."

Just as Denji turned to leave, Ryu quickly halted him, rushing to catch up.

"Is there an open site? Can I follow you? I can clear out some souls, and we might come across a radiant one. I'm sure you can't take it on alone with other souls around, so you might need my help."

Denji sighed and accepted.

Ryu was right; he wouldn't be able to take down a radiant soul while dealing with others. As a senior exorcist, he needed backup. Plus, Denji would receive a bonus of 1,200,000 yen for taking down a radiant soul.

"Uhhm, can I tag along too?" Riku asked, raising his hand.

Denji sighed with frustration.

"Let's go. The rest of you can do something productive. I don't want to see anything destroyed by the time I get back," Denji said, heading out of the classroom with Riku and Ryu.

It took them approximately ten minutes to reach the academy's exit gate.

"Don't tell me there's no car taking us there. Is this for real, Sensei?" Ryu asked, scanning the area. He scuffed and shot an annoyed glance at Denji.

"Yeah, we're walking. It's a beautiful evening anyway. Just look at all those lovely people going about," Denji replied, starting to walk away. Riku instantly followed him.

Ryu reluctantly trailed behind.

As they walked, crowds passed by, and several hubs had already opened, filling the area with people. Denji strolled along with his hands in his pockets, dancing to unheard music, appearing crazy.

Passersby steered clear of him, while Ryu and Riku veered off in different directions, pretending not to know him.

Twenty minutes later, they arrived at an empty street lined with a few houses had their lights turned on. The street lamps twitched sporadically.

"Is that the site?" Riku asked, pointing ahead. Denji nodded and approached the large gate, kicking it open with a single powerful kick.The two of them joined him.

Denji halted in the middle of the school compound.

"I need to cast a field; there are too many souls here, and we don't want any escaping."

"This is a school; many negative emotions come from here," Ryu thought, folding his arms.

A field is like a barrier that contains and isolates the area from the outside. It takes a large amount of Ki to cast, and only a few skilled users can perform it effectively.

A field actively prevents any human or soul from leaving the area until it is lifted by the person who casted it.

Denji clapped his hands together.

Instantly, a blue energy began to flow down from him, radiating outward and spreading across the ground.

The energy expanded, enveloping the entire school, even rising up to the rooftops. Moments later, the whole school was covered in this ethereal blue light, but only those attuned to Ki or souls could perceive the field.

"Now let's proceed into the building. Make sure not to pee on yourself. Normally, you aren't supposed to be going on missions, but whatever, let's go," Denji said.

"How many souls, exactly, are we clearing?" Riku asked.

"Above six, for sure. So stay behind me,"