You are not allowed to see me naked!


It's extremely rare to see Yiren this flustered. And right now? This is one of those precious moments. She's staring at the bed like it's going to grow teeth and swallow her whole. Will I be that decent person who lets her off easy? Absolutely not. What was it she called me again? Ah yes, Satan in a suit.

"Why, Yiren? Afraid you won't be able to control yourself in front of my hotness?"

Her head snaps at me, eyes narrowing as she blinks herself out of her daze. Here it comes, I think, bracing myself for one of her signature sassy comebacks.

"Hotness? You?" she rolls her eyes, "Oh, Juju, I thrive on spicy food. You're just a mild sauce."

I raise my brows, clearly enjoying her attempt to brush me off. "Really? Mild, huh? Then why are you hesitating?" I point to the space on the bed, "This side will be mine. That side, yours. Simple."

"No. No. And no," she says firmly, crossing her arms and scowling.