I dare not open the red book as he holds out coffee for me. My eyes instinctively go to his ring finger—bare. Nothing on it.
"Are we… you and me? Last night…" I wet my lips, unsure. "Did we…"
Reaching into his pocket, he takes out a similar-looking red book and holds it out to me.
I set the cup down, ignoring Bear, who starts licking it immediately. My eyes ping-pong between the two red books. When I open the one Jun gave me, my suspicions are confirmed.
Husband and wife.
Signed by my family and Bear. Yup, there's a small paw print as well.
I'm a married woman now.
Mrs. Junjie.
"You made me drunk last night to marry me."
"I did." Jun joins me on the floor, reaching for the nightstand drawer. He spreads a stash of papers in front of me. "Listen to me before you butcher me."
"I'm listening."