Chapter 30 - Running and Connection

The Run

A few days after a warm lunch with the Jenner-Kardashian family, Gustavo Almeida prepares for his morning running routine. He puts on his running gear and is about to leave the house when he sees Kendall Jenner, who is also getting ready for a workout.

• Gustavo: "Good morning, Kendall! I see you're going for a run too. How about we run together today?"

• Kendall: "Good morning, Gustavo! I'd love to. Shall we?"

During the Run

As they run, the conversation flows naturally. They both discover that they share many similar interests and experiences. Gustavo talks about his passion for sports and fitness training, while Kendall shares her experiences with running and a healthy lifestyle.

• Gustavo: "I've always liked to stay in shape. The missions required it, and I ended up developing a taste for running."

• Kendall: "I understand it well. Running is a great way to stay healthy and also helps me relax. It's great to have someone to run with."

The run is filled with smiles and laughter, and the connection between them becomes more and more evident. They discuss a variety of topics, from personal experiences to common interests.

Starbucks Stop

After an invigorating run, they decide to take a break at the local Starbucks. They sit down at a table, order drinks and some snacks, and continue their lively conversation.

• Kendall: "So, Gustavo, you talked about your past missions. It must have been a very intense life."

• Gustavo: "Yes, it was. But it was also rewarding. Each mission was a new opportunity to learn and grow. And for you, what is life like in the world of fashion and entertainment?"

• Kendall: "It's exciting, but also challenging. It's nice to have moments like this where I can disconnect and just enjoy time with new friends."

As they talk, the relaxed atmosphere and warmth of laughter create a genuine connection. Kendall appreciates the openness and authenticity of Gustavo, and Gustavo feels at ease with Kendall's lightheartedness and friendliness.

Back Home

After finishing their drinks and snacks, they decide to run back to their homes. The journey back is marked by more conversation and laughter, with a growing sense of camaraderie between them.

• Gustavo: "It was great running with you, Kendall. I felt like time flew by."

• Kendall: "I really enjoyed it too. It was a great way to start the day. Are we going to do it again soon?"

• Gustavo: "Absolutely. I'll be looking forward to it."


Upon arriving at their respective homes, Gustavo and Kendall say goodbye with a smile and a friendly hug.

• Kendall: "See you later, Gustavo. And don't forget to let me know when you want to run again."

• Gustavo: "You're welcome, Kendall. See you soon!"