Chapter 45 - Admiration for Gustavo's Achievements

As dinner draws to a close, Gustavo bids everyone farewell with a warm smile and a natural firmness that impresses the group. He thanks them for the invitation, promising that they will meet again soon. Kendall accompanies him to the door, exchanging a brief glance and a smile that says more than words. After a quick wave, Gustavo leaves, leaving the restaurant, and the conversation soon turns to him.

As soon as he leaves, Kendall's friends waste no time in expressing their opinions. Bella, still in awe, comments:

"Man, he's unbelievable! The way he talks about what he's been through and the places he's visited... it's like an action movie, but with a real person. He's super humble, despite everything."

Hailey agrees, leaning closer to Kendall:

"And he's so down to earth! Most guys I know with that kind of background would love to brag, but he's super reserved." That's impressive.

Gigi, with a thoughtful expression, adds:

— Plus, his life is fascinating. Imagine everything he's done, from missions to training around the world. You can see that he's someone you can trust with anything, whether personal or professional.

Kendall, who had been listening to the comments until then, smiles as everyone talks. She feels proud of Gustavo and grateful that her friends have noticed the qualities she already saw in him.

—He is, indeed, very special — Kendall begins, reflecting on the skydiving they did together. — That jump was an incredible experience for me, but just imagine how many times he's done it? And yet, he made it seem as unique as my first time. It shows how much he cares about other people's experiences too. —

Fai, fascinated, adds:

— That's something rare. Not only has he been a part of incredible things, but he shares it in a way that makes others feel a part of it. He's definitely someone to admire. And seriously, he must have skydived a million times, and you were still the first thing on his mind when he thought about doing it again. That's so sweet!

Justin, who had been quieter until then, comments thoughtfully:

— What I find most interesting is the respect he has for his past, but at the same time, he doesn't let it define who he is now. It's like he's found a way to balance everything.

Kendall agrees, adding:

— Yes, and that's one of the things I admire most about him. He's lived a life that most people will never understand, but he makes it seem so normal. The fact that he's still Gustavo, the guy who runs with me every day and cares about the simplest things in life, says a lot about who he is.