Chapter 49 - The Shooting Range Class

The next day, Kendall, Gigi, Bella, Fai, Hailey and Justin arrived at the shooting range with anticipation and excitement. As they approached, they noticed that Gustavo was already practicing. The sounds of gunshots echoed, and when they looked at the target, they were impressed: all the shots were grouped in critical points — head and heart, evidencing Gustavo's impeccable precision.

Upon noticing the group's arrival, Gustavo, in a quick movement, safely placed the gun in the holster on his leg and walked towards them with a smile.

"Hey, guys! Are you excited for today?" he asked, greeting each one.

"Very excited!" Kendall replied, enthusiastically, while the others agreed with expressions of excitement.

Gustavo began the theoretical explanation, emphasizing firearm safety. He introduced different types of weapons, from pistols to rifles and precision weapons, explaining how they work, the correct posture for shooting, and what each person should keep in mind when handling weapons.

— Control and respect for the weapon are the most important things. It's not about strength, it's about technique and focus. — Gustavo emphasized as he showed how to properly hold a pistol.

After the theory, everyone was ready to practice. Gustavo guided each one individually, starting with pistols. He helped adjust Kendall's posture as she prepared for the first shot.

— Breathe deeply, concentrate, and when you're ready, press the trigger slowly — Gustavo instructed calmly.

Kendall's first shot hit the target, although a little off center. Gustavo praised her for her attempt, and soon it was Gigi, Hailey, Bella, Fai and Justin's turn to try.

— It's not as easy as it looks, but it's amazing! — Bella said, smiling as she shot.

As the day progressed, everyone had the opportunity to try out different types of weapons. Gustavo was patient with each one, adjusting their stances, correcting mistakes, and always giving tips for improvement. They also had the chance to shoot rifles and precision weapons, which generated more enthusiasm in the group. 

By the end of the day, Kendall's friends were exhausted, but extremely satisfied with what they had learned. Shooting weapons and understanding the technique behind each movement was a new and exciting experience for everyone. Gustavo ended the day with words of encouragement:

"You did a great job today. Always remember: mental control is essential, especially in high-pressure situations. Tomorrow, we will work on this more."

Before leaving, the group took a photo together at the range, holding the weapons they had used during training. Everyone was smiling, feeling accomplished and looking forward to the next day of training with Gustavo.

After thanking Gustavo for his patience and teachings, everyone said goodbye and agreed to meet again the next morning at Gustavo's house for the next phase of the training: learning how to stay calm in high-pressure situations.

"Tomorrow will be challenging, but I believe you will do it with ease. See you in the morning!" said Gustavo, saying goodbye to the group with a confident smile.

With the day's teachings absorbed, Kendall and his friends left eager for what was to come, certain that they were learning valuable skills and further strengthening their bonds with Gustavo.

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