Chapter 83-84-85

Chapter 83 - Media Reaction

The series Seal Team has officially announced that Gustavo has joined the cast as Bravo 7 and will be responsible for the choreography of the action scenes.

The Brazilian media has exploded with coverage of Gustavo's new achievement. Newspapers and news sites have highlighted the achievement as a source of national pride, highlighting Gustavo's impressive trajectory from his origins in Brazil to his rise in Hollywood. The media has highlighted Gustavo's importance to the authenticity of the series, praising his military experience and skills.

Interviews with Gustavo's former colleagues and special operations experts have been published, celebrating his skill and contribution to the series. Television shows and podcasts have also discussed the impact of his entry into the series and what it means for the representation of Brazilian military personnel on the international stage.

The news has spread globally, with international media showing great interest in Gustavo's entry into Seal Team. Entertainment magazines, TV series websites and movie blogs have all been featured in their articles, praising Gustavo for bringing a newfound authenticity to the role of Bravo 7.

International critics and fans have been raving about Gustavo's addition to the series, with many praising the casting for his hands-on experience and the positive impact it can have on the portrayal of special operations on television. The excitement is palpable among fans of the series and special operations enthusiasts.

The military and special operations community, including Gustavo's former colleagues and active members of the Special Forces, have expressed great enthusiasm for his new role in the series. Messages of support and congratulations have been sent to Gustavo through social media and specialized forums, highlighting the positive impact Gustavo can have in showcasing the true essence of special operations and inspiring the next generation.

Expectations are high for the upcoming episodes of the series, with many members of the military community eager to see how Gustavo contributes to the combat scenes and how his role as Bravo 7 develops. Confidence in the authenticity of the special operations representations in the series increases due to Gustavo's presence.

Chapter 84 - Flashback and Conversation with Kendall

The chapter opens with a flashback, showing Gustavo and Kendall Jenner on a quiet evening at Gustavo's house in Los Angeles. They are sitting in the living room, where the decor is modern and cozy. Gustavo, visibly excited, is talking to Kendall about his new conquest.


"Beautiful, you won't believe it! I just got the official confirmation. I'm joining the series Seal Team as Bravo 7 and I'll also be in charge of the choreography of the action scenes. It's an incredible chance to show the authenticity of special operations and make the scenes even more realistic!"


"Wow, this is amazing, honey! I always knew how talented and dedicated you are. I'm so happy for you. It's going to be fantastic to see you bring all this experience to the series." Gustavo:

"I'm already thinking about a lot of ideas to make the combat scenes more authentic. I want to make sure every detail is perfect, from the tactics to the way the characters move and react. This is a unique opportunity to really make a difference in the way special operations are portrayed on TV."


"You're going to rock it, I'm sure. And I couldn't be more proud of you. I love you so much, and I know you're going to do an amazing job."


"I love you too. Having your support means the world to me. I'm so happy we got to share these moments and have you by my side. It just makes it all the more special."


"And you know, I'm already planning a lot of things for later. I want to take you to some of the locations where we're going to film and maybe even bring you to one of the sets. It's going to be amazing to have you around and show you everything I'm working on."


"That sounds perfect! I can't wait to see it all up close and support you every step of the way. Let's make this journey unforgettable."

Chapter 85 - Gustavo in Action as Bravo 7

The chapter begins on the set of Seal Team, where Gustavo is in the middle of the action as Bravo 7. The crew is filming a complex scene involving a CQB (Close Quarters Battle) operation in a confined environment.


Gustavo, dressed in the Bravo 7 uniform, demonstrates impressive precision in his entrances and movements during the scenes. He coordinates his movements with his fellow cast members, demonstrating not only acting skills but also a deep knowledge of combat tactics and techniques.

The directors and production team watch in awe as Gustavo executes the scene. They note the authenticity and fluidity with which he performs the maneuvers, which raises the bar for the action scenes in the series.


"Gustavo, you really brought a new level of realism to this scene. The techniques and precision are exactly what we were looking for."

Tyler Gray:

"It's amazing to see how you integrate your real-life special operations experience into your acting. It's taking the show to the next level."

Lead Actor, who plays Jason Hayes:

"I've learned so much from you, Gustavo. Your tips and corrections have made a huge difference in how we approach our scenes."


In addition to acting, Gustavo also helps his castmates perfect their techniques. He makes adjustments to entrances, positions, and movements to ensure everything feels authentic and effective.


Cast members appreciate Gustavo's guidance, which includes subtle corrections and valuable advice on how to move and act in confined environments. They mention how valuable his input is and how it improves the overall quality of the show.

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