Chapter 89-90-91

Chapter 89 - Set Tour

Gustavo arrives at the set with Kendall and his family. Everyone is excited to see the environment and the cast.


"Welcome to the set! I'm happy to show you how everything happens here."

Gustavo introduces Kendall and his family to all the cast members.


"Everyone, this is Kendall and his family. Kendall, this is the cast I'm working with."

Cast (in unison):

"Hello, it's a pleasure to meet you!"

Kendall (smiling):

"Thank you! We're so excited to be here."

Gustavo gives Kendall and his family a tour of the set, showing them the different equipment and props used in the shoot.


"Here are the weapons and equipment we use to make the scenes as realistic as possible. This is the CQB (Close Quarters Battle) equipment, and here is the arsenal for the combat scenes."

Kendall's Niece (curious):

"Wow, this looks so real!"


"It's all done to look as authentic as possible."

Gustavo shows how he trains the cast for the scenes, detailing combat techniques and movement.


"Let's start with the basic CQB techniques. First, we need to make sure every move is precise and synchronized."

Kendall's Family (watching intently):

"He's really amazing. We've never seen anything like this before."

Kendall's family watches intently as Gustavo trains the cast, impressed by his technique and dedication.

After the training, Gustavo takes part in the filming of the scenes. His skill and precision are evident.

Kendall's Nephew (enthusiastic):

"Look, it's Uncle Gu in action! He's a real pro!"


"Yes, he really knows what he's doing."

After filming, Gustavo returns to Kendall and his family.


"I hope you enjoyed what you saw today. If you want, when I have more free time, I can teach you all some shooting techniques, fighting techniques, and how to analyze a high-pressure environment."


"That would be awesome! The whole family would love to learn from you."

Kendall's Niece:

"Yeah, that would be so cool! You're the best uncle!"

Gustavo (smiling):

"I'd love to teach you all. Let's plan it when I have some free time."

Kendall's family is thrilled with Gustavo's offer and can't wait to start training.

Kendall's Sister:

"We're all excited. It's going to be a fantastic experience."


"Then let's make it happen. I can't wait to show you some of the things I've learned over the years."

Chapter 90 - The Mission in Brazil

Gustavo is reviewing the script for the next episode of the series "Seal Team". He is visibly excited when he finds out that Bravo Team's mission will be in the tri-border area of ​​Brazil. Gustavo (reading from the script):

"This is amazing! The mission is going to be in the tri-border area of ​​Brazil! I can't wait to see it!"

Gustavo shares his excitement with the directors and mentions his experience and knowledge of operations in Brazil.

Lead Director:

"Gustavo, we know you have significant experience in Brazil. How do you think it would be best to represent a tri-border mission?"


"Well, being Brazilian and having worked with several special forces units in Brazil, I would say that any of the Brazilian special forces units could carry out the mission. However, for a US mission, the Brazilian forces would probably be busy with other operations."


"And which Brazilian unit would you recommend to work with Bravo in a scenario like this?"


"I would recommend the Federal Police COT. They are highly trained and experienced in tactical operations. I have worked with them on several occasions, and I can attest that they are professionals and incredibly capable operators."

The directors consider Gustavo's suggestion and decide to incorporate the Federal Police COT into the episode.

Head Director:

"Great suggestion, Gustavo. Let's do it. We want to make sure the representation is as authentic as possible."

The episode is taped with the Federal Police COT present, showing their work in collaboration with the Bravo team.

The Bravo team carries out a complex mission in the tri-border region, with the Federal Police COT working together, demonstrating tactical skills and collaboration.

Gustavo (watching the recording):

"The actors playing a COT team are doing very well. They are exactly what the mission needs."

The episode is broadcast, and the Federal Police COT's representation is widely praised. The media and critics recognize the Brazilian special forces as one of the best in the world.

TV review:

"The inclusion of the Federal Police COT in today's episode was a great success. The authenticity and accuracy of the representation highlights the excellence of the Brazilian special forces."

Lead Director (to Gustavo):

"Gustavo, your recommendation was essential. The episode is brilliant, and the collaboration with COT really made a difference."


"I'm glad you enjoyed it. COT is truly amazing, and it's great to see them get the recognition they deserve."

Chapter 91 - Recognition

The episode that shows the Federal Police's COT in action in the international series "Seal Team" is being broadcast in Brazil, and the public is ecstatic with the positive representation of the Brazilian forces.

Comment from a Brazilian Journalist:

"It was exciting to see the COT being highlighted as one of the best special forces in the world. The episode was an excellent showcase for the competence and professionalism of these units."

Comment on Social Media (Brazilian User):

"Impressive how the COT was portrayed in the series! Proud to see our Brazilian heroes gaining international recognition. 💪🇧🇷"

Comment on Social Media (Brazilian User):

"The COT action scene in the series 'Seal Team' was breathtaking. It's incredible to see Brazil being represented in this way. #NationalOrigin"

The Brazilian media widely covered the episode, highlighting the positive impact of the COT's representation.

Newspaper Article:

"Yesterday's episode of the series 'Seal Team' not only showcased the skill of Brazilian operators, but also put the Federal Police's COT on the international radar. The authenticity and professionalism demonstrated are a testament to the excellence of our special forces."

Interview with Military Analyst:

"The recognition that the COT is receiving is more than deserved. They are true professionals, and their representation in the series only confirms what we already knew about the quality of Brazilian special forces."

International coverage also praises the COT's representation, with an emphasis on the quality of Brazilian troops.

Comment from International Critic:

"The inclusion of the Federal Police's COT in 'Seal Team' brought a new dimension to the series. The attention to detail and the way in which the Brazilian operators were represented are noteworthy. They are, without a doubt, one of the best in the world."

Comment on Social Media (International User):

"I was impressed with the COT's skill and professionalism in the series. I had never heard of them before, but now I have great respect for the Brazilian forces. #TopOperators"

The military community, both in Brazil and abroad, expresses its pride and admiration for the representation.

Comment from Brazilian Military:

"It is great to see our operators being recognized in this way. The Federal Police COT really stood out and proved, once again, that we have some of the best special forces in the world."

Comment from International Military:

"Watching the COT in action was a reminder that Brazilian special forces are extremely capable. This representation is a testament to the exceptional quality and training they possess."

Gustavo (in an interview):

"I am extremely happy that the COT representation was well received. They are true professionals and deserve all the recognition they are receiving."

Lead Director:

"The feedback we have received is very positive. The inclusion of the COT not only enriched the episode, but also highlighted the excellence of Brazilian special forces on the international stage."

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