Chapter 135-136-137

Chapter 135 – The Proposal

Gustavo is in the final stages of preparing for the big proposal. He coordinates the details with his family, making sure everything is perfect. The venue is decorated to perfection, with candles, flowers, and an elegantly set table for dinner. The atmosphere is one of excitement and nervousness as he prepares to surprise Kendall.

Gustavo's family and Kendall's family arrive at the venue for dinner. Everyone is excited and anxious, believing it to be a general celebration of the new things in the lives of the two couples.

João: "Everything looks amazing, Gustavo. You did a wonderful job."

Leila: "We are all so happy to be here. Kendall is going to love it."

Kris: "It's a night to celebrate. I can't wait to see her reaction."

The guests are greeted with smiles and hugs. Kendall looks stunning, but has no idea what's coming. She behaves normally, chatting and laughing with everyone, believing it to be just a festive dinner.

During dinner, the conversation flows and everyone has a good time. Gustavo gives a speech about how wonderful it is to have everyone together and celebrates the importance of the people present in their lives.

Gustavo: "I'm so happy to have everyone here. This is a special night for us and I wanted everyone to be there to celebrate."

As dinner is coming to a close, Kendall gets up to go to the bathroom. Taking advantage of the moment, Gustavo's family and Kendall's family discreetly prepare to film the surprise.

Kendall comes back from the bathroom and sits at the table. Gustavo stands up, asks for everyone's attention and begins to speak with emotion.

Gustavo: "Kendall, since I met you, you have brought incredible light into my life. You are my soulmate, my best friend, and the person I want to spend the rest of my life with."

He kneels on the floor in front of Kendall and removes the engagement ring from the box. The scene is filled with emotion, with tears beginning to stream down Kendall's face.

Gustavo: "Will you marry me?"

Kendall, visibly moved, smiles through her tears and says:

Kendall: "Yes! Of course!"

Gustavo puts the ring on Kendall's finger and they hug and kiss. The room erupts in applause and congratulations. The families come forward to congratulate the couple.

João: "Congratulations, my children! We are so happy for you."

Leila: "It was a beautiful proposal. We can't wait to see your future together."

Kris: "We are thrilled to be a part of this moment. It's a night to remember."

The atmosphere is one of pure joy and celebration. Dinner continues with lots of music, laughter and congratulations. Gustavo and Kendall share dances and special moments with their families, marking the beginning of a new chapter in their lives together.

Chapter 136 – Kendall's POV

Kendall comes back from the bathroom and immediately notices the different atmosphere in the room. Gustavo's family and Kendall's are silent, their eyes fixed on Gustavo, who is on his knees with a small ring box open in front of him. The atmosphere is charged with expectation and emotion. Kendall feels her heart race as she realizes what is about to happen.

Kendall (thinking): "What's going on? Why is everyone looking at her like that?"

She approaches the table, trying to understand the situation, when Gustavo stands up and begins to speak in a voice that overflows with emotion.

Gustavo talks about how special Kendall is to him, mentioning how she brought light and happiness to his life. Kendall, touched by the words and seeing the ring shining under the light, feels tears streaming down her face. She hears Gustavo ask for her hand in marriage and, upon seeing his loving and sincere look, her emotion becomes overwhelming.

Kendall (thinking): "It's real. He's really asking to spend the rest of his life with me."

When Gustavo asks if she'll marry him, Kendall can't contain her joy. She shakes her head, with tears of happiness, and answers:

Kendall: "Yes! Of course!"

Gustavo places the ring on Kendall's finger and hugs her tightly. They share a passionate kiss, while the families around them applaud and celebrate. After the surprise, Kendall and Gustavo step away from the commotion for a moment to talk alone. Kendall is still emotional, with the ring shining on her finger.

Kendall: "I can't believe this is happening. It was the most beautiful proposal I could ever imagine."

Gustavo: "I wanted it to be perfect for you. I'm so happy you said yes."

Kendall smiles and, with a sparkle in her eyes, suggests:

Kendall: "We should share this on social media. Our friends and followers will love to hear this news."

Gustavo: "I agree. Let's do it. It's a special moment and we want everyone to know."

Kendall and Gustavo take a photo together, with Kendall showing off her engagement ring. The caption of the post is warm and full of love, reflecting the joy of the moment.

Caption: "With immense joy, we announce our engagement! Gustavo proposed to me and I said yes. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life by your side. 💍❤️"

As soon as the post goes live, the reaction on social media is instant and exuberant. Fans, friends and celebrities comment and share the news, flooding the post with messages of congratulations and good wishes.

Comment from a fan: "Congratulations to the couple! What a beautiful love story! 😍"

The media also covers the engagement, with news and articles highlighting the event and congratulating the couple. Social media continues to vibrate with the news, reflecting the enthusiasm and joy that the occasion brought to everyone around.

As the celebration continues, Kendall and Gustavo feel grateful and blessed to have each other and to be able to share this moment with the people they love. They embrace and talk about the future, excited for the next steps in their lives together.

Kendall: "I can't wait to start this new phase with you. We already have so many plans for the future."

Gustavo: "I'm excited too. Let's enjoy every moment and make each day a new adventure together."

The evening ends with the couple and their families celebrating their love and the new beginning that lies ahead.

Chapter 137 – The Wedding and the NBA Game

Gustavo and Kendall are sitting on the couch at home, relaxing after their exciting engagement night. They talk about their next steps and decide that they would rather postpone the wedding for a few months. They want to enjoy every moment of their engagement and plan their wedding calmly.

Gustavo: "I'm so happy with everything that happened. I want us to enjoy every moment of this engagement and plan everything our way."

Kendall: "Me too. And I think postponing the wedding is a great idea. That way we'll have more time to enjoy and organize everything the way we want."

Gustavo smiles and, with a sparkle of excitement in his eyes, decides to reveal a surprise to Kendall.

Gustavo gets up and goes to a drawer, from where he takes out two tickets. He sits back down next to Kendall and, with a smile, hands her the tickets.

Gustavo: "I have a surprise for you. I bought front row seats for the Warriors vs. Lakers game. It's going to be a great game, with LeBron James against Stephen Curry!"

Kendall is visibly excited when she sees the tickets and realizes how much Gustavo thought of her when choosing the surprise.

Kendall: "Seriously? This is amazing! You know how much I love the NBA and these are the best seats possible. I can't wait!"

Over the next few days, Kendall and Gustavo prepare for the game. They buy team-themed apparel and get caught up in the anticipation of the event. Anticipation is high, and they are both eager to see their favorite players in action.

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