A thought drifts through her mind like the softness of a new day. Words unspoken reach into the depths of every corner of her mind as she tries to identify the realm. The perception of success t that she has spent her life chasing. Moments and experiences sacrificed to pursue the dreams of wealth and affluence.Running her hands across the marble columns of her home her eyes falls to the glittering designs. The gold streaking through the black marble shines like endless stars in the night sky. Her steps echo in the empty foyer as she feels the weight of the world, of the choices she pursued. She felt the words of her friends as they spoke of her lack of time and focus.They didn't share her dreams and so they would never understand. They didn't know the need to be more, to be more than she was born to be. They didn't understand the desire to step behind the mirrors to experience the exponential growth. To reach the level of fame and desires, to know how dearly she deserves her dreams.