Transformation into a Swordmaster

"Those who wish to leave may do so now. Those who remain, head to the back courtyard, change into the Constable uniform, and join me at the city gate!" Wu Tou's voice rang out, commanding the attention of the assembled men.

The hulking warrior carrying the meteor hammer stepped forward without hesitation. "I didn't come here to back down from a challenge! I'm with the City Constable's Office!"

His decisive action seemed to break the tension. One after another, the men followed him towards the back courtyard, leaving only four or five individuals behind.

Magistrate Li Nantian had ruled Qingyuan with an iron fist. Many of the men harbored doubts about Su Hao's ability to seize control, especially with the Magistrate still at large. They chose the safer path, slipping out of the courtyard with heavy hearts.

Wu Tou watched them go, shaking his head. A warrior without courage was no warrior at all. They might as well trade their swords for plows.

Moments later, the men returned, clad in the black uniforms of the City Constable's Office, a newfound determination etched on their faces.

"Move out!" Wu Tou barked the order, leading the newly minted constables towards the city gate.

Unbeknownst to them, a lone figure slipped out of the City Constable's Office, heading towards the County Magistrate's residence with urgent news.

At the County Magistrate's residence, an eerie silence hung in the air. Three corpses, shrouded in white sheets, lay in the main hall, their lifeless forms a stark reminder of the previous night's bloodshed.

Magistrate Li Nantian stood before them, his back ramrod straight, his face betraying no emotion.

Lin Meng and Wu Xun stood behind him, their eyes darting nervously between the corpses and the closed doors of the drawing-room. Inside, a middle-aged man in a light blue robe sat with his eyes closed, a long saber resting across his lap. He seemed oblivious to the tension that gripped the room.

"Why is he here?" Lin Meng whispered to Wu Xun.

"How am I supposed to know? I arrived with you. I assume the Magistrate summoned him."

They had been summoned by Li Nantian early that morning, but upon their arrival, he had remained tight-lipped, simply staring at the shrouded bodies. The presence of the swordsman in the drawing-room only added to their unease.

The swordsman was Jiang Xiong, better known as One-Blade Jiang, the most formidable martial artist in Qingyuan County. His cultivation had reached the Third Stage of the Earth Realm, making him a force to be reckoned with.

"Reporting!" A constable rushed into the hall, dropping to one knee. "My lord, Su Hao's men are on their way to the city gate! Only Su Hao remains at the City Constable's Office!"

Li Nantian turned towards the drawing-room. "It seems it's our turn, Brother Jiang."

The swordsman opened his eyes, a cold light glinting within.

"Li Nantian, consider this repayment for the debt I owe you. Once this is done, our accounts are settled. I'm leaving Qingyuan."

His words did little to reassure Lin Meng and Wu Xun. They exchanged worried glances. To them, Jiang Xiong's presence reeked of desperation. He was here to kill, and they had a sinking feeling they were about to witness a bloodbath.

"Very well," Li Nantian agreed, though his tone suggested indifference towards Jiang Xiong's fate. In truth, he cared little whether the swordsman lived or died. A dead man had no need for favors.

"Take those corpses to the City Constable's Office," he commanded, gesturing towards the bodies.

"As you command." Lin Meng and Wu Xun bowed and directed the servants to load the bodies onto a waiting cart.

"Let's go." Li Nantian strode out of the hall, his entourage following closely behind.

It didn't take long for them to arrive at the City Constable's Office.

A lone constable guarding the entrance spotted them and paled. He turned to run, but a figure blurred past him, a flash of steel catching the sunlight. The constable crumpled to the ground, a thin line of blood appearing on his neck.

Lin Meng and Wu Xun stared in horror as One-Blade Jiang wiped his blade clean on the fallen man's tunic. Killing a man in broad daylight… this was madness!

"What are you waiting for? Get those bodies inside," Li Nantian snapped.

"Y-yes, sir!"

Lin Meng and Wu Xun swallowed their apprehension and motioned for the servants to proceed.

With the courtyard deserted, they encountered little resistance as they made their way towards Su Hao's chambers. One-Blade Jiang, however, cut down another constable who happened to be in the corridor, silencing his potential alarm before it could be raised.

Inside his chambers, Su Hao examined a sword presented to him by Liu Bin. Acquiring the Onikiri and Ubadachi skills had ignited a desire for a blade worthy of his newfound abilities. He'd tasked Liu Bin with bringing him a selection from the armory.

His senses tingled. He sensed a presence, hostile and cold, approaching his chambers.

Li Nantian strode into the room, his entourage flanking him.

Liu Bin gasped. "Chief Constable, it's… it's the Magistrate!"

Su Hao set the sword down, his gaze fixed on the intruders. "To what do I owe the displeasure of this unannounced visit, Magistrate?"

"Take a good look at these, Su Hao," Li Nantian commanded, his voice laced with ice.

Lin Meng and Wu Xun moved with practiced ease, pulling back the sheets to reveal the bloodless corpses.

Su Hao's expression remained unchanged. He glanced at the bodies, then back at Li Nantian. "Are you asking the City Constable's Office to investigate these murders?"

He knew exactly who was behind these deaths. He knew Li Nantian was Dugu Fan, the Blood Demon. But he couldn't reveal his hand just yet. He needed to know what game Li Nantian was playing.

"Since your arrival in Qingyuan, we've had two incidents involving the Blood Demon," Li Nantian said, his voice cold and accusing. "I believe you are harboring this fiend!"

A humorless laugh escaped Su Hao's lips. "Is this a joke, Magistrate? Or are you simply trying to frame me?"

"Enough talk, Li Nantian! Let me silence him with my blade!" One-Blade Jiang snarled, his hand hovering over the hilt of his saber. He had no patience for these games. Li Nantian had been clear about their objective: kill Su Hao.

"Chief Constable, be careful! That's One-Blade Jiang, the most skilled swordsman in Qingyuan. He's a Third Stage Earth Realm expert!" Liu Bin whispered urgently.

His warning was cut short by a scream from the courtyard. A panicked constable burst into the room. "Murder! He's killing everyone!"

A blur of motion, and One-Blade Jiang was upon him, his saber flashing.

Su Hao's eyes narrowed. To kill so brazenly in his presence… this was a challenge, a blatant disrespect for his authority.

Gripping the sword tightly, he launched himself at One-Blade Jiang, his movements blurring with speed.

One-Blade Jiang sneered, turning to meet the attack head-on. His blade sang, a wave of Qi slicing through the air, aiming to cleave Su Hao in two.

Facing the deadly attack, Su Hao's mind snapped into focus. He called upon the Onikiri and Ubadachi technique, the Yanagi.

In the blink of an eye, he vanished from sight, reappearing in front of One-Blade Jiang, his own blade a silver streak against the blue sky. The air crackled with energy as he unleashed a lightning-fast upward slash.

One-Blade Jiang's attack met empty air, his eyes widening in disbelief as he found himself facing a killing blow he couldn't dodge. Su Hao had moved with a speed he couldn't comprehend.

A soft thud, and a thin line of red appeared on One-Blade Jiang's forehead, rapidly widening as blood gushed forth. His eyes stared at Su Hao, a mixture of shock and disbelief frozen in their depths.

He had fallen with a single blow.