Not who we expected


3rd pov

The group had been walking for around four hours when a large mass appeared taking up the whole horizon.

It was the forest, now all the group had to do was find the meeting spot that was specified in the note.


Tiah's pov

After who knows how long we made it to the edge of the forest the sun had just started to rise and we were all exhausted.

"Let's hope this clearing isn't too far away" Mae mumbled from behind me, we all responded with some kind of noise of acknowledgment and continued our march into the forest.


We marched all through the day again and into the night, we were about to give up when we stumbled into a large clearing there was silence the trees curved around the clearing like someone had commanded them to grow around this spot, no a single branch or leaf was growing into the clearing and the only way to leave without getting scratches all over you was back the way we came.

"Where did the exit go"

Sebastian mumbled


"shhhhhh someones watching us"

Kailey mumbled, we all silently agreed.

We stood frozen to the spot, then I remembered something, the note, moving slowly. I pulled it out of my pocket and walked forward to the edge of the clearing before holding it up.

Within a matter of seconds, a hand slowly emerged from one of the trees, the person's body was hidden in the leaves. Slowly creeping forward, I placed the note carefully in the hand and stepped back. The hand retracted back into the tree and quiet almost inaudible whispers followed, suddenly with zero warning a boy jumped down from the tree, he was wearing ripped jeans that were an earthy brown with a sweatshirt that was so dark you could hardly tell it was green. In his hand, he held a long spear that was sharpened to a razor-sharp point and was decorated with intricate swirls and pieces of twine that tied feathers onto the spear. His hair had been dyed blue at the top and he had a rather heavy-looking backpack hanging from his right arm. But by far the most surprising thing about him was that he looked younger than us, not by much maybe only a year or two but the last time someone escaped was three years ago.

These kids escaped much younger than we did, and that brought up another question: how old was Kellen? I pulled myself out of my thoughts just in time to hear the boy speak "we were unsure if you were going to be wearing the right clothes for the journey and sure enough you were not so someone has been sent ahead to prepare a change of clothes for you, I will set up the tents and take watch as you rest" after plopping down the backpack he pulled out four tents and set them up in little over half an hour.

"This tent is mine and it will hold our supply's you may rest now"

Walking into the tent with the other girls I was amazed the tent had multiple pillows and blankets making it look like the thing was one big bed, the entire thing was dimly lit by a string of very small lights that hung around the top of the tent.

There was something else about the tent it was so different from the district that I had a sense of security from it, there were no suffocating white walls no guards following you around no sentinels glaring down at you from the tops of buildings, training their guns on you as if you had already done something wrong. It felt safe even if I was in the middle of a forest with unknown creatures.