Chapter 1: "I'm doomed"

As Kim Eun-Ji opened her eyes, the sweet smell of lavender floated in the air while her head was totally befogged. She saw an unfamiliar ceiling above her head, from there to every corner, intricate gold accents and pale pastel shades. Turning her head revealed the lavish decoration: from the large canopy bed draped in silken curtains to the vanity table made of a rare type of mahogany, to the velvet drapes hung across the tall windows.

"Where... am I?" she whispered to herself, her voice groggy. She sat up more slowly, her body strange and light, with a stiffness in the movements. This wasn't her little apartment that always felt a little cramped. Everything here appeared to be out of some kind of luxury fantasy novel.

She looked down at her hands, small and delicate, and suddenly, a wave of panic welled in her chest. These. these weren't her hands. This body she was in felt entirely too different: small, soft, and nothing like the one she was used to. Her breath caught at her throat.

"What the...?" Her mind raced. "Did I transmigrate?!"

Eun-Ji's otaku brain booted; her panic momentarily overcome by the surge of excitement. How could this be? The tropes she had read for years in web novels, anime, and games-actually happened to her! She really transmigrated to the other world!

But... which world?

"Okay, okay, calm down," she muttered to herself, clutching her chest to steady her racing heart. "I just need to figure out where I am. Is this a novel? A game? Oh, maybe it's like Villainess Chronicles! Or one of those noble romance games where you become the lady of the house. But first, I need a mirror!"

Just as Eun-Ji was about to leap out of bed and investigate, the door to the room burst open. Three maids, their faces flustered and panicked, rushed inside. Before she could even react, the first maid spoke breathlessly, "Milady! We must hurry! You're late for your preparations!"

"Preparations? For what?" Eun-Ji tried to ask, but her words were drowned out by the maids swarming her, pulling her out of bed with alarming efficiency.

"Bath first!" shouted the eldest maid, her voice sharp and commanding.

"Wait, what—!?" Eun-Ji protested, but her words fell on deaf ears as the maids dragged her toward a massive, opulent bathroom. They worked quickly, undressing her without hesitation and plunging her into a bath filled with rose petals and warm water.

This was all happening way too fast. The maids scrubbed her, talking amongst themselves about how much time they had left, while Eun-Ji sat there, utterly bewildered. Her mind raced to process everything. She tried to speak, but every time she opened her mouth, one of the maids shushed her and told her to sit still.

Once she was thoroughly cleaned, the maids dried her off with fluffy towels, their hands moving at lightning speed as they dressed her in a gown that felt far too expensive to touch, let alone wear. She barely had time to breathe before they began styling her hair, pulling and twisting it into an elaborate updo.

"Almost ready!" the youngest maid chirped, a hint of relief in her voice.

Eun-Ji was still trying to wrap her head around the whole situation. This couldn't be real. Yet, the sensation of the warm bath, the tug of the hairpins, the weight of the dress—it all felt incredibly real. Her excitement was quickly being replaced by nervousness. She needed answers, but before she could think of anything to say, the eldest maid grabbed her by the arm and led her out of the room.

They hurried down the hallways of what Eun-Ji could only describe as a grand mansion. Marble floors, high ceilings, and expensive decor greeted her eyes at every turn. She was practically being dragged along, her confusion only growing with each step.

"W-wait, where are we going?" she stammered, but the maid only gave her a polite but firm smile.

"You mustn't be late for breakfast with the master and mistress," she replied, not slowing her pace.

Breakfast? With who?

Before she could think too hard about it, they entered a luxurious dining room. At the head of the table sat a man with a stern face, his sharp features framed by dark, slicked-back hair. He looked every bit the noble patriarch. Beside him, on his left, was an equally elegant woman, her beauty undeniable, with flowing golden hair and a soft, serene expression. On the right sat a young boy, maybe ten or eleven years old, who was practically a miniature version of the man at the head of the table.

The maid nudged Eun-Ji forward. "Milady, please greet your family."

Family?! Eun-Ji blinked, panic bubbling up inside her. She didn't know what to say, but the maid's insistent nudge prompted her to curtsy, mimicking what she'd seen in countless period dramas. "G-good morning," she stammered shyly.

The man at the head of the table gave her a curt nod. "Sit."

Eun-Ji's mind reeled as she obeyed, sitting down beside the elegant woman.

Before she could fully comprehend the situation, the maid brought out the breakfast, a lavish spread of pastries, eggs, fresh fruits, and various dishes she couldn't even name. The aroma was intoxicating, but Eun-Ji's nerves wouldn't let her enjoy it.

As they ate, Eun-Ji was internally thanking her deceased mother on Earth for forcing her to attend etiquette classes. Those long, boring lessons were the only reason she knew how to properly eat in front of these aristocratic people.

After the meal, the man turned to the young boy and began asking him mathematics questions. The boy answered them flawlessly, making Eun-Ji even more confused. Who was this child?

The woman next to her, gave her a warm smile then put her hand on her shoulder. "Selene, dear, are you excited about your awakening today?

"I... um, yes, of course," she replied, trying to sound composed, but then her heart stopped.

Wait. Selene? Did she just call me Selene. As in Selene Ravencroft? That Selene? And awakening? Her mind froze. She had heard this before and she now know what is going to happen next.

The man nodded approvingly. "I hope you inherit a powerful mage class like me, or perhaps a priestess class like your mother."

Her stomach dropped. This was bad. Very, very bad.

As they rose from the table, the woman took Eun-Ji's arm, guiding her toward the door. She barely registered the carriage waiting for them outside, or the fact that they were pulling her into it. All she could do was stare ahead with wide eyes, muttering under her breath.

"I'm doomed."