chapter 9

As Tonia stepped out of her mother's ward, she felt a sense of relief wash over her. The hospital room was stifling, filled with the beeping of machines and the antiseptic smell of disinfectant. She needed some fresh air, some space to clear her head.

She walked down the corridor, her feet echoing off the linoleum floor. She passed by rooms filled with patients, some sleeping, others watching TV or chatting with visitors. Tonia felt a pang of guilt, knowing her mother was lying in bed, recovering from her illness.

But Tonia needed this break. She needed to think, to process everything that had happened. Her marriage to Liam, her job as a cleaner, her mother's illness... it was all too much.

As she pushed open the door to the outside, Tonia was hit with a wave of warm air. She took a deep breath, feeling the sun's rays on her skin. She walked across the parking lot, finding a quiet spot under a tree.

Tonia sat down on a bench, running her hands through her hair. She thought about her job, about how she was a minor employee, a cleaner. She wondered why Liam didn't bother to ask her about her job, why he didn't seem to care.

Maybe he didn't want to know, Tonia thought. Maybe he was ashamed of what she did.

But Tonia wasn't ashamed. She was proud of her job, proud of the fact that she was independent, that she earned her own money.

And that's why she didn't want to stop working, not even for Liam. She needed her job, needed the sense of purpose it gave her.

But what about Liam? What would he say if he found out? Would he be angry, disappointed?

Tonia didn't know, and that's what scared her. She didn't know how he would react, didn't know if he would still want to be married to her.

So she kept her job a secret, hidden from Liam and the rest of the world. She kept her two worlds separate, her old life and her new one.

But as she sat there, under the tree, Tonia knew she couldn't keep up the charade forever. Eventually, Liam would find out, and she would have to face the consequences.


In Liam's exclusive penthouse office, with its sleek, modern design and breathtaking city view, Liam sat at his spacious desk, his chiseled features illuminated by the soft glow of his computer screen. His piercing blue eyes, framed by thick lashes, focused intently on the data in front of him, his sharp jawline, accentuated by a subtle stubble, seemed set in determination. His dark hair, perfectly messy, added to his effortless charm. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafted through the air, mingling with the scent of leather from his chair.

As he worked, his phone rang, breaking the silence. He raised an eyebrow, surprised by the interruption. He glanced at the caller ID and saw his grandfather's name. He hadn't expected a call from him, especially not during work hours. His grandfather, the patriarch of the family, rarely called him during the day, unless it was something important.

Liam set aside his computer and settled into his plush, leather chair, preparing for the conversation. He took a deep breath, his mind racing with possibilities. "Hello, Grandpa," he said, his deep voice warm and respectful.

"Liam, my boy, how are you doing, son?" his grandfather asked, his voice firm but concerned.

"I'm fine, Grandpa. How—" Liam began, but before he could finish, his grandfather cut in, his tone slightly stern.

"Liam, I received information that your wife, Tonia, visited her mother at the hospital alone. Why didn't you accompany her?" His grandfather's words were laced with a hint of disapproval.

Liam's eyes widened, caught off guard. He hadn't expected his grandfather to know about Tonia's hospital visit. He hesitated, unsure how to explain himself. Earlier, he had received a call from his staff at home, informing him that Tonia had left the house, but he hadn't given it much thought. Now, facing his grandfather's inquiry, he couldn't afford to seem neglectful or suspicious.

"Ah, Grandpa, the thing is..." Liam began, stalling for time, trying to come up with a plausible explanation. He leaned back in his chair, his mind racing with excuses, but none seemed convincing.

Liam's grandfather's stern voice echoed through the phone, cutting off Liam's attempt to explain. "You have no excuse, my boy. Now, leave whatever you're doing and go visit your mother-in-law, Liam. You're a married man now; act like one. Your wife is at the hospital and needs all the emotional support she can get. Don't be selfish; go make yourself available for her."

As his grandfather ended the call, Liam let out a sigh of relief, feeling a mix of emotions: guilt, frustration, and a hint of fear. He knew his grandfather was right; he had been selfish, prioritizing work over his wife's needs. But what his grandfather didn't know was that this marriage was a mere contract, a convenience so he don't disappoint his grandfather.

Liam's gaze drifted around his office, his eyes scanning the sleek, modern decor that reflected his polished, confident aura. But beneath the surface, he felt a growing sense of unease. He hadn't expected his grandfather to demand he visit Tonia's mother, especially since their marriage was a sham. The term "mother-in-law" felt foreign, a reminder of the obligations he had taken on.

As he stood up, his tall, athletic frame seemed to command attention, his broad shoulders squaring off with a sense of determination. His chiseled features, normally set in a confident smile, now seemed tense, his piercing blue eyes clouded with uncertainty. He rubbed his temples, trying to ward off the headache that was forming.

"Well, she doesn't have to know me," Liam thought to himself, trying to shake off the guilt. "The marriage will end soon anyway." But the words felt hollow, even to himself. He knew he had to make an appearance, if only to placate his grandfather.

With a sense of resignation, Liam called Roland to prepare the car, his deep voice firm and commanding. "I need to go to the hospital. Now."

Roland wondered about the sudden change in plans but didn't dare ask questions. His boss was supposed to work until 2 pm and then head out to review some work, but now he was leaving abruptly. Roland's curiosity was piqued, but he kept his thoughts to himself, focusing on preparing the car for Liam's unexpected trip to the hospital.