Princess Treatment Season 176 - Episode 740: "The End of the Honeymoon"

Prince Ryan tied the reins of his horse to a tree outside the royal stables, stretching his legs after the long ride back from his honeymoon with Princess Thea. As he helped his bride down from her saddle, the glowing smiles on their faces told of their blissful time away.

"It's good to be home," said Thea, taking Ryan's hand in hers. But as they walked toward the castle, the courtyard was unusually quiet. "Where is everyone?"

Ryan frowned. "I don't know. Father said there would be a celebration for our return."

Just then, they heard cheering and music from within the castle walls. Exchanging confused looks, Ryan led Thea through the arched entryway. What greeted them took their breath away.

Banners in the royal colors hung from every surface, decorated with flowers. Tables lined the yard, heavily laden with all manner of dishes. But it was the crowd of people that caught their eye - friends, family, subjects all gathered with smiles and outstretched arms.

"Surprise!" they shouted in unison.

King Maximillian stepped forward, beaming. "Welcome home, my children. We could not let your return pass without a feast!"

Ryan embraced his father, joy brimming in his heart. All around, well-wishers offered embraces and congratulations. All except one dark figure, watching from the shadows with a scowl. Prince Finn sneered as the celebration began, already hatching his next plan to ruin their happiness. But for now, the newlyweds chose to bask in the glow of love and community. Their bright future seemed assured - or so they thought. What storms may yet blow in?

After the celebrations had ended and the kingdom settled for the night, Prince Finn retreated to the dark towers of the abandoned west wing of the castle. There, in a dimly lit room filled with bubbling potions and strange artifacts, he paced back and forth brooding furiously.

"How could I let them slip through my fingers?" he muttered to himself. "That honeymoon should have been a disaster, but those fools are too lucky!"

Just then, a crackling voice spoke from the shadows. "Do not despair, young Prince. Luck can turn, with the help of magic more powerful than yours alone."

Stepping into the flamelight was a withered crone wrapped in tattered robes. Prince Damian, one of Finn's chief allies among the villains. At his side was the sinister enchantress Seraphine, her lips curled in a cruel smile.

"Our powers combined may yet ruin the happiness of Prince Ryan and his queen," she rasped. "But such magic comes at a price. Are you willing to pay, to see your enemies shattered?"

Finn met her cold gaze with frenzied eyes of his own. "Name your price, hag. I care not what I must sacrifice, so long as Thea and Ryan know agony!"

A dark pact was made that night, one that would have dire consequences for the entire kingdom. While the newlyweds slept safe in their castle, blissfully unaware, evil stirred in the shadows. Would any be able to stand against the storm that approached?

Although the festivities welcomed their return, Prince Ryan felt a growing unease in his heart. As he greeted well-wishers alongside Thea, he noticed Prince Finn sulking in the shadows, a dark scowl upon his face.

"My love, is all well?" whispered Thea, noticing Ryan's frown.

Before he could reply, King Maximillian called for the beginning of the feast. As platters of food were brought out and music struck up, Ryan tried to push away his worries and focus on Thea's smiling face beside him.

But across the hall, Prince Finn was hatching his next plan. Joined by his compatriots Damian and Alejandro, he whispered "Our time for revenge will come soon, mark my words. I will destroy the happiness of Ryan and his queen."

Unaware of the growing threat, the celebrations continued late into the night. But when Ryan retired to his chamber, he found strange writings upon the wall, scrawled in what looked like blood. The message chilled him to his core: "Your doom approaches, pretty prince. Say your farewells to your beloved..."

What new torments would Finn and his villainous allies unleash? And could Ryan protect Thea from the gathering storm of dark magic and malice? The kingdom was in for troubled times ahead...

Prince Ryan and Princess Thea return to the kingdom in their royal carriage, smiling and waving at the cheering crowds gathered to welcome them. When they arrive at the castle gates, their families are there to greet them.

King Maximillian: "Welcome home! We trust you both had a wonderful honeymoon."

Princess Thea: "It was truly magical, father. Thank you again for arranging it."

Queen Eleanor: "You both glow with happiness. Come, a feast awaits inside to celebrate your safe return."

All head inside except Prince Finn, who lingers in the shadows, seething with anger. His companions Damian and Alejandro approach.

Damian: "I take it your plan to sabotage their honeymoon did not succeed?"

Finn: "No thanks to their infernal good luck! But mark my words, their time of joy will be short-lived. I will destroy Prince Ryan's happiness, even if I have to tear this kingdom apart to do it!"

Alejandro: "Patience, dear brother. All in due time. For now, let us join the celebrations, but know that we have not abandoned our quest for vengeance."

The three villains head inside with sinister smiles. What wicked scheme are they plotting now?

That evening, after the feast, Prince Ryan bids Thea goodnight with a tender kiss. But when he enters his chamber, he recoils in horror - the walls are covered in ominous messages scrawled in blood.

"Your end is near, pretty prince!" "Say goodbye to your beloved!"

Footsteps approach from the dark - it's Finn, chuckling malevolently.

Ryan: "What madness is this, cousin?! Have you no decency left in your black heart?!"

Finn: "This is only the beginning, Ryan. Your newfound happiness will not last, I promise you that. Thea will be mine, one way or another!"

He disappears into the night, cackling. Ryan collapses against the wall, shaking with fear and rage. But there is little time to waste - he must protect his love from Finn's truly villainous designs. The darkness has only begun to descend...

To be continued! Let me know if you'd like me to continue the story script.


Prince Ryan and Princess Thea arrive home in their royal carriage, greeted by cheers from well-wishers gathered in the courtyard. King Maximillian and Queen Eleanor step forward to welcome them.


Welcome back! We hope your travels were most pleasant.


Oh father, it was simply wonderful. We're so happy to be home.

The royal family embraces warmly. Only PRINCE FINN watches from the shadows, sneering in hatred. His companions DAMIAN and ALEJANDRO emerge beside him.


Still sulking I see. Your little sabotage plans didn't work, brother.


Do not fret, we'll find another way to ruin their happiness.

Finn's eyes glow with malice. He notices Ryan looking his way and offers a fake smile and wave. Ryan narrows his eyes, still not trusting Finn.


The castle hosts a grand feast to celebrate Ryan and Thea's return. As they dine with family and friends, Thea gazes lovingly at Ryan. But he seems distracted, constantly glancing at Finn, who stares back with a sinister smile.

After the feast, Ryan bids Thea goodnight with a kiss. As she leaves, he pulls King Maximillian aside.


Father, I fear Finn may attempt something during our absence. Please keep extra guards posted, for Thea's protection.


Do not worry, my son. All is well in hand. Now get some rest.

Ryan nods and exits, still uncertain. He passes Finn in the corridor. Their eyes meet with a spark of malice and rivalry. What new threats await in the shadows?

Prince Ryan and Princess Thea arrived back at the castle, tired but happy from their honeymoon in a faraway kingdom. As their carriage pulled into the courtyard, they were greeted by cheering crowds who had gathered to welcome them home.

King Maximillian and Queen Eleanor stood at the top of the steps, beaming with joy at the return of their new son and daughter. "Welcome back!" called the King. Ryan helped Thea down from the carriage and they made their way over, embracing the King and Queen.

"We trust you both had a wonderful time," said Queen Eleanor. "It was magical," replied Thea, taking Ryan's hand with a smile. Just then, a dark figure caught Ryan's eye - it was Prince Finn, watching from the shadows with a scowl. Ryan frowned, feeling uneasy. He had a bad feeling that troubles were not yet over...

After a lavish feast to celebrate, Ryan pulled King Maximillian aside. "Father, I must speak with you. I do not trust Prince Finn after what happened before our wedding. Please keep extra guards on duty, for Thea's protection." The King agreed, though assured Ryan all was under control.

Still Ryan couldn't shake the ominous feeling that Prince Finn was plotting something new. What dangers might lurk now that their honeymoon was over? The troubles were just beginning...

As Prince Ryan helped Princess Thea from their carriage, he scanned the courtyard for any signs of trouble. But all he saw were smiling faces - all except one.

Lurking behind a column, Prince Finn watched with eyes full of malice. His henchmen Damian and Alejandro stood at his sides, eagerly awaiting orders.

"The honeymoon wasn't ruined as planned," Finn spat through clenched teeth. "But mark my words, their happiness will come to an end."

In the feast hall, Ryan told King Maximillian of his suspicions. "Keep extra guards on duty, Father, for I do not trust Finn." The King agreed but reassured his son all was under control.

As night fell, Finn met under cloak of darkness with Damian and Alejandro. "It's time for a new plan. We'll strike when they least expect..."

What nefarious scheme is Prince Finn hatching now? With dangers lurking in the shadows, will Ryan and Thea's love withstand the threats to come? The troubles have only just begun...

That night, Prince Finn paced angrily in his chambers. His plots to ruin Ryan and Thea's honeymoon had all failed. "There must be a way to tear them apart," he seethed.

A knock at the door interrupted his thoughts. It was Damian and Alejandro. "We've come up with a new plan, my prince," said Damian with an sinister grin.

Finn listened eagerly as they laid out their scheme. "Use poisoned apples to curse the princess into an eternal sleep," suggested Alejandro. "With her out of the way, Ryan will be yours for the taking!"

A wicked smile spread across Finn's face. Their plan was deviously clever. "Set it in motion at once!" he commanded. "The honeymoon may be over, but their happily ever after ends tonight."

Meanwhile, elsewhere in the castle, Ryan and Thea blissfully unaware of the threats looming. How far will Finn and his villains go to ruin true love's kiss? The kingdom hangs in the balance...

Prince Finn paced angrily in his chambers that night. His schemes to sabotage Ryan and Thea's honeymoon had failed one by one. Alejandro and Damian watched him carefully, waiting for new orders.

Finally Finn stopped, an idea taking form. "We'll need poison, gathered from the deadliest plants in the realm. Enough to put the princess into an eternal slumber," he announced darkly.

Alejandro rubbed his hands together eagerly. "And with her out of the way, dear Prince Ryan will be yours for the taking," he said with a sly smile.

"Go now. Gather what we need from the witches' forest," Finn commanded. His henchmen bowed and hurried off on their task.

The next day, celebrations were held in the kingdom for Ryan and Thea's return. But unknown to the happy couple, death lurked near. That evening, Alejandro approached Thea with a gift — a basket of rosy red apples, poisoned with deadly nightshade. "A token from your greatest admirer," he murmured with a toxic grin.

The princess bit into one, unaware of the terror that would soon unfold...

Prince Ryan and Princess Thea returned from their honeymoon, greeted joyfully by friends and family. All seemed well in the kingdom, their love stronger than ever.

But behind the scenes, a darkness was spreading. Prince Finn seethed with rage from the shadows, watching Thea laugh and smile. She was meant to be his, he vowed.

That evening, at the royal ball celebrating their safe return, Alejandro made his move. "A token of affection, fair princess," he purred, presenting Thea with a basket of ripe red apples. Oblivious to the poison within, she bit into one with a word of thanks.

Immediately Thea collapsed, eyes rolling back as venom coursed through her veins. "Thea!" Ryan cried, catching her limp form. Pandemonium erupted in the halls as medics rushed to help. But nothing could be done - the poison was too strong, the antidote unknown.

In her last moments, Thea's eyes met Ryan's, full of sorrow and words left unsaid. Then her chest fell still, and all hope died with her. The kingdom mourned...all thanks to one toxic apple, and Prince Finn's twisted thirst for revenge.

Prince Ryan and Princess Thea returned from their magical honeymoon abroad, glowing with newlywed bliss. Friends and family welcomed them home with open arms.

All seemed perfectly in place for the new royal couple. All except for Prince Finn, who watched their merriment with seething envy. The honeymoon had been meant to end in disaster, yet Thea was more radiant than ever on Ryan's arm.

That night, Finn paced his chambers, Alejandro and Damian awaiting orders. "The princess has evaded my plots too long. Now it is time for her demise, by any means necessary," Finn snarled.

The next afternoon, Thea went riding in the forest, unaware of the danger trailing behind. Alejandro's arrow flew swift and true, piercing her side as she cantered along. Thea tumbled from her mount with a cry of pain. When Ryan found her, it was nearly too late...

Will Thea survive this assassination attempt? Has Prince Finn finally exacted his vengeance through blood? The kingdom holds its breath...

As Prince Ryan and Princess Thea returned to the kingdom, joyful celebrations surrounded them. Family and friends greeted them warmly, happy that their honeymoon was undisturbed.

All seemed well, until the couple noticed Prince Finn glowering sullenly in the back of the crowd. While they had expected his jealousy, the dark look in his eyes seemed to promise more trouble.

That evening, Thea confided in her handmaiden Eva, "Finn's scowl has me worried. I fear his wrath is far from spent." Eva agreed, expressing her own unease.

Meanwhile, Finn locked himself in his chambers with Alejandro and Damian. "Those fools think they've seen the last of me," he growled. "But I have a new decoy now. By the time they discover my latest pawn, it will be too late to stop him."

The next day, a mysterious new peasant arrived in town. Going by the name of 'Luke', nobody knew his true purpose. But Prince Finn's chilling laughter on the wind hinted that more storms were coming for the newlyweds. The game was still afoot...

As Ryan and Thea greeted their well-wishers, they could not help but notice Prince Finn's dark scowling from the shadows. Though the newlyweds tried to ignore his jealous glare and enjoy their celebration, an unease had settled over the kingdom.

That evening, Thea confided in her handmaiden and friend Princess Arianna about Finn's lingering threat. "I fear his vengeful scheming has not ended with our marriage," she said worriedly. Arianna agreed and suggested sending Prince Leopold to check on Finn's movements.

The next day, Leopold trailed Finn and overheard a troubling conversation. "My spy Luke has already begun sowing seeds of dissent in the town," Finn told his cohorts Prince Damian and Prince Alejandro. "It's only a matter of time before Ryan and Thea's perfect little world comes crashing down."

Leopold hurried to warn Ryan and the King of Finn's ominous plans. It seemed the trouble was only beginning for the new Prince and Princess. With a sinister threat looming, how long could they protect their blossoming love from the storms of sabotage heading their way?

King Maximus greeted the newlywed Prince and Princess at the castle gates. "Welcome home, my children. I trust you are well-rested after your travels."

Thea smiled. "It was a lovely trip, Father. We are grateful for your blessing."

Ryan nodded in agreement. But as they entered the courtyard, Prince Finn emerged from the shadows. "I wish I could say the same," he snarled. "But some of us have real work to do, unlike those wasting time on pointless honeymoons."

Prince Leopold stepped forward. "Watch your tongue, Finn. Your jealousy will earn you no favors."

Finn sneered. "Mark my words - this happiness will not last. I have plans that even your perfect Prince cannot survive." He shot Ryan a venomous look before storming off.

Thea shivered, gripping Ryan's hand tighter. Leopold assured them Queen Sylvia was increasing castle security. But as the winds blew colder, a sense of impending danger loomed over the kingdom. What storms were brewing in the dark of Finn's blackened heart?

King Maximus greeted the newlywed Prince Ryan and Princess Thea at the castle gates. "Welcome home, my dear children. I hope you found rest and refreshment on your travels."

Thea smiled warmly. "It was a wonderful trip, Father. We are grateful for your blessing."

Ryan nodded in agreement, taking Thea's hand. But as they entered the courtyard, Prince Finn emerged from the shadows with a scowl.

"While you wasted time in leisure, some of us work to rule this kingdom," Finn sneered.

Leopold stepped forward. "Mind your tone, Finn. Your spite gains you no favors here."

Finn shot Ryan a venomous look. "This bliss will not last. I have plans you cannot survive, brother." He stormed off, robes billowing.

Thea shuddered. "I fear his wrath knows no bounds."

Leopold assured them the castle was secured. But dark clouds gathered in Finn's blackened heart. What storms was he brewing to destroy their newfound peace? The joy of homecoming was shadowed by the threat of looming danger.

Prince Ryan sighed contentedly as the royal carriage pulled through the castle gates. His new bride Princess Thea nestled into his arm with a tired smile. "It's good to be home," she said softly.

As the carriage came to a stop, King Maximus emerged from the castle doors with Prince Leopold at his side. "Welcome back, my children!" called the King warmly.

Ryan helped Thea down from the coach as their family and friends gathered in the courtyard. All were pleased to see the newlyweds return from their honeymoon in good health and spirits.

All, that is, except one. From the shadows strode Prince Finn, barely containing his rage. "So the lovebirds have finally flown back to their nest," he sneered. "Pity your little holiday couldn't be...extended."

Leopold glared at his brother. "Mind your tongue, Finn. Your spite is unappreciated here."

Finn ignored him, glowering at Ryan. "Enjoy your happiness while you can, brother. It won't last long once I set my plans in motion." With that, he whirled and stalked away.

Thea shuddered in Ryan's arms. "I fear no good will come of his wrath," she murmured worriedly.

Ryan squeezed her reassuringly. But in his heart, he worried what storms Prince Finn was brewing in the darkness of his twisted soul. Their peace had returned, but for how long would the shadows of danger looming over the kingdom allow it to last?