Chapter 16: The Siege Begins

The torches of the Galdros army illuminated the night like a river of fire as they approached the walls of Rimuru. The air was thick with tension, every breath drawn in anticipation of the violence to come. From his vantage point on the wall, Padrino watched the enemy forces advancing, their numbers far greater than what he had anticipated.

"They've brought their full force," Marko murmured beside him, his eyes scanning the horizon. "This is no raid. It's a siege."

Padrino's heart sank as he saw the scale of the threat. Hundreds of soldiers, maybe more, marched toward Rimuru, shields and swords gleaming under the flickering light. In the distance, siege weapons—battering rams and catapults—loomed ominously, their massive frames casting long shadows over the fields.

"They want to crush us quickly," Padrino said grimly. "They're betting that we'll fall before reinforcements from our allies can arrive."

Hinata joined them, her face pale but resolute. "The villagers are as ready as they'll ever be. I've organized them into groups—those who can fight are stationed near the square, and those who can't are being sheltered in the deeper tunnels beneath the village."

"Good," Padrino replied. "We'll need every able body on the walls. Galdros won't hold back, and we can't afford to either."

Marko nodded. "Archers are in position. If they try to breach the gates, we'll rain fire down on them. We can hold them back, but not indefinitely."

The thud of drums began to echo across the plains, a slow, rhythmic pounding that signaled the approach of the Galdros forces. Padrino felt his pulse quicken. The enemy was drawing closer, and soon, the battle would be upon them.

"They'll try intimidation first," Padrino said. "Marcellus will want to weaken our resolve. He'll send someone to negotiate, to make us doubt ourselves. But we can't falter."

"Agreed," Marko replied. "We don't play into their hands. We make them bleed for every inch."

Padrino's eyes never left the advancing army. "Get the men ready. This is going to be a long night."

As Marko moved to issue orders, a lone figure on horseback emerged from the Galdros ranks, riding slowly toward Rimuru's gates. The rider was dressed in dark armor, a crimson cloak trailing behind him like blood. He carried a banner of Galdros, its insignia of a black serpent coiled around a crown clearly visible even in the low light.

Padrino's grip on his sword tightened. "Here we go."

The rider halted just outside bow range and called out in a booming voice. "People of Rimuru! I am Lord Darius, Commander of King Marcellus's army. I come with an offer of mercy."

Padrino exchanged a glance with Marko. "Mercy," he muttered under his breath. "As if we'd believe that."

Lord Darius continued, his voice carrying over the quiet village. "King Marcellus does not wish to see unnecessary bloodshed. Surrender now, and your people will be spared. You will be allowed to live under the rule of Galdros, free from harm. Refuse, and we will bring fire and steel to your gates. There will be no mercy for those who defy the will of Galdros."

A murmur of unease ran through the defenders on the wall, but Padrino held up a hand to silence them. He knew this tactic well—it was designed to plant seeds of doubt, to weaken their resolve before the real attack began.

Padrino stepped forward, his voice strong and unwavering. "We are not afraid of Galdros. You come here offering false mercy, but we know what your king's promises are worth. Rimuru will not kneel."

Lord Darius's expression remained cold, but a flicker of annoyance crossed his face. "Do not be fools, Penduko. You cannot hope to stand against the might of Galdros. Your village will burn, your people will die. Is that the legacy you wish to leave behind?"

Padrino's gaze was steady. "The legacy I will leave is one of defiance against tyrants. If you want Rimuru, you'll have to fight for every stone."

Lord Darius sneered. "So be it. You've chosen death."

With a flick of his wrist, Lord Darius signaled to his army. The slow thud of drums quickened, and the soldiers of Galdros surged forward, shields raised and swords drawn.

"Prepare yourselves!" Padrino shouted, his voice ringing out over the walls.

Archers nocked arrows to their bows, and the sound of creaking wood filled the air as the catapults were prepared to fire. Padrino could feel the fear in the men and women around him, but there was also a determination—a fierce will to protect their home.

The first wave of Galdros soldiers reached the walls, and the battle erupted in a cacophony of noise. Arrows rained down from the walls, striking the advancing troops, while catapults launched massive stones into the ranks of the enemy. The ground shook with the impact, and screams of pain and anger filled the air.

But Galdros had come prepared. Their shields were thick, their formations disciplined. They absorbed the initial barrage and continued their advance, pushing closer and closer to Rimuru's gates.

"Keep firing!" Padrino shouted, moving along the wall to encourage his troops. "Don't let them get close!"

Marko was beside him, issuing rapid orders to the defenders. "Focus on the rams! We can't let them breach the gates!"

Padrino watched as the siege weapons of Galdros lumbered toward the walls, massive wooden rams covered in iron. If they reached the gates, Rimuru's defenses would crumble.

"We need more firepower!" Padrino yelled over the din. "Hinata, now would be a good time for some magic!"

Hinata, standing near the central tower, raised her hands, her light magic glowing bright in the dark night. With a flash of brilliance, beams of searing light shot from her palms, striking the rams and setting them ablaze. The wooden beams crackled and burned, and the advancing soldiers scattered, trying to avoid the deadly blasts.

But even as Hinata's magic held them at bay, the enemy continued to push forward, undeterred by the flames. Padrino knew this was only the beginning. Galdros's numbers were overwhelming, and their siege weapons would eventually break through if they couldn't stop them soon.

"Marko!" Padrino called. "We need to hit them harder! Get the reserves ready. We're going to have to take the fight outside the walls."

Marko looked at him sharply. "You're planning a counterattack? That's risky, Padrino. If we open the gates, we might not be able to hold them back."

Padrino's expression was grim. "If we don't push them back now, they'll wear us down. We have to take the initiative."

Marko hesitated for only a moment before nodding. "I'll prepare the troops."

As Marko moved to rally the reserves, Padrino turned to Hinata. "Keep the pressure on them. We're going to make our move soon."

Hinata nodded, her face determined as she continued to unleash her magic on the advancing army.

Padrino took a deep breath, his heart pounding in his chest. The night was far from over, and the battle for Rimuru had only just begun.