Chapter 43: Shadows of War

The sun had barely risen when the first signs of Galdros' incursion reached Padrino's ears. A small detachment of Rimuru's soldiers had clashed with the invaders near the eastern border, pushing them back into no-man's-land. The engagement was minor—more of a skirmish than a full-scale battle—but it was clear that Galdros was testing Rimuru's defenses. War was no longer a distant possibility; it was creeping ever closer.

In the war room, Padrino stood at the head of the table, surrounded by his council. The map of Rimuru's borders lay before them, markers placed to signify troop positions and potential threats.

"We need to be ready for whatever Galdros throws at us next," Padrino said, his voice calm but firm. "They won't stop with a small raid. This was just a prelude."

Hinata, standing beside him, nodded. Her light magic had been instrumental in healing the wounded after the skirmish. "They're probing for weaknesses. We can't let them find any."

Marko's absence was felt acutely in moments like these. His tactical mind had always given Rimuru an edge in times of conflict. But now, Padrino had to rely on the combined expertise of his council.

Vincent, ever the diplomat, spoke up. "Perhaps we can avoid full-scale war. If we send emissaries to Galdros—"

"There's no point," Asuna interrupted, her eyes cold. "They've shown their hand. They want war, Vincent. We must be prepared to defend ourselves."

Padrino agreed. "Asuna's right. Galdros has been planning this for a long time. They've been waiting for the right moment to strike, and now they think they've found it. We need to fortify our borders and prepare our people."

He turned to General Varen, the newly appointed leader of Rimuru's forces after Marko's passing. "General, I want every able-bodied soldier ready for combat. We'll need to send reinforcements to the eastern border immediately."

Varen saluted. "Consider it done, my lord."

Preparation for the Storm

As the council dispersed, Padrino found a moment of quiet in his chambers. The weight of leadership bore down on him like never before. Rimuru had been through so much—fending off bandits, building alliances, surviving political intrigue, and now facing the looming threat of war.

He glanced out the window at the city below. The people of Rimuru had worked tirelessly to rebuild after the last battle. The streets were busy with merchants, farmers, and craftsmen, all going about their daily lives. They trusted him to protect them, to keep their kingdom safe from harm. But with each passing day, the shadow of Galdros loomed larger.

Hinata entered the room, her presence a calming influence on Padrino's troubled thoughts.

"You're worried," she said softly, stepping closer to him.

"Of course I am," Padrino replied, not looking away from the window. "This kingdom—our kingdom—is everything I've fought for. Everything I've lost has been for this. And now, it feels like we're on the edge of a cliff."

Hinata placed a hand on his arm. "We've faced worse odds before, Padrino. And we've always found a way through. Rimuru is strong because of you. The people believe in you."

Padrino turned to her, his gaze intense. "It's not just about me, Hinata. It's about all of us. Rimuru isn't just a kingdom—it's a symbol of hope, of resilience. We can't afford to lose."

Hinata smiled, though her eyes were filled with the same determination he saw reflected in the people every day. "Then we won't lose. Together, we'll make sure of that."

The Frontlines

By the end of the week, Rimuru's forces were positioned along the eastern border, ready for the inevitable clash with Galdros. Padrino had taken a personal interest in the preparations, spending time with the soldiers, ensuring their morale remained high. He knew that leadership wasn't just about giving orders—it was about inspiring those who followed.

General Varen stood at his side as they surveyed the newly constructed fortifications. The wall of stone and timber stretched for miles, reinforced by magical wards that Hinata and her team of mages had carefully placed.

"Galdros will have to think twice before attacking us now," Varen said with a hint of pride.

Padrino nodded, but he knew better than to underestimate his enemy. Galdros was cunning, and they would find a way to test these defenses.

"We'll see," he replied. "But I have no doubt they'll come."

As if on cue, a scout rushed toward them from the edge of the camp, his breath ragged from running.

"My lord!" the scout called out, bowing before Padrino. "A force from Galdros has been spotted. They're making their way through the forest to the northeast. It's a small unit, but they're moving fast."

Padrino's eyes narrowed. "They're testing us again. General, I want a detachment sent to intercept them. Make sure they know we're not to be trifled with."

Varen saluted. "At once, my lord."

The First Clash

Hours later, Padrino watched as the soldiers he had sent out returned, victorious. They had successfully driven off the Galdros scouts, but it had been a close fight. The enemy had been well-equipped, their tactics sharp. It was clear that Galdros wasn't just sending random raiders—they were deploying skilled fighters with a purpose.

That night, Padrino gathered his closest advisors. The council chamber was filled with a tense energy, the air thick with anticipation.

"This was just the beginning," Padrino said, pacing the room. "Galdros is preparing for a full-scale assault. We need to be ready for anything."

General Varen nodded. "Our defenses held, but we can't be complacent. We should prepare for larger forces in the coming days."

Vincent spoke up, his usual calm demeanor replaced with a hint of anxiety. "If Galdros is truly planning to invade, we'll need allies. Rimuru has grown strong, but we can't fight this war alone."

Padrino paused, considering his words. Vincent was right. Rimuru had allies—scattered regions and small factions that had pledged their support—but none of them were large enough to make a significant difference in a war against a kingdom as powerful as Galdros.

"We'll reach out to our allies," Padrino decided. "But we must be cautious. Not everyone will be willing to stand against Galdros."

As the council continued to strategize, Padrino's thoughts kept drifting back to the soldiers on the frontlines. The future of Rimuru rested in their hands, and he couldn't shake the feeling that this war would be unlike anything they had faced before.

The storm was coming, and all they could do was prepare for its arrival.