let the show begin[2]

But then Shizue attacked the man from behind with Blood Spike.

Thought it didn't even took a second for the spirit's to noticed that. She lunged toward the man, but then when they spirit was a little farther Blood Spike disappeared. It was a trap.

The spirit realized it was a trap the moment the spike dissapeard so, she lunged toward Shizue. Shizue backed up several times before the spirit approached and stopped.

The moment Shizue stopped, the spirit approached Shizue without pause and pierced Shizue's heart using her sword.

Shizue stood still for a moment, then smiled and said,"You all have been fooled."


The man was confused because he could clearly see Shizue being pierced by the spirit's sword.

"Because I am not dead,"

"What...!?" the man looked behind and saw shizue.The man again and again looked at the Shizue who was with the spirit and behind him.

"Are you making fun of me? The me you see is merely a clone of me doing what I think I am doing."

Seeing the real Shizue behind the man, the spirit tried to retrieve her sword, but it was stuck in the clone's chest.

"Good night...Roy Bondford."

Shizue drove the Bloodspike through the man's heart. After a few moments, the man stopped moving. Then the spirit disappeared.

"One down...next." shizue said and looked at the woman.

"Haaaaah! Wait!" When Shizue came near the woman, she was on the floor, trembling with fear.

"Why do I need to wait?"

"I will give you money...."

"I don't need any money."

"Then what do you need?

"Only your heart. Don't panic. "


Before she could finish, Shizue drove a blood spike through her heart. A few moments later, the woman was completely dead.

Then, as Shizue was about to do something, someone called her name.

'Ryuki Shizue'. (This ' ' symbol means they are talking telepathically.)

'I wonder who it is.. talking with me using telepathically.'

'I am the spirit you were fighting or your clone was fighting.'

'To my knowledge, when the owner of the spirit dies, the spirit dies too.'

'That is half correct and half incorrect.'

'I see.'

'A spirit after its owner dies can make another owner in a limited time.'

'In other words, you want me to be the master?'

'Yes, I do.'

'Then how do you make a convenant.'

'It's already tied.'

'We just had to talk?'



'But there's something I want to say.'

'Say it.'

'Can you give me a name?'

'A name? don't you have a name?'

(T/No the Spirit's name is Aqua.)

'Yes, I do but I want you, as my new master to give me a new name'

'...'a moment of silence.but then

'Sora...This was going to be my name, but later my parents decided to name me Shizue.'

'Sora...This name will be my only treasure.'

'Well then, Sora...Are you ready for your first assignment?'

'Yes, I'm ready for my first assignment.'

'Good. Your mission is to kill everyone in this mansion...You're not going to ask me why, will you?'

'It's my job to follow your orders. I don't need to know the reason.'

Sora then went to do her first mission given to her by Shizue. At that moment, Shizue was waiting for her.

"...I was trying not to hurt innocent people. But..I can't take any risk..."As Shizue was talking to herself, she felt like being watched by someone but when she looked behind her, no one was there.

" I am probably being to over reactive."Shizue thought so and looked down.

But After a while Sora, who had finished her betting mission, came. She was wearing a blue short shirt and a sliver bracelet on her right arm. Her pants were white and blue diamond-shaped. Three on the left and three on the right. Though Shizue didn't cared.

"Five of them looked like adults and ten looked like 15- or 16-year-olds."

"Well done."

"Thank you for the compliment," and with that Sora disappeared. In the Grandmaster's office the Grandmaster and Roxy were there.

"What do you think, Sertendo-sama?"

"She will be a great help to us in the future. Whatever the situation may be, we must cooperate with her."

" understood."

"You go and wait for her before she arrives."

With that, Roxy was gone. then the Grandmaster thought,"but it was as expected... breaking the rules of the gods."

Then, a short time later, Shizue came to the main hall, having all the problems solved. When she entered She saw, Hiru, Miko, Yuri, and Roxy were waiting for her.

Hiru was wearing the same clothes as the Grand Master. He had a white shirt with a pocket on which was painted a small eagle symbolizing freedom. ( T/N Every nation has its own symbol. They represent the title of the country.)And black pants. There were also chains hanging on his pants.

Miko and Yuri wore ordinary white shirts and black skirts with white stripes.

"Welcome back, Shizue-san," Roxy said.

"Welcome back, Shizue." hiru and Miko said.

"Welcome back, Sh..." Yuri struggled to say shziue's name.

"Shizue." Shizue said while coming closer to Yuri, looking a little angry.

'Yes, Sh...Shizue..."

"Shizue-san, would you like to change your clothes?"

"I'm fine in the clothes I'm wearing right now." Shizue Said While looking at Roxy.

'Okay...But if you want, I can make you many such clothes."

"Then I am counting on you for making my clothes."

'Understood...The clothes will be ready in few days." Roxy bowed her head in agreement. Then she looked at Hiru and Miko, who were standing right beside her.

"Hiru-san and Miko-san, your training will start tomorrow."

"Training?" They asked.

"Sertendo-sama has asked me to teach you two the basics of magic and skills."

"What about Shizue?"hiru asked.

"Sertendo-sama told me to teach only the two of you."

"If you say so..."

But I think Everyone knows why the Grandmaster didn't said to teach Shizue. It's because She can use 'that' thing.