
 Eire (Ireland) May 25, 1505"BOYS, TWO HANDSOME BOYS!" Redd yelled with pure delight as he pushed open the two large wooden doors that led to the Queen's labor chambers. The whole room erupted into a chorus of cheers. "Congratulations Bràthair, that is a mighty blessin' indeed! Danu has truly blessed you." Cace said with a big smile."Aye, brother she has indeed." His brother had no idea of his plans to move away from the homeland to start a new life in the American lands. He felt a slight pain in his chest and his wolf whimpered at the thought of leaving his home lands. But he couldn't let that thought ruin this day. He felt a slap on his back and turned."Congrats big bro!" His sister Jestine said. "What has she named my baby nephews?" she asked. Redd turned with a big smile to face the crowd, "I apologize everyone; I was so caught up in my happiness I forgot to even announce your Princes' names. Aleana has named them Alasdair and Aiden!" He said. He couldn't have been happier at the moment.He could feel it in every inch of his body. It was one thing to have one healthy born son when you are an Alpha King to all Lycan Factions. It was another entirely to have two healthy twin boys. And now he had two sons to help rule the lands his father had fought and bled for. Redd paused in thought thinking of his father who had disappeared after an enemy invaded his lands and stole his Queen.Calidore had brought peace to the lands of the bordering Lycan families who couldn't see past their territorial issues. His father was renowned for his story. In just one week he challenged the 4 Alpha's in a game of strength, wit, agility, or charm and he beat them all. The last Alpha had been a shock to him. At just 25, a pup in most Lycan eye's, he had shown up to the last connecting lands with the 3 other Alpha's who each had 5 of their most trusted men with them as well. None of the other Alpha's had ever actually seen the 4th alpha.They had all told him that the pack was so faithful and protective over their beloved alpha they threatened any who walked into their lands. Because they only wished to live in peace but would gladly kill anyone who wanted to change that. He pulled up short to find a beautiful tall woman, with long flowing dark red hair, the color of blood. She was tall and from his point of view she was curved in all the right places.A child ran up to her with a piece of fruit in his purple dyed hand asking her if it was safe for him to eat, relaying his struggles to get the berry. She gave a sweet gentle laugh then told him he could eat the berry and then stooped down to pick up an apple out of her wide wicker basket. She kissed the boy on the head and handed him the apple.The boy ate the berry so fast he barely chewed it, he then took the apple, kissed her on the cheek and bit into the fruit with a big smile on his face. As he bit into his apple his eyes caught Calidore's and he cowered back in front of the woman.She turned around then tensed for a threat. When he caught her eyes he was transfixed by her beauty. His wolf went still and silent. His wolf had been ready for whatever challenge he had to face today, but seeing her did something that had never happened before. It calmed him.Her eyes were the deepest color of gray like a foggy dark window. Her naturally sun kissed skin looked so warm and inviting. Her lips were a deep rosy pink. She was beautiful. And then his wolf sealed the deal. In one long breathy moan, "MINE."When he was able to shake himself back to his senses and asked the woman where her alpha was. She wouldn't say, she just kept asking why. After his third "pack business" reply he simply said "Fine if you won't take me to your alpha. Do you hereby swear that you will uphold your pack's sacred laws and you will represent your pack's Alpha in their stead?" She simply replied "Ni".The other Alpha's were growing impatient and annoyed he could feel it. He was too, a little, he had to admit. But he pushed the feeling down so he could finish his plans like he wanted to. As calmly as he could he asked "Why no' ?" To his complete and utter shock she said "I could Ni more stand in the place of my alpha than you could for yours, because I am she they call Alpha and I'm bettin' that you are your own alpha as well."Shortly after, they celebrated the peace between all four lands and the marriage of Calidore and Akira. They had merged all the lands and expanded outwards and built home after home for every Lycan needing one who was of age. There were a great number of orphaned wolves who lost their parents to the battles and wars they fought in for territory over the years. So they had a home built special for them because Akira loved children so much she wanted to spend most her time teaching them, showing them things about the land. And they loved her too. Their land had thrived ever since. And their people couldn't be more one."My Lord?" Redd heard a small voice pull him out of his thoughts about his proud people. ''Yes Coralaine?" he said to the head birthing midwife. She leaned in to whisper "There's somethin' you need to see my lord."Her face was impassive but her voice gave away her true feelings. She was scared he could hear the tremble in her voice as she spoke and tried to hold it together. And then he smelled the air around her and could smell that she was terrified, but what for? Suddenly the room got quiet as everyone else could sense their Monarch's turmoil. Redd looked to his people and dismissed the electric current in the air as his over excitement then had the nurse lead him back to his wife and children.He walked with strong sure strides appearing as if nothing had even set off his alarm. He pushed open the left door and found his beautiful wife sleeping in wolf form with her two pups. Wait what the?? His wife had given birth to two human boys in human form when he left. His wolf tensed up ready for anything. Lycan's didn't possess the ability to shift until they were at least 5 years of age. Sure there were some that learned a few months before their 5th birthday but it was not a common occurrence.His wife looked at him, at the same time his boys opened their eyes. In that one moment he was frozen to the spot. His sons were the perfect comparison to Yin and Yang. While Aiden had snow white fur with black paws and a black nose, Alasdair had charcoal black fur with snow white paws and a black nose with white frosted tipped ears. But their eyes, nothing could have prepared him for their eyes. Aiden had his grandmother's eyes a deep gray the color of the clouds before it stormed. But Alasdair's eyes made him worry. His eyes were as white as his brother's fur with flecks of gray like someone blew ash into his eyes and it stayed there. His pupils were dilated but not enough to obscure his eye color."Is he blind?" he asked the Midwife who was in charge of the birthing. As if in answer Alasdair perked his ears up and growled a soft deep growl.Wha' in the hell?? Newborn cubs don't growl.When his son started to walk toward him slowly crouched and ready to pounce Redd's wolf took insult to that and he let him take over shifting into his 5 '10 -on all fours- wolf. The pup didn't even cower."If you let your wolf hurt my babies in any way I will ne'er forgive you" Aleana said, pushing the words through his mind. As tired as she was from giving birth she still sounded as if she could rip his throat out when she spoke. Come to think of it, she probably could.Note to self, tread carefully.He knew Aleana was in wolf form because she heals faster in that form. But his sons, He had no idea what the hell was up with that. So he asked, "What happened to the boys?" He tried to keep the slight fear out of his tone, failing miserably."I honestly doo'na know, my love, after I fed them I held them both, they began to play shove each other, I was in a wee bit of pain so I shifted while the midwife did their check up. And then in a blink of an eye they were their wolf forms too. But they doo'na like it when I'm no' in my wolf form, they cried for almost 10 minutes until I shifted back. They can even communicate!!" she said all the love and amazement pouring out into every word when she spoke about her sons."Wait, so can they hear us right now?" He asked her."Ni only when you direct it at them but he did hear you ask the nurse if he was blind. The answer is Ni he's no'. Now go, love your sons and let me rest they are smarter than anythin' I've ever seen and they are just like you sweetie. They can smell fear though that is why the midwives and nurses are so far away they reek of it."And just like that she was dozing off back to sleep exhausted to her core. Still in wolf form he jumped onto the big handcrafted bed, then he laid down in front of his sons with his hind legs tucked under him and his front paws stretched out in front, the picture of an Egyptian cat statue."Boys, will you come here and greet your father for a second?" He asked them.And at once they stopped playing around with each other and took off in a dead run on the bed towards their father.Oh Shite this is gonna hurt.They were running too fast for him to figure out how he should catch them so they don't hurt themselves, finally he just jump out of the way landed in a graceful stance and then began pawing playfully at the pups until they could calm down enough for him to figure out what to do about his sons."Ok boys I need you to listen and hear me well ok? Can you do that for your Da?"They immediately sat and nodded vigorously, 'Smart lads' he said to himself with a smile on his face. "I need you to shift back into your human forms ok and only shift into your were-pup forms at night when you're at home with just Ma and me ok?" To his complete shock they both cocked their heads to an opposite side each and then shifted into their human baby forms and began to softly cry, not loud but enough to startle Aleana."What happened, Love? What did you do?" she asked. He shifted back into human form and used his powers to clothe himself. "I simply asked them if they would shift back into human form until they were alone with just us, they did. The End". He replied with a chuckle."Well, will you put them to sleep for me?" She asked already drifting back to sleep."Anythin' for my Queen" He replied.He scooped both boys up in his arms, grabbed two blankets from the foot of the bed and swaddled his perfect sons. He then walked to his oversized handcrafted recliner. It was here that he did all his... well laziness really... he eased into the chair so as to not startle his boys and began to rock them slowly. After about five minutes they were out like a light. Redd Dismissed the midwives and asked them to clean themselves and join the festivities for the rest of the night but swore the midwives to secrecy about the boys being able to shift already.As he looked down at his now resting sons he was wracked with so many questions and so many concerns for their upbringing. What other secrets do their little bodies hold? What else can they do that they aren't supposed to? "I guess I'll find out soon enough, just do your ole' Da a favor go easy on him, this is my first time ya know?" he said on an expelled breath looking down at his sons.