Chapter - 3

"I see you're up and moving about quite nicely" Aiden said as he walked into the game-room of his treehouse. "Yea fast healer and all, I actually went out for a quick fly to test my wings. All better, however I did get a chance to see your new neighbor's. Not my choice of meat or girls but one did seem a tad more connected. I could have sworn she felt my presence but only people born into magic can since magic, and they seemed pretty human on all accounts to me." Daegan replied."Neighbors? What neighbors?" Aiden asked."You have new neighbors a few miles up the road. They seemed like they hadn't been there long; they were still unloading boxes from their car. Two girls from what I could see. Didn't smell any others either.""Dair?! Did you hear that? Ni more late night nude running!" he exclaimed to his brother. "You're such an idiot Aiden." He replied."But I'm sexy though so it works itself out.""And conceded." Dair quipped."Yea but you love my good lookin arse so shut up" Aiden said giving his brother a playful shove."You boy's always this mean and playful?" Daegan asked, truly perplexed by the way they acted. "I mean I know wolves are playful by nature but this is just ridiculous, could hardly get any rest with you two squabbling every 5 minutes over the most absurd things. And someone please tell me what the hell a Pl*yStation is and why in the hell, the Sky has a Rim that you twits like to play with?"Dair dropped to the ground holding his stomach while Aiden stumbled to the nearest wall laughing so hard he started crying. After a minor coughing fit Dair sobered instantly. "I doo'na mean to be in your business but where have you been my friend? To no' know what a PlayStation is? I give you Sk*rim, only the awesome people know anything about that but a P*4 holds Ni bearing with you?"Daegan's smile disappeared and sadness consumed his body and features. So much so that the boys took a step back, as their skin started to goosebump, and the hairs on their nape stood on end. Aiden's wolf whimpered to him as did Dair's and the boy knew instantly that this man was not from their world, and had seen a great deal of sadness. "Um no' tryna be intrusive sir but, your sadness, it's strong enough to affect my wolf and that's no' easily done." Dair said, visibly rubbing his arms then his neck."I apologize Aiden, Alasdair, please take comfort in knowing that I would never want to cause you, your family, or your wolves any harm or sadness. Dragon born kin are imbued with a magic that helps us travel between worlds, dimensions, and planes, but upon my wake and after hearing you two and how you speak, I realize that I have been gone from this world for longerthan I ever thought possible." He said with a far off look in his eyes. "Aaand where would that be exactly?" Aiden asked."Pray you never find out little wolf." He said bowing his head then turning and walking away.Once they reached the back balcony Daegan jumped down to the ground. Both brothers followed suit behind him. When he was a few feet away from them he transformed into his dragon form and began to hover getting ready for flight. "Trust that I will return once I know exactly how much time has passed, and that I am not the only one of my kind still alive. Know that I am forever in the debt of your family. Should you ever need my help, whisper my name into any flame and I will come. For I am not a man who can become a dragon, I am Daegan Draconem, Fylakas Kai, Keeper of fire, and I will always answer until my last breath for the house of Dire wolves." He said before shooting up into the dark night sky."Safe flight brother". Dair softly said to the sky, hoping that the sound reached his mind up in the vast sky."How did he know we were Dire wolves? We ne'er told em' that." Aiden asked."Probably your wet dog shite smell" Dair said, giving his brother a shove before he sprinted off towards the Main Hall."Ah that's no' fair at all ya bastard!" he said, chasing after him.As Aiden jumped over the fallen tree in one bound Alasdair traced a few trees farther up from him. "Lasses first" he said to Aiden making a butler gesture for his brother to pass him."Ya know that shite is getting old, just admit it I'm faster than you, and you cheat because you know it!""Silly brother, I'm faster than you and you know it. Now quit ya bitchin' and let's get to the Hall before Ma has our bullocks." Alasdair said over his shoulder.Jogging back to the Main Hall, their father was standing out front looking up into the night sky. "Any longer and you boys would have been at the mercy of your Màthair." He said, never taking his eyes off the sky."Yeah well this time it was no' our fault. We went to check on our newest guest and to our surprise he was no' where we left him. Turns out he needs to fly like we need to run." Aiden replied, chuckling."How is he? Will he be joining us for Dinner?" Redd asked no one in particular, still staring at the sky."Nope. He left. Said he would be back when he sorts things out. Apparently he's been locked away for a long while. The man dinnae even know what a Pl*yStation was!" Aiden said, completely stupefied."Da? Is there somethin' comin'? You seem to no' be able to turn your gaze from the sky." Dair asked.Glancing down at both his puzzled sons faces he walked in between them, turned to face the main hall, and clasped both by a shoulder each. "Tis no concern for my fine young men, just a little future gazing I promise" he said kissing both of their temples. "Now let's hurry lest we anger your Ma any further."Dair walked past the wide double doors with his brother and father in tow. All eyes turned to them as their mother walked over to them so swift and softly one would think she was floating. Glaring at their father she took both Dair and Aiden by the ear, "You are 15 minutes late and at this rate soon to be dead!" The fire crackling off the torches behind them danced in her eyes and literally made his wolf hide in the darkest place in his soul."Sorry Ma we were seeing Daegan off. He left, said he had to figure some things out. Forgive us?" Dair said with his dimpled smile he knew it would melt his mother. As expected all the fluster left her in an instant."I guess it canna be helped. The food is getting cold and your people grow restless. Let's get to our seats." She said as she let go of their ears and took their father's hand. As they walked towards the table the whole congregation stood nodding or bowing their heads in acknowledgement of the head of the family.The main hall, was a site to marvel any. The table smack dab in the middle of the room sat all 22 members of their clan and had extra pieces to attach to seat 30. Which they never needed because their relatives never came to Oregon to visit but their father had insisted on having them just in case. Both the table and the chairs were made out of the Fir trees surrounding their land. The table was wide enough to sit two people at the head.He would never forget the argument his father had with his men when they were carving it out. Saying that his queen was his equal and he would not have her sit so close to another male.For all his Monarch beliefs, his father was still just a mated possessive male at heart, who loved his woman too much to be apart for even a moment.Aiden took the seat to the right of his father while his brother took the seat to the left of his mother. Once they had all taken their seats the rest of the congregation sat as well. His father clapped his hands twice with a thunderous clap and three servers brought out several platters full of sliced meats, vegetables, fresh breads and rolls. Once the platters were set the servers then brought out two coolers to place beside him -in between him and his father- and the other placed beside his brother -in between him and his mother- inside were beers and bottles of wine aplenty.After Aiden and Dair passed out beers and poured wine for all who chose it, the servers then took their seats at the table as well. "Aiden say the sacred prayer" his father said in his deep baritone voice. Damn why couldn't it be Dair tonight. Not that he hated the prayer itself he just could never remember it all.Aiden stood, hands clasped behind his back and began, "Thank you Cernunnos for this bountiful meal. May the forest be filled with deer, boar, and badgers forevermore." He paused, forgetting what came next. "May the land and our women be fertile" his brother's words softly floated through his mind. "May the land and our women be fertile through the years. May Danu comfort us through our tears. May the Clan stay noble and prosperous for generations to come, and may Peace forever reign over us. Màthair, Athair long may you reign.""LONG MAY YOU REIGN!!" Everyone said in unison.Aiden sat down with a sigh of relief that he finished it. "Thanks Bràthairhe said, pushing the thought to Dair. He nodded back while taking a sip of beer. "LET'S EAT!" his father said, taking slices of meat and slapping them on his plate.As everyone started to dig in and Redd had a few bites consumed already, he guzzled some beer to wash it down. "As you all know Carolise has been nagging me to get a new nurse or vet on site" he began, everyone glancing from him to Carolise and back. "I have put in the request for one and have received a reply. She will be here on the 'morrow." Hushed whispers began, but were quickly silenced when he continued."Now I want you all to be on your best behavior for the next couple of weeks Ni shifting in front of the newbie, in fact Ni shifting at all before nightfall." he glared at both Dair and Aiden in particular knowing sometimes they just couldn't help themselves when they were excited to run. "People, we need this to work out. Also my brother Cace and sister Jestine will be here in three days' time with their children Cyren, Fieronn, Cole, Shikui, and Salem. The two houses to the left of the Main Hall are theirs. I trust you all to make them feel welcomed and to help them around when and if they need it." That seemed to excite some and shock the rest."My lord, are they to stay?" Satine asked, she was a close friend of Aleana. "My brother and sister will only be staying for a few days but their children will become part of our pack." That seemed to suck the air out of the Hall, as all shocked eyes fell on him."I kno', I kno.' T'was a shock to me too, but the more the merrier I say." He said leaning back in his chair, clasping his Queen's hand and kissing her palm."Slàinte!!" Cheers, They all said in unison. "Eat, eat" he waved them on. "There will be time for any and all questions later. TONIGHT WE FEAST!" Everyone raised their drinks in agreement then took a drink.