Chapter 38: The Priest August of the Dawn Church

Aside from researching core runes, Shade also experimented with other "simple" attempts mentioned in the doctor's notebook.

Dr. Schneider pointed out that the power possessed by the ring mages is the ability of thought to influence reality. Therefore, even without learning any miraculous techniques or spells, one can still use their power—referred to as "the mind surpassing the material."

Among these, the spontaneously used power derived from core runes was collectively known as "miraculous techniques" after being systematized in ancient times. In contrast, powers spontaneously used that are solely related to thought were categorized as "spells" after being systematized.

Of course, the academy believes that the classification of "spells" also includes "divine arts" related to the righteous gods, granted directly through faith and the gods. However, Shade and the doctor's studies do not involve these. The church, on the other hand, believes that the classification of "divine arts" should be separated from spells, as there is an essential difference between the two.

In the early years of this era, after a series of intense debates in the academic circle of ring mages, the divine arts of the five righteous gods and the existing evil gods were officially placed alongside "miraculous techniques" and "spells," representing the outer manifestation of the powers of ring mages.

The divine arts of the extinct old gods, however, still belong to "spells" because their followers have no say.

Thus, the spell "Echo of Blood," obtained from the old god "Duke Lael of Blood," should fundamentally be considered a divine art of this old god; it cannot be learned through ordinary means without the power of this old god.

As a result, the core of the ring mage system consists of runes, powerful techniques that require learning through runes, spells that are of lower priority but can all be learned, and divine arts that are related to gods and faith, which together reflect the power of the ring mage system.

"Upgrading the ring requires one each of the four runes: miracles, desecrations, inspirations, and whispers. The relationship between runes and spells, divine arts, and miraculous techniques is similar to the relationship between the Dao and Techniques. Indeed, balancing the acquisition of runes and the learning of miraculous techniques is also a crucial matter."

This was the understanding of the foreigner.

Shade attempted to ignite a piece of paper with his fingers, which was a form of simple spell. During this day's experiments, he successfully achieved moving very light objects using the power of thought, known as "telekinesis."

He seemed to have a remarkable talent for using this kind of spirit; aside from nearly straining his eyes while moving a tuft of Mia's fur and a Rod card, when he focused his gaze on a distant target and punched towards a hefty pirated edition of "Elegy of the Detective," he could make the book fly out a few centimeters without touching it, rather than being knocked over by the wind.

This pirated detective novel was not something Shade had carelessly spent money on; it was a relic from the former detective, including "The Queen and Her Lovers," "The Silver Knight," and "The West Front Anthology," which were the only few novels he had.

The first book was a colorful court novel, the second a traditional knight adventure novel, and the last one was more of a literary record.

Detective Spilo Hamilton often read these books, as evidenced by the folded page corners and tea stains, proving that this was his hobby.

As for the only relic in his possession, the document-level relic "Bloodsucking Ring," Shade could not find any living person to experiment with, so he was unable to understand its specific effects. However, he had taken apart the pocket watch chain and turned the ring into a pendant hanging around his neck, which didn't count as wearing it. Therefore, as long as he didn't wear it for 24 hours, its effects on him wouldn't be particularly significant.

Shade planned to consult Dr. Schneider and others tomorrow; the experienced correspondence ring mages would surely provide good usage advice.

Finally, Wednesday arrived, but Shade did not wake early out of excitement; rather, it was a nightmare that awakened him due to the weight on his chest.

On a summer morning, it was still dimly lit, with the faintest light penetrating through the tightly closed curtains into the room. As Shade woke up, he felt a heaviness on his chest and, after about five seconds, realized a cat was lying there.

For now, Shade only had a foster orange cat in his home, so it was Mia who had woken him up.

She stared at him with her amber eyes, lying on the blanket over Shade's chest. Upon noticing he was awake, she immediately jumped down from the bed. From the sound of her pattering paws, she ran toward the door of the house.

"Did you already know just after one visit yesterday? The milkman won't be here for another half hour," Shade called out to the cat, imagining the books and courses worth 50 pounds he would receive today, filling him with excitement before he finally got out of bed.

Room 1 on the second floor of the apartment was quite large but only had two bedrooms. Shade lived in the smaller one, which was also the residence of the original owner with a troubled mind. The larger room was where the former detective had passed away, and Shade felt no fear about it, but he had no intention of moving in there.

After a few days, when he contacted a merchant for secondhand furniture to remove that bed, and after inquiring with Dr. Schneider about methods to detect ghosts, he would consider moving into the larger bedroom.

Leaving Mia at home to keep watch and preparing enough cat food in the small bowl he had set up for her, Shade left the house. He was scheduled to meet the doctor at 10 a.m., and the clinic was quite far from St. Delran Square. Shade believed he could arrive around 9:30, but perhaps due to his anticipation, he saw the sign of Schneider's Psychological Clinic just a minute before 9.

Not wanting to waste time elsewhere, Shade walked straight in. The doctor had already informed the receptionist that the "Hamilton detective, who was in a state of depression due to his uncle's death," would come today, so he was directly guided to the psychological consultation room on the second floor.

After knocking, the doctor promptly opened the door, and another person was already in the room.

A gray-haired elderly man in a respectable black suit stood up, nodding slightly and smiling at Shade. His warm smile was quite endearing. His eyes were a common gray, with wrinkles, suggesting he was over fifty, but he appeared very energetic.

He was slightly taller than the doctor but shorter than Shade, with a medium build that suggested he did not lead a very affluent life.

Shade's attention was drawn to a pendant hanging from the old man's chest, which was attached with a silver chain, and the pendant itself was a brass-colored circular ring with a notch.

This was the holy emblem of the righteous god, "Mr. Dawn," the god of light and shadow, and wearing the holy emblem on one's chest is a customary practice among church clergy.

"Um? A clergy member? Although the academy is not in opposition to the Church of the Righteous Gods..." Shade pondered.

"I'd like to introduce you," Dr. Schneider, noticing Shade's confusion, kindly spoke up.

"Shade, this is Priest Rat Augustus, a second-ring mage and a devoted follower of Mr. Dawn. Although he is a priest of the church, he did not become a ring mage through church channels. He is a rare case of awakening his talent at an older age and joining the academy due to a series of twists of fate."

"He holds no bias against the academy and will not disclose our identity to the church as long as we do not harm the Dawn Church. He is trustworthy."

While theoretically, a ring mage's talent could appear at any age, it generally occurs between the ages of 16 and 40, making Augustus's case exceptionally rare.

"Rest assured, I can swear by my own name, Bill Jane Schneider, that Priest Augustus is absolutely trustworthy. His joining us was approved by three people, including myself, and the academy. With Priest Augustus here, some of our actions will be much more convenient."

The doctor added as the gray-haired priest stepped forward to shake Shade's hand. Naturally, Shade believed the doctor's words and quickly extended his hand. The old man's palm was large and quite strong.