
[Satoru POV]

"I apologise for my tardiness, the flowers on the way seemed so beautiful that I simply had to write a haiku." I lied through my teeth. I was late because I was freaking the fuck out over the prospect of meeting these monsters. I was so nervous that I accidentally released my despair aura. I didn't even know I could do that.

'If any of these guys find out that I'm not one of them, I'll get jumped. And this time the ones on the opposing side this time aren't even 15 year olds. At least the real frau- I mean Sukuna had that going for him.' I thought. This was bad. Very bad. One slip up was all it would take.

'And unlike Momonga, I can't even suppress my emotions.' I thought.

This entire situation sucked. Worst of all was the fact that my subconscious was replaced by that of the actual NPC, RYOUMEN SUKUNA, who was not in the original overlord. This was a bit of a double-edged blade.

The pros. I automatically acted exactly how the NPCs of Nazarick expected me to act, based on my flavour text. The fact that I somehow made a believable lie and my ability to act cool in front of the NPCs was a result of this. It was one of the reasons I wasn't immediately found out.

The cons. I felt way too comfortable around these guys, like eerily comfortable, as if they were my own family. I couldn't bring myself to hate them no matter how much I feared them. Also I help but couldn't feel respect towards Momonga, doing so felt as natural as breathing. Even though I knew he was more freaked out than I was. Hell, that fact actually made me connect with him more, as I felt a sense of camaraderie with a fellow isekai-jin.

While I was distracted by such thoughts, the guardian overseer Albedo said "Now, then, let us perform the ritual of allegiance."

The guardians all nodded, and arranged themselves with Albedo in front and the other guardians lined up behind her. Meanwhile, my body moved on instinct, and I stood in front of even Albedo, not bothered by the fact that I had disrupted their arrangement. They all seemed to ignore my affront as well. Their expressions were all stiffly ceremonious.

Shalltear, at the end of the line, took a step forward. "Guardian of the First, Second, and Third Levels, Shalltear Bloodfallen. I bow before you, O Supreme One." She dropped to one knee and put a hand over her chest, bowing her head low.


He took the same humble posture as Shalltear and bowed to Momonga. Next, the two dark elves stepped forward.

"Guardian of the Sixth Level, Aura Bella Fiora. I bow before you, O Supreme One."

"G-Guardian of the same, Mare Bello Fiore. I b-bow before you, O Supreme One."

Then Demiurge took a graceful step forward. "Guardian of the Seventh Level, Demiurge. I bow before you, O Supreme One."

Next up, I tried to bow, but strangely, my body wouldnt budge. I also began to find the idea of bending the knee this early strangely repulsive.

It was only after Albedo stepped forward, saying "Captain of the floor guardians, Albedo. I bow before you, O Supreme One." that I found the Idea of moving pleasant.

Finally able to move, I bent over, saying "The hidden guardian, the wandering doom, Ryoumen Sukuna bows to thee, offering the world and more to you, who sits above all, O supreme one."

'Holy shit, where did that come from?!' I thought. I had glazed this man while simultaneously reciting a poem, truly a divine feat.

"Except for the Guardian of the Fourth Level, Gargantua, and the Guardian of the Eighth Level, Victim, the floor guardians have gathered to prostrate themselves before you... Your orders, O Supreme One! We offer our complete devotion to you." Albedo said.

'Man she is giving my glazing a run for its money.' I thought at this declaration of hers.

'But still, this guy is insane.' my train of thought changed, now focusing on Momonga

Although I could feel that he was weaker than me, and even after the knowledge that this was more his nervousness than anything else, the despair aura this guy emitted was no joke. When they explain the skill in the novels and stuff, you don't really get the scale, but let me tell you, if not for this body, I would've died of a heart attack by now.

"Raise your heads." Momonga-sama suddenly said. Immediately, all of their heads rose together in a crisp motion. I obviously raised my head a second later.

"Well, then... For starters, I appreciate you all gathering here." Momonga-sama continued.

"Please save your appreciation. We offer you not only our devotion, but our very selves. It is most natural that we should heed your call." Albedo claimed.

"For thy sake, a mere respite from our duties is nothing, for we shall crush even the sturdiest of obstruction, were you to call." I said again, not letting up my unique way of speaking.

"Exactly so, O Supreme one!" all the guardians exclaimed at the same time, seemingly sharing the sentiment.

"Wonderful, guardians. It is my firm belief as of this moment that you are devoted to my goals and are capable of going to any lengths if it means accomplishing them without error." Momonga-sama replied.

"Now, then, there may be some points that are unclear, but I want you to listen carefully. It appears that the Great Tomb of Nazarick has…" he continued.

'Ah the new world, such a pitiful place' I got lost in my own thoughts. The residents of this world won't know what hit them until it's too late. These guys are going to face at least three massacres in the next half decade.

'Oh well, it's hardly my problem… how many bugs die, that is. Pity all that meat will- STOP! BAD ME! Don't view humans as just meat to be devoured. I gotta remember those are real people. Yeah, that's right! I gotta save em, make sure I can find a way to calm down momonga-sama and the rest while they commit genocide. Maybe they'll listen to me since they seem to hold me in high regard.' I decided.

"Sukuna" a voice called out, breaking me out of my thoughts. I looked around, only to find everyone looking at me, expecting an answer.

'Uhh, what were we talking about again?' I wondered.


A/N: Man overlord novel is massive. I'm writing while reading it and it takes way too long to read even a single chapter.