The First Step Toward Strength

Boom. Boom. 💥💥💥

A deafening explosion echoed through the training room and I stumbled back gasping for breath Sweat dripped down my forehead and my chest heaved as I struggled to steady myself I felt my pulse pounding in my ears the rush of blood flooding every corner of my mind, but I forced myself to stay focused.

I am Austin I muttered between ragged breaths hufff hufff reminding myself of who I was, I came to this new world after I died… It's been six months.

Six months since I had been reborn in this place this world of magic and martial arts one of my favourite novel I was born in Rosford Country, a land renowned for being home to one of the strongest legendary hero who once fought against the Demon King.

He was a martial artist of unimaginable power a figure etched into the history of this world I thought about his legacy as I looked around the vast training room my thoughts briefly drifting to the possibilities of what I could become.

But I wasn't born into a lineage of warriors or heroes I was reborn as an orphan in the Rosford Orphanage one of many children with no status, no family, and no identity That was my reality. And yet despite my ordinary beginnings I had been blessed—or perhaps cursed—with two divine abilities from the moment I arrived in this world.

Huff huff… My breaths came in ragged gasps, the strain of using my abilities already taking a toll on my body. It was exhausting mentally it's hard to concentrate it's you are drawing two different paintings at same time with both hands this constant cycle of pushing myself to the limit....huff Boom huff… Another surge of energy pulsed through me threatening to overwhelm my senses but I gritted my teeth and fought through it I had to keep going.

I want to be the strongest… the strongest in this world I whispered to myself like a mantra. But this body… this body of mine it's something I still couldn't fully understand. Despite possessing divine abilities, it was as though I lacked something essential as if there was a piece of myself that I couldn't grasp.

The moment I came into this world, I felt… nothing. No desire, no passion, no emotions. It was as if I had been hollowed out a mere shell of who I once was I thought it was just the result of reincarnating into a new body but even now I couldn't shake that feeling of emptiness. No happiness, no sadness—just this void that followed me wherever I went.

But then… there was that voice.

The first time I lost control the first time I let my emotions slip I heard it. The voice of a woman—soft, gentle, and impossibly familiar. It was as though she was calling out to me trying to reach me from somewhere far beyond this world qnd each time I heard her it chipped away at the walls I had built around myself forcing me to confront emotions I didn't want to face.

I shook my head trying to clear my thoughts I couldn't afford to get distracted now right now my priority was showing my progress to my teachers Joseph and Shela they were the only ones who had guided me since I arrived at the orphanage—Joseph who taught me the basics of martial arts, and Shela who had promised to teach me Rune Magic if I could prove my potential and that's exactly what I was here to do.

Ugh, huff… I could barely catch my breath it's like mental burden of control, but I forced myself to stand tall ignoring the ache in my head. All around me the training room was filled with silent onlookers. Nobles' children, orphaned kids, teachers—everyone was watching me waiting to see what I could do and their eyes… I could feel them burning into my skin each gaze filled with expectation, inferiority,skepticism, and even a hint of fear.

It didn't matter None of it matterednexcept for proving myself today.

My eyes flicked over to Teacher Shela. Her expression was one of pure shock her lips slightly parted as if she couldn't quite believe what she was seeing it wasn't often that someone managed to surprise her Her normally composed and serene face was now etched with disbelief and that gave me a flicker of satisfactionn on the other hand Teacher Joseph stood there with a grin tugging at his lips his eyes gleaming with pride. It was as if he had known all along that I could do this that I could stand here today and prove myself.

But it wasn't about them It wasn't about anyone else I needed answers—answers about this body about the voice about who I was supposed to be in this world and if proving my abilities was the only way to get those answers then I would do whatever it took.

I took a deep breath, feeling the mana swirling in the air around me and began drawing the rune characters. I had to concentrate had to focus every ounce of my willpower on the blank space in front of me. Slowly carefully I started to trace the first character with my fingertips guiding the natural mana from the atmosphere into the shape I envisioned in my mind.

It was harder than I thought it would be the air felt heavy and every movement seemed to take twice as much effort as it should have. But I pushed through refusing to let myself falter I could feel the flow of mana responding to me bending to my will and with each stroke the rune began to take form.

Ignite, I whispered and a small flame flickered into existence in the air before me hovering in the empty space. It crackled and dancedb casting a faint glow that bathed the room in an eerie light. The onlookers gasped their eyes widening in awe but I wasn't done yet.

With a quick motion I moved on to the second rune. Strengthen. The lines of light shimmered, and I could feel a surge of energy coursing through the flame causing it to burn brighter, hotter. It expanded the heat becoming intense and I gritted my teeth as sweat poured down my face I was pushing myself to my limit but I wouldn't stop now.

Finally the last rune: Defense. With shaking fingers, I drew the final character and a transparent shield materialized in front of me its surface shimmering like glass. It was faint barely visible but it was there—solid, real, and undeniably mine.

I took a step back, panting heavily, my heart pounding in my chest. Three rune characters, all drawn within a span of three minutes. It wasn't perfect and it wasn't as fast as a trained rune user like Teacher Shela who could draw them with just a thought. But it was an accomplishment especially considering that I had only been practicing Rune Magic for five days.

Five days.

It felt unreal even to me but I knew that I couldn't have done it alone It was thanks to my Human Sage ability (Divine skill)the one that allowed me to grasp concepts and skills far quicker than others and of course that voice… the voice that had guided me when I needed it most.

I looked up meeting Teacher Shela's gaze for a moment we just stared at each other and I saw something flicker in her eyes—something that made my chest tighten with a strange sense of hope Maybe… just maybe i was on the right path.

But I wasn't finished yet I needed to become stronger there were still so many things I didn't understand Why couldn't I use Attribute Martial Arts or Element Magic even though I was born with a divine ability (Element master) It was an irony that I couldn't help but find bitterly amusing.

Huff… irony I muttered under my breath letting out a strained chuckle i wasn't like the others. And that was okay I didn't need to be like them I would forge my own path no matter how long or difficult it was.

As I stood there surrounded by the crackling flame, the glowing shield, and the murmurs of the onlookers, I made a silent promise to myself I would find the answers. I would discover the truth about this world, this body, and that mysterious voice. And one day… one day, I would become the strongest.

For now, though, I had taken my first step

All right thank you 😌 😌 😌 😌 😌 😌 🙏

I am a beginner novelist. I have just started writing novels and this is my first story. I don't know if people will like this novel or not, but I want to complete it. I have thought through all the ideas, and I really want to finish this novel properly. Thank you so much, friends.