It's Hard to move on (parallel world 2)

Arjun leaned against the weathered fence, the sharp chill of the evening air biting at his skin. The sun hung low on the horizon, a fiery orb sinking slowly, casting long shadows across the sprawling field. The crowd around him buzzed with energy, their cheers and claps blending into an indistinguishable roar. Despite the commotion, Arjun's gaze remained fixed, locked on the slender figure of Maya in the distance.

She stood poised, her figure silhouetted against the fading light, waiting for her name to be called for the final event. Today was a significant day—an annual college event that Maya had been preparing for months. Her dedication, discipline, and passion were nothing short of inspiring. Arjun admired her for it, but today felt different. This was more than just another event. For Maya, it was a culmination of months of hard work, and for Arjun, it was a promise fulfilled.

Arjun, despite his demanding schedule as the president of the sports committee, had made a solemn promise to Maya. He would be there for her, cheering her on, no matter what obstacles came his way. And though his days had been consumed with meetings, planning, and organizing the upcoming four-day sports event, today, he had set everything aside just for her.

As he stood there, waiting for her name to be announced, his thoughts wandered. His responsibilities weighed heavily on him, pulling him in different directions, but Maya was always his center. Every cheer, every shout from the crowd around him faded into the background as he focused on her.

Hours passed like minutes, and Arjun clapped enthusiastically each time Maya's name echoed through the loudspeakers. He watched her compete, her movements graceful yet strong, her concentration unwavering. When the final results were announced, and Maya was awarded second place, Arjun's heart swelled with pride. He couldn't stop smiling as he watched her accept the medal, her face glowing with a mix of relief and joy. Her radiant smile was a moment he would forever treasure.

As she walked toward him, her eyes searching for his in the crowd, Arjun waved, catching her attention. Maya's smile grew wider as she hurried over. They walked home together, their fingers intertwined, sharing a quiet intimacy that spoke volumes more than words ever could.


The days following Maya's event should have been filled with celebration, but instead, they were consumed by the relentless demands of college life. Arjun found himself drowning in a sea of meetings, event planning, and managing his responsibilities as the sports committee president. Every day, he was pulled deeper into the chaos of the upcoming sports festival, a massive event that had become his primary focus.

Maya, too, was overwhelmed. She had her own commitments—academic responsibilities, cultural committee meetings, and a relentless stream of extracurricular activities. Their schedules barely aligned, and the time they once spent together became fleeting moments, hurried exchanges in passing hallways, and rushed phone calls late at night.

For weeks, their relationship felt like a waiting game—waiting for the right time to talk, waiting for things to slow down, waiting for a moment when they could just be with each other. But that moment never seemed to come.

One evening, as Arjun sat in yet another meeting with the event organizers, his phone buzzed. He glanced down at the screen and saw Maya's name flash across it. A pang of guilt shot through him. He had barely spoken to her in days, too consumed by the event's preparations. He silenced the phone, intending to call her back once the meeting was over. But by the time he was free, it was late, and exhaustion took over. He fell asleep without returning her call.

Maya, on the other hand, stared at her phone, the silence on the other end more deafening than any words could have been. She had grown used to waiting for Arjun—waiting for a call back, waiting for him to show up, waiting for him to find a moment for her. But how much longer could she wait?

The days melded into weeks, and the anticipation of the four-day sports event grew. Arjun was at the epicenter of it all, managing every detail, ensuring everything ran smoothly. Maya, though understanding the importance of his role, felt the growing void between them. She missed the long conversations, the spontaneous outings, the late-night talks where they shared their dreams and fears. But now, it seemed like Arjun's world revolved around the event, leaving little room for her.

On the third day of the sports event, Maya couldn't take it anymore. The loneliness that had been creeping into her life became unbearable. She missed Arjun, not just his presence, but the emotional connection they once shared. Driven by a desire to reconnect, she decided to surprise him, hoping to steal a moment of his attention.

Navigating through the maze of people at the event, Maya finally spotted Arjun on the sidelines, intensely focused on the ongoing matches. His posture was rigid, his gaze fixed on the athletes, as he jotted down notes, managing the logistics.

Maya's heart raced with a mix of hope and apprehension as she approached him. She took a deep breath, willing herself to stay calm.

"Hey," she said softly, her voice almost lost in the din of the crowd.

Arjun looked up, momentarily pulled away from his duties. His eyes widened in surprise when he saw her standing there. "Maya! I didn't see you there. How are you?"

Maya forced a smile, trying to mask the disappointment that was slowly creeping in. "I'm fine. I just thought I'd drop by and see how you're doing."

Arjun's attention flickered back to the match. "Just a bit busy, but everything's going well," he replied, his tone absent, distracted.

Maya's smile faltered. She had hoped for more than a brief acknowledgment, for a moment of connection. She took a deep breath, gathering her courage. "Do you think you could take a break? Maybe we could go for a walk?"

Arjun hesitated, his eyes darting between Maya and the ongoing event. Torn between his obligations and his affection for her, he struggled to find the right words. "I wish I could, but things are really hectic right now. Can you wait a bit? I'll make it up to you, I promise."

Maya's patience, already worn thin from weeks of feeling neglected, snapped. She couldn't hold back any longer. "Arjun, I've been waiting. I waited through your meetings, your event planning, and I'm waiting now. But how much longer can I wait?"

Her words hit Arjun like a punch to the gut. A sharp pang of guilt mixed with frustration. He felt torn—he wanted to be there for her, but his responsibilities were overwhelming. "Maya, I was there all day during your event too. Can't you understand that I have responsibilities here?"

Maya turned away, her heart aching. Tears threatened to spill, but she swallowed them down. "I do understand. But sometimes, I just need you to be here with me, not just in the same place but actually with me."

Arjun sighed deeply, rubbing his temples as if trying to banish the growing frustration. He cared for Maya deeply, but the weight of everything was too much to bear. "Maya, please. Just a little more time. I'll be with you as soon as this is over."

Maya's disappointment turned into quiet resolve. She had heard those words before—too many times. "I'll go home alone then."

Arjun's friend, Ravi, who had been observing from a distance, approached Maya. "Maya, I can drop you off. It's getting late."

Maya shook her head, her resolve hardening. "No, thanks. I'll manage." And with that, she walked away, leaving Arjun standing there, torn between his duties and his heart.


The Tragic Accident: A Night to Forget

The silence between Arjun and Maya stretched over seven long days. Each day weighed heavily on Arjun's heart. He missed Maya, missed the way they used to talk for hours, the way her laughter would brighten even his most stressful days. He had tried calling her, but each call went unanswered. His messages remained unread. Maya had shut him out, and the distance between them had grown unbearable.

One evening, unable to bear the silence any longer, Arjun decided to seek solace in the familiar company of his friends. He called two of his closest friends, Aditya and Vikram, and suggested they meet at a small hillside bar, a retreat where he often went to clear his mind.

The three of them gathered at the bar, sitting at a small wooden table overlooking the city. The view was beautiful, but Arjun could barely appreciate it. His thoughts were consumed by Maya.

"I don't know what to do, man," Arjun muttered, taking a sip of his drink. "She won't talk to me. I've tried everything."

Aditya, sitting across from him, gave him a sympathetic look. "She's probably just hurt, bro. You both have been under a lot of stress lately. Give her some time."

Arjun shook his head, frustration bubbling to the surface. "I've given her time. I've tried to explain, but she doesn't want to hear it. I know I messed up, but it feels like she's slipping away, and I don't know how to stop it."

Vikram leaned back in his chair, giving Arjun a long look. "Sometimes, people just need space. But if she means that much to you, maybe you shouldn't wait for her to come around. Maybe you should go to her."

Arjun set his drink down, the weight of Vikram's words hitting him hard. Go to her. It sounded so simple, yet the thought filled him with both hope and dread. Could he fix this, or had too much time passed? He wasn't sure, but the idea of not trying felt worse than any fear of rejection.

He pulled out his phone, his fingers trembling slightly as he dialed Ravi's number. He needed someone to ground him, and Ravi had always been that friend who could provide perspective when things felt too chaotic.

"Ravi, I'm going to see Maya," Arjun said, his voice firm with decision. "I can't keep sitting here, waiting for her to come around. I need to make things right."

On the other end of the line, Ravi hesitated. "Arjun, are you sure? It's late, and emotions are running high. Maybe give it another day—let things cool down first."

"I've already waited too long," Arjun replied, the frustration and longing clear in his voice. "I can't wait anymore. I have to see her now."

Ravi sighed, concerned. "Alright, but listen—wait for me. I'll come with you. I don't want you going alone, especially since you've been drinking."

Arjun agreed, but as he hung up, lost in thoughts of Maya and the silence that had grown between them. He knew he couldn't wait any longer; he had to see her, to make things right. Ignoring the concerns of his friends Aditya and Vikram, he insisted on going to see Maya that very night.

"Let's go," Arjun said firmly. "I can't wait any longer. I need to see her."

Understanding his urgency, Aditya and Vikram agreed to accompany him. The three friends quickly hopped onto Aditya's bike and sped off into the night, determined to reach Maya's house.

As they approached Maya's neighborhood, the streets became quieter, and Arjun's heart raced with anticipation. But before they could reach her house, a car suddenly swerved into their path. Aditya managed to avoid the collision just in time, and the three of them, shaken but unharmed, breathed a collective sigh of relief.

When they finally arrived at Maya's house, Arjun's nerves were on edge. He knocked on the door, and after a few tense moments, Maya opened it, her eyes widening in surprise.

"Arjun? What are you doing here at this hour?" she asked, her voice a mix of shock and concern.

"I had to see you, Maya," Arjun replied, his voice trembling with emotion. "I couldn't bear the thought of us ending like this. I'm sorry for how things have been, for not being there when you needed me. I promise I'll make it right."

Before Maya could respond, Aditya and Vikram, sensing the importance of the moment, immediately spoke up.

"We'll leave you two alone to talk," Aditya said with a supportive smile.

"Take care of each other," Vikram added, and without waiting another second, they both turned and walked away, leaving Arjun and Maya to have the privacy they needed.

As soon as Aditya and Vikram left, Ravi arrived on his bike, concerned after his earlier conversation with Arjun. He quickly dismounted and approached the couple.

"Arjun, are you okay?" Ravi asked, his voice filled with worry.

"I'm fine, Ravi," Arjun replied, relieved to have his friend's support. "Thanks for coming."

Maya, still processing everything, looked at Arjun with a mixture of emotions. "I've been so angry, so hurt," she admitted, tears welling up. "But I don't want to lose you, Arjun. I just want us to be okay."

Arjun stepped closer, gently taking her hands. "We will be, Maya. I promise, from now on, I'll be here—truly here. Let's work through this together."

Maya nodded, a small smile breaking through her tears. "Okay. Let's try."

Ravi, recognizing that Arjun and Maya needed time alone, offered a reassuring smile. "I'll head out too. You two should have some time to talk."

After Ravi left, Arjun and Maya sat together on the porch, talking for hours, reconnecting, and rebuilding their bond. They shared stories, laughed about old memories, and promised each other that they would prioritize their relationship moving forward.

In the weeks that followed, Arjun made good on his promise. He balanced his responsibilities with his time for Maya, making sure she always knew she was his top priority. The two of them began spending more time together, rediscovering the joy in their relationship.

Years later, as they sat together on the porch of their cozy home, watching the sunset, Arjun and Maya reflected on how close they had come to losing each other. But instead, they had found their way back, stronger and more in love than ever. They spent their days filled with laughter, warmth, and love, building a life together that was richer and more fulfilling than they had ever imagined.

They traveled to new places, celebrated milestones together, and supported each other through life's ups and downs. Their love, once tested, had only grown deeper, and they knew that whatever challenges came their way, they would face them hand in hand.

As the years went by, Arjun and Maya became known as the couple who had weathered the storm and come out stronger on the other side. Their story became an inspiration to those around them, a reminder that true love is about understanding, forgiveness, and always finding your way back to each other.