Ghosted by Accident 4

Chapter 4: A Growing Suspicion

Jake's weeks began to fall into a pattern—classes in the morning, occasional trips to Calm Horizons in the afternoons, and a seemingly endless cycle of pranks from Tom and Sam. Despite the lighthearted antics of his friends, he couldn't shake the growing feeling that there was something different about his part-time job.

It wasn't that the cases were unusual—he had mostly dealt with stressed-out clients, strange sounds in old homes, and minor emotional disturbances. But something about the way Winchester had looked at him after his visit to Mrs. Grace's house still stuck with him. Winchester was a man of few words, but Jake noticed that recently, he had been observing him more closely, as if waiting for something.

Jake sat in his psychology class one afternoon, zoning out as his professor lectured on cognitive behavioral therapy. His thoughts drifted to Calm Horizons—the odd, quiet vibe in the office, the way the senior employees seemed to always be busy with something he wasn't privy to. Jake couldn't help but wonder if there was more to the company than met the eye.


After class, Jake decided to drop by Calm Horizons again. He didn't have any assignments for the day, but the curiosity gnawing at him was too much to ignore. When he arrived, the office seemed quieter than usual. Only a handful of employees were around, and none of the senior staff seemed to be present.

Jake approached Beth at the front desk. "Hey, Beth. Is it always this quiet around here?"

Beth looked up from her computer and gave a small smile. "Not always. Some days are busier than others. The senior team is usually out on bigger cases during the day. It's pretty routine."

"Bigger cases?" Jake asked, trying to sound casual.

Beth nodded. "Yeah, the seniors handle the more complex cases. They've been doing this for years, so they get the heavy stuff—lots of in-depth investigations, long-term clients, that kind of thing."

Jake frowned. "What kind of cases are we talking about?"

Beth gave him a strange look but shrugged. "You know, family disputes, corporate stress, things that require more expertise than just a listening ear."

Jake wasn't convinced. There was something off about the way Beth answered, but he couldn't put his finger on it. Before he could ask more, Beth's phone rang, and she waved him off with an apologetic smile. "Duty calls."


Later that evening, Jake found himself in the dorm common room, trying to focus on his psychology assignments. Tom and Sam were playing video games on the couch, laughing and shouting at each other as they competed. Despite the noise, Jake's mind kept returning to Calm Horizons. He needed to get to the bottom of what the company really did, but he had no idea how to approach it without sounding paranoid.

"Yo, Jake!" Tom called, snapping him out of his thoughts. "You're spacing out, man. What's up?"

Jake sighed, leaning back in his chair. "Just thinking about work."

Sam raised an eyebrow. "Since when are you so interested in work? Thought you said it was just an easy gig."

"Yeah, it is," Jake replied. "But something feels... off. I don't know. The boss has been acting weird, and I feel like there's something going on behind the scenes that I'm not seeing."

Tom and Sam exchanged glances before bursting out laughing.

"Dude, you're overthinking it," Tom said. "It's probably just a bunch of stressed-out clients, right? Counseling isn't exactly the most exciting job."

Jake smirked. "You're probably right. Maybe I just need to chill."


The next day, Jake received a text from Beth asking if he could come in to take another case. He had a break between classes and figured it was better than sitting around campus, so he agreed.

When he arrived at Calm Horizons, Winchester was waiting for him.

"Jake," Winchester said, motioning him over. "We've got a new case for you. It's a bit more involved than your usual ones, but I think you're ready."

Jake raised an eyebrow. "More involved how?"

Winchester handed him a file. "A family in a nearby neighborhood has been hearing strange noises in their house for the past few weeks. At first, they thought it was just old pipes or animals, but things have escalated. They're seeing shadows, hearing whispers—stuff that's starting to make them feel unsafe. I want you to go in and assess the situation."

Jake blinked. "Wait... shadows and whispers? That sounds... weird."

Winchester smiled faintly. "Yes, but remember, your job is to provide comfort and help the family understand what's happening. It's probably nothing more than anxiety or a trick of the mind, but we take every case seriously."

Jake hesitated. This case felt different—stranger than the usual emotional support visits he'd been doing. But Winchester seemed confident, so he agreed to take it.

"Okay," Jake said, taking the file. "I'll check it out."


The house was located in a quiet neighborhood, just a short train ride away. As Jake stood in front of the modest two-story home, he couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. The air felt heavy, like the atmosphere in Mrs. Grace's house, but more intense.

He knocked on the door, and a woman in her mid-40s answered, looking visibly shaken. "Are you from Calm Horizons?" she asked, her voice shaky.

Jake nodded. "I'm Jake. I'm here to help."

The woman Mrs. Turner ushered him inside quickly. "Thank you for coming. We've been at our wits' end with what's been happening."

As Jake walked through the house, he noticed a strange energy, like something was lurking just beneath the surface. Mrs. Turner explained that the family had been hearing footsteps in the attic, objects had been moving on their own, and the children were complaining of seeing figures in the corners of their rooms at night.

Jake tried to reassure her, using the same calming techniques he had with other clients. But as he sat down in the living room, a sudden cold draft swept through the room, making the hair on the back of his neck stand up.

Mrs. Turner looked at him, her eyes wide. "Did you feel that?"

Jake nodded slowly, trying to remain composed. "Yeah... but it's probably just a draft from the windows."

Mrs. Turner shook her head. "There are no windows open. This has been happening every night for the past week. We're terrified."

For the first time since he started working at Calm Horizons, Jake felt genuinely uneasy. He had always assumed that the company dealt with emotional support and counseling, but this... this felt like something else entirely.


When Jake returned to the office later that afternoon, Winchester was waiting for him again.

"How did it go?" Winchester asked, his tone casual but his eyes sharp.

Jake hesitated. "It was... weird. The family is definitely freaked out, and honestly, I can't blame them. There was this cold draft, and the whole house just felt... off."

Winchester nodded, not looking surprised. "Sometimes, people's emotions manifest in ways that affect the atmosphere of a place. Fear can create a sense of unease."

Jake wasn't convinced. "Is that really all it is?"

Winchester's gaze lingered on Jake for a moment before he said, "Let's just say, not everything can be explained by logic. But for now, focus on helping the clients feel safe. That's your job."

Jake left the office with more questions than answers. Something about Calm Horizons was definitely not what it seemed, and he was starting to wonder if he was in way over his head.