Ghosted by Accident 9

Chapter 9: Whispers in the Basement

A few days after the theater investigation, Jake returned to his college routine, trying to balance his studies and his part-time job at Calm Horizons. The two worlds seemed so different. On one hand, he was surrounded by textbooks, lectures, and group assignments; on the other, he was investigating the supernatural, a field that still felt surreal despite the cases he had already faced.

His friends, Tom and Sam, were still in the habit of joking about his job, even though they were working in a different branch of Calm Horizons in the city. They'd send him messages, pretending to be ghosts or offering ridiculous case scenarios like "haunted vending machines" or "ghosts of forgotten homework." Jake took it all in stride, secretly enjoying the normalcy that came with their pranks.

But today was different.


Jake received a call from the office while sitting in his history lecture. It was Clara. She sounded serious.

"We've got a case," Clara said. "It's a bit more complex this time, but it's local. You up for it?"

Jake glanced at the clock. He had a few more hours of class, but this felt more pressing. "Yeah, I'm in. What's the situation?"

Clara filled him in. A small, family-owned bakery had reported strange sounds coming from the basement. The owners, an elderly couple, claimed they'd hear whispers and footsteps late at night, but no one else was ever down there. It had reached a point where they avoided going into the basement entirely, and they were scared it might be something paranormal.

"We'll meet there at 6 PM," Clara said. "Bring your usual gear."


Jake arrived at the bakery just as the sun was setting. It was a quaint little place, the smell of freshly baked bread wafting through the air as customers picked up their evening treats. The owners, Mr. and Mrs. Fischer, greeted him warmly, though there was an undeniable nervousness in their eyes.

Clara was already inside, setting up some basic equipment. She gave Jake a nod as he walked in. "Good timing."

Mrs. Fischer wrung her hands anxiously. "I don't know what it could be. We've owned this place for 30 years, and nothing like this ever happened until recently. My husband says it's the pipes, but I swear, there are voices down there."

Mr. Fischer remained silent but looked uncomfortable. Clearly, he was skeptical but still uneasy.

Jake and Clara exchanged a glance. This was different from the theater case—a much smaller, more personal environment. Clara addressed the Fischers, keeping her tone calm and reassuring.

"We'll check it out and see if we can find a rational explanation. If there's anything unusual, we'll handle it," Clara said, leading the way to the basement.


The basement was exactly what Jake expected—cool, dark, and filled with storage shelves packed with flour, sugar, and baking supplies. The room had a low ceiling, and the air smelled faintly of yeast and old wood. As Clara set up the equipment, Jake walked around, shining his flashlight into the corners, inspecting the space.

The EMF reader beeped softly as Jake passed by a section of the basement wall. He stopped and waved the reader over it again. The levels were slightly elevated, but nothing alarming.

"Anything?" Clara asked.

"Just a small spike, but nothing unusual yet," Jake replied.

As they continued their sweep, the Fischers waited nervously upstairs. Clara conducted a few EVP sessions, asking questions into the air and hoping to pick up any responses on the voice recorders. They moved in silence for the next hour, focusing on getting as much data as possible.

Then, it happened.

A soft, indistinct whisper echoed through the room. Jake froze, listening. The sound seemed to come from the far corner of the basement, near an old, unused door that looked like it led to a crawlspace or storage area. He glanced at Clara, who nodded. She had heard it too.

They moved toward the door slowly. The whispering grew clearer, but the words were still impossible to make out. It was like hearing someone talking just out of earshot, a faint but persistent murmur.

Jake's heart raced. This was the real deal.

Clara motioned for him to stay back as she opened the door, her flashlight piercing the darkness beyond. The crawlspace was cramped and dusty, filled with old furniture and forgotten supplies. But there was no one there.

The whispering stopped.


Back upstairs, Jake and Clara reviewed the footage and audio recordings with the Fischers. The whispering had been captured, though faint, and the Fischers seemed both relieved and unnerved to know they weren't imagining things.

"Could it be…a spirit?" Mrs. Fischer asked, her voice trembling.

Clara remained calm and professional. "It's possible, but we can't say for sure yet. It could be something residual, meaning it's just leftover energy from the past. This building has been here for a long time. If someone spent a lot of time in that basement, it might have left an imprint."

Jake nodded in agreement. "We'll keep looking into it. We don't want to jump to conclusions."

Mr. Fischer finally spoke up, his voice gruff but concerned. "So, what now?"

"We'll recommend a few things," Clara said. "First, we can try a cleansing ritual. If the disturbances persist, we'll come back and do a more thorough investigation. For now, try not to worry too much. We didn't find anything dangerous."


As Jake and Clara packed up their equipment and prepared to leave, Jake couldn't help but reflect on how far he had come in his understanding of the supernatural. Each case seemed to peel back another layer of mystery, and while he still didn't completely understand it all, he was learning to trust his instincts.

Back at the Calm Horizons office, Winchester reviewed their findings, his expression thoughtful.

"Another good job," he said, his eyes lingering on Jake for a moment longer than usual. "You're starting to find your stride, Jake. Keep this up, and you'll be taking on more responsibilities soon."

Jake smiled, grateful for the compliment. He still wasn't sure how he felt about diving deeper into the paranormal world, but there was something thrilling about it too. The mysteries, the tension, the unknown—it was like nothing he had ever experienced before.

As he left the office, he received another message from Tom and Sam: "Any haunted cupcakes yet?" followed by a string of laughing emojis.

Jake chuckled, shaking his head. His life was changing in ways he never expected, but for now, he was content to take it one ghost at a time.