The Rise of Majaeid The Mastermind

Month of peace followed Youjaan's fall. Deepak continued to fulfill his duties as the protector of the kingdom and an esteemed swordmaster. Yet, the battles he had faced had left scars, and the darkness he had confronted began to take root in his own soul. The constant struggles, the loss of friends, and the burden of responsibilities slowly began to erode his spirit.

One night, Deepak had a vision a nightmare of Aranya burning, his loved ones falling one by one. In his dream, he found himself standing amidst the ruins, unable to save them. He awoke in a cold sweat, a sense of impending doom weighing heavily on his heart. Determined to prevent this vision from becoming reality, Deepak threw himself into training and preparing for future threats with an intensity that bordered on obsession.

But this obsession began to twist his noble intentions. Deepak started to see potential threats everywhere, and his methods of dealing with them grew harsher. He imposed strict laws and punished even minor offenses with severity, believing that only absolute control could ensure peace. His once-kind nature grew cold, and the people of Aranya began to fear him rather than respect him.

Master Kalam, sensing the change in his former pupil, tried to reason with him. "Deepak," he said, "you cannot save the kingdom by becoming its tyrant. You must remember the lessons of honor and compassion.

But Deepak, blinded by the fear of his nightmare, rejected Kalam's words. "The world has changed, Master. Mercy only invites chaos. Strength is the only way to maintain order.

Despite the peace and prosperity in Aranya, Deepak remained restless. One day, he heard about a mysterious and visionary figure named Majaeid, known as the "Mastermind." Majaeid possessed a reservoir of knowledge and strategy that could make any warrior invincible. Deepak realized that under Majaeid's guidance, he could uncover his hidden potential and ensure the security of his kingdom.

Determined to find Majaeid, Deepak embarked on a journey. After a long and arduous quest, he discovered Majaeid in a concealed cave. Majaeid recognized Deepak's potential and purpose, accepting him as his disciple. The training was grueling, but Deepak embraced each challenge and immersed himself in Majaeid's principles.

Majaeid's past was shrouded in mystery. Once a renowned advisor and strategist for great empires, he had been driven into seclusion by power and betrayal. He dedicated his life to the pursuit of knowledge and the art of foresight. Majaeid taught Deepak that warfare was not merely a game of strength but a complex interplay of strategy and mentality. He imparted techniques in various combat skills, the art of deception, and mental fortitude.

After several days of intense training, Majaeid and Deepak returned to Aranya. Majaeid decided that Deepak should become the next king of Aranya. However, they needed to remove the current king by any means necessary. After some contemplation, Majaeid devised a plan and instructed Deepak to take him to meet the ministers. Deepak agreed, and they proceeded to the ministerial quarters.

Upon arriving, Majaeid inquired about the names of the ministers and their respective departments.

Minister Arun - Responsible for agriculture and rural development.

Minister Priya - In charge of trade and commerce.

Minister Rajesh - Oversees defense and military affairs.

Minister Meera - Manages education and cultural affairs.

Minister Vishal - Handles internal security and law enforcement.

The ministers were slightly disgruntled with the king. When Deepak and Majaeid arrived, the ministers questioned Deepak about his prolonged absence and the identity of his companion. Deepak introduced Majaeid as his new master.

minister Priya asked, "Has Master Kalam dismissed you from your disciple position?" Deepak confirmed that he had been removed, which astonished the ministers. They wondered why Master Kalam had dismissed Deepak, who had been one of his most promising disciple.

Deepak then said, "My new master has something to discuss with you.

minister Arun inquired, What is it that you wish to say, Majaeid?

Majaeid spoke critically of the current king, swaying the ministers against him. minister Vishal asked, "Alright, we will remove the king, but who will be the next ruler?

Majaeid confidently responded, "Deepak will be the next king.

The ministers, intrigued and uncertain, requested Deepak and Majaeid to step outside while they deliberated. Deepak and Majaeid complied, stepping out of the room.

Deepak said, "Master Majaeid, I don't think I am worthy of becoming king.

Majaeid reassured him, "You are far superior to the current king.

Deepak expressed his gratitude, "Thank you, Master Majaeid. I wonder how you are better than Master Kalam.

The ministers gathered in their chambers, debating whether Deepak should become the next king.

Minister Arun began, "I believe Deepak should be the next king. The current king, King Rajveer, does not take his responsibilities seriously. He's inept in battle and is on the throne only because of his family connections.

Minister Priya added, "King Rajveer has significantly increased taxes, burdening the people. Deepak would be a better choice for king.

Minister Rajesh chimed in, "Deepak is well-qualified to be king. He excels in combat, helps those in need, and is humble, unlike King Rajveer.

Minister Meera commented, "Deepak is also knowledgeable and excels in his studies. His character is commendable, making him a worthy candidate for the throne.

Minister Vishal concluded, "Alright, I will summon Deepak and Majaeid. Soldier, go and fetch them here.

The soldier acknowledged, Understood, I will bring them immediately.

The soldier went to Deepak and Majaeid and relayed the message. Soon after, Deepak and Majaeid arrived before the ministers.

Deepak and Majaeid greeted, "Ministers, how may we assist you?

Minister Arun addressed them, We have decided that you, Deepak, should become the next king. We are going to remove King Rajveer from his throne.

Majaeid spoke, Are we ready for this step?

Deepak said resolutely, I am ready.

Minister Arun nodded, Very well, let's move swiftly. Today, you will become the king, Deepak.