Journey to Northern Montane

Deepak and the soldier rode through the rugged terrain of Northern Aranya, their horses moving steadily despite the challenging landscape. The journey was long and tiresome, and Deepak found himself growing increasingly impatient with the silence. To alleviate the monotony, he turned to the soldier beside him, seeking a distraction.

Deepak, his voice cutting through the wind, said, "Tell me more about Paromita's family."

The soldier, sensing the shift in Deepak's mood, nodded. "Certainly, my king. Paromita's family originally lived in Aranya. They were known as the Khadud family, famous for their fruit business. They sold their fruits both within and outside Aranya. However, they are more commonly referred to as the Gosweeps by outsiders."

Deepak's eyes narrowed with curiosity. "Go on. What happened to them?"

The soldier continued, "One day, Paromita's father received an offer to marry his daughter to King Aur Roop of Rajagandha. The proposal was accepted, and Paromita married him, becoming the queen of Rajagandha. They had two children: a son named Neel and a daughter named Bristy."

Deepak's expression grew contemplative. "I see. But what about the rest of the Khadud family? They're no longer in Aranya, correct?"

The soldier's tone darkened. "That's right. The Khadud family faced a tragic end. During the last war with Rajagandha, the Khadud family supported Rajagandha. This act of treachery did not go unnoticed. The old king of Aranya, Rajveer, had the Khadud family eliminated as retribution. They were once among the top ten families of the continent, but their downfall was swift and brutal. Rumors suggest that some members of the Khadud family managed to escape and are now hiding in other kingdoms."

Deepak's face hardened with a mixture of anger and understanding. "So, the Khadud family's fate was sealed by their own decisions and the harsh vengeance of the Aranya kings."

The soldier nodded solemnly. "Yes, my king. It was a grim chapter in our history."

Deepak's gaze grew distant, reflecting on the complexities of past alliances and betrayals. "Tell me more about the history of Aranya. I need to understand the broader context of our kingdom."

The soldier began, "Of course. Before Aranya came into existence, there was a kingdom called Drishtaranya. It was much larger than Aranya—seven times its size. The founding father of Drishtaranya was Sindh Ananya. His family was once the most powerful on the continent. However, after Sindh Ananya's death, his family's influence waned. In the ensuing power struggles, eight families united to break apart the Drishtaranya kingdom."

Deepak listened intently as the soldier continued, "These eight families established eight new kingdoms: Sherbahar, Rajagandha, Nadiya-Surya, Madhumeva, Parvataranya, Chandramalini, Shvetanivesh, and finally, Aranya. Out of these eight, seven family still hold significant power, and their influence is felt across the continent."

Deepak's mind raced as he processed this historical context. "So, our kingdom was born from the remnants of a once-mighty empire. The conflicts and alliances of the past have shaped the present."

The soldier nodded. "Indeed, my king. The history is fraught with battles and shifting allegiances, shaping the current state of affairs."

Deepak took a deep breath, refocusing on their immediate goal. "We need to concentrate on our journey. We're heading to Shyam, and we must remain vigilant. Our priority is to find my mother and the soldier she is with."

The soldier looked concerned. "But how will we find them in such a vast area?"

Deepak's expression grew resolute. "The spy provided us with valuable information. The soldier, who is now working as a wood breaker, lives in a wooden house. We'll search the village of Shyam for this wooden house. It will be our best lead."

The soldier nodded in agreement. "Understood, my king. I'll follow your lead."

As they continued their journey, the terrain of Northern Aranya became increasingly rugged and desolate. The darkening sky seemed to mirror Deepak's inner turmoil. His thoughts were a turbulent mix of anger, betrayal.

Deepak's mind wandered back to the revelations about his family. The betrayal by his mother and the brutal eradication of the Khadud family weighed heavily on him. The darkness of his family's past and the treacherous actions of those involved seemed to cast a long shadow over his current mission.

The wind howled through the barren landscape, adding an eerie tone to their journey. Deepak's resolve remained unshaken. His anger had transformed into a cold, determined purpose. He knew that the confrontation with his mother was inevitable and necessary. The truths of the past needed to be faced, and justice had to be served.

The journey continued, with the vast expanse of Northern Aranya stretching out before them. Deepak and the soldier pressed on, their path illuminated only by the dim light of their resolve and the distant hope of uncovering the truth.

As they approached the village of Shyam, the landscape began to change. The rugged terrain gave way to scattered wooden houses, nestled among the trees. Deepak's eyes were sharp, scanning for any signs of the wooden house mentioned by the spy.

The darkening sky cast long shadows over the village, adding to the foreboding atmosphere. Deepak's thoughts were a whirlwind of emotions, but his focus remained clear.

The journey was far from over, but Deepak's determination was unwavering. As he and the soldier drew closer to their destination, the shadows of the past loomed large, casting a dark and complex backdrop to the truth and justice.