New World II

As Momonga gave orders to the NPCs in the throne room, he turned to glance at Hyper, expecting to see him still seated in his usual spot. But Hyper was gone. His absence registered immediately, a brief moment of confusion crossing Momonga's mind immediately calming down.

"Is there anything else, Master?" Albedo's voice rang out, her tone filled with unyielding devotion. She was kneeling beside his throne, her eyes glowing with admiration.

Momonga waved a skeletal hand, dismissing her query for now. His thoughts had already shifted elsewhere. "Sebas," he commanded, turning his gaze toward the old butler. "Check the perimeter within a one-kilometer radius of Nazarick. I want a full report."

"As you command, Lord Momonga." Sebas bowed deeply, before disappearing with a flash to carry out his task.

Turning his attention to the guild interface, Momonga opened a communication line. "Hyper, where did you go?" His voice was calm but tinged with curiosity. He waited for a response, but only silence greeted him at first.

Just as he was about to cut the connection, Hyper's voice crackled through the communication. "Momonga... you need to see this."

Momonga's expression, though hidden beneath his skeletal visage, tightened. Without wasting another moment, he activated his own teleportation ring, vanishing from the throne room and reappearing beside Hyper, high above the vast expanse of the world that now surrounded Nazarick.

The sight before him was nothing short of shocking. The swamps of Helheim—the dark, sulfurous bogs that had once surrounded Nazarick—were gone. In their place stretched a vast, endless green plain, rolling hills covered with vibrant grass and the soft caress of a gentle wind. The air was crisp and fresh, something Momonga hadn't experienced in years. Above, the sky was a clear blue, the sun shining brightly overhead—an unfamiliar yet exhilarating sensation.

Beside him stood Hyper, his body visibly charred, the skin of his face blackened and smoking as if it had been scorched by intense heat. One side of his cheek looked as if it had been burned away, the blackened tissue barely hanging on. Smoke rose from his body, but Hyper didn't seem to be in pain—instead, his crimson eyes were wide with awe as he gazed at the scenery before them.

"The fresh air... the clear sky... the sun... the green plants..." Hyper muttered, his voice filled with a mix of wonder and disbelief.

Momonga could feel it too. The world was alive in a way that their former reality never had been. The old world, the world they had left behind, had been suffocated by pollution, its skies darkened by toxic gas, and its ecosystems long since destroyed. The air in their former world had been difficult to breathe, and the light of the sun had rarely pierced the blanket of smog. But this place... this new world... it was breathtaking.

Momonga took a deep breath, or at least as deep as his undead form allowed. The purity of the air filled his senses, though it felt foreign to him now. His skeletal face turned toward Hyper, who seemed lost in the natural beauty around them, despite his charred appearance.

Before Momonga could respond, the voice of Albedo rang in their ears through the communication link. "My lord, the preparations are complete."

Momonga and Hyper exchanged a glance before both activated their rings of teleportation, vanishing from the open air above Nazarick and reappearing in the familiar surroundings of the Great Tomb's meeting room.


Momonga sat beside me, maintaining a noble and serious expression. His skeletal face betrayed no emotion, but the constant flicker of a green aura surrounding him gave away what was really going on inside his mind.

He was losing it—losing his cool, his composure—everything about this situation was throwing him off. And honestly, who could blame him? We were stuck in a game world, and everything was real. NPCs were moving, talking, and even thinking as if they were actual living beings.

As for me, a red aura occasionally flared up around my own body, an unintentional reflection of my building tension.

The butterfly effects I could cause here would be catastrophic. After all, I'd only read up to the Lizardmen arc of the Overlord series. Who knows what was going to happen next? The more I thought about it, the more I realized how utterly blind I was about the upcoming events.

So there were things I had no idea about. What if I did something that completely derailed the plot? Or worse, what if I missed a crucial detail that spelled disaster? 

 I was thrown into the deep end with knowledge that barely scratched the surface.

Even though my HP was still sitting above 95%, I could feel the persistent effects of the sunlight gnawing at my body. Being a vampire god amplified my abilities to insane heights, but it also amplified my weaknesses.

Sunlight, the bane of all vampires, was now my Achilles' heel. It felt like being constantly burned by gasoline, though my pain resistance mitigated most of the agony , I could still feel the effects of the sunlight burning into my skin.

I couldn't imagine what it would be like without it. Maybe I'd be writhing on the floor, a flaming mess. My body was regenerating faster than the sunlight could actually kill me, but the irritation and discomfort were enough to put me on edge.

I couldn't even imagine what it would be like without that resistance. The thought alone made me shudder.

As I mulled over these thoughts, the maid stationed at the door of the meeting room announced, "The Guardians of the Floors are entering."

Just like in the original canon, the guardians were lined up, ready to report to us.

I glanced up, seeing the familiar sequence of characters enter, Albedo, Demiurge, Shalltear, Aura, Mare, and Cocytus. But unlike in the original timeline, there were two more who replaced Victim, and another maid whom I couldn't remember clearly.

I didn't originally plan to have my own NPCs, because it took too much time and materials to level them up. But Ulbert had pushed me, and before I knew it, I had two loyal guardians of my own. I'll admit, having them was nice, and with them as meat shields farming in game wasn't that bad .

The first of my guardians was Lilith, a demonic witch with a beauty that rivaled Albedo's—bewitching, dangerous with the kind of magical prowess that could turn the tide of any battle, and absolutely yandere.

Her character description, written by Peroroncino, cause my idea of"Very, very, very, very loyal to Lord Hyper Index." had been frustratingly bland for her taste 

But I couldn't complain too much—after all, she was also the younger sister of Demiurge and, apparently, my bride according to new settings.

What?, you think only Momonga deserves a yandere girl like Albedo? Nah, I'm a man of culture too. You've got to have your waifu right beside you in this new world

The second NPC was a stark contrast to Lilith. He was a tall, lean man, dressed in an old-fashioned German military uniform from around 1934, complete with a funny-looking mustache, His name was Litreh.

Ulbert made him, and I had to put up with this ridiculous character because I lost a bet. Ulbert, of course, wrote the entire backstory, making this guy the most stereotypically evil villain ever. He was a heteromorph insect, had a thick German accent, and was apparently "the evilest of all of Hyper Index's creations."

Yeah, right. He was my right-hand man during missions, though, mostly because he served as an excellent meat shield. He was a level 100 warlock, with defense stats through the roof.

Still, seeing him do that offensive salute every time I saw him was a bit much. I sighed inwardly, looking at him perform his over-the-top greeting.

My thoughts were interrupted as Albedo and Shalltear entered the room, immediately starting their usual bickering.

"You bitch! Who do you think you are, speaking to me like that?" Shalltear hissed, her voice dripping with venom.

"Oh, please," Albedo shot back, a smirk dancing on her lips. "Still bitter because your flat chest has no chance of winning the love of the supreme beings?"

"Virgin," Albedo shot back, smiling condescendingly.

Shalltear's eyes narrowed, and she clenched her fists. "At least I'm not a cow like you, you pathetic virgin!" I could feel my eyebrows twitch. The entertainment value was definitely there, but it was hard to not roll my eyes.

"Pathetic?" Albedo's voice dropped dangerously low, her eyes locking onto Shalltear's. "Shall I remind you of your humiliating loss during our last sparring session?"

I watched the exchange with amusement, leaning back in my chair. They were just as fiery as I remembered from the manga. But before their insults could escalate into a full-blown fight, Cocytus's deep, gravelly voice cut through the tension.

Just as I was about to chuckle, "Enough," Cocytus growled, his multi-armed frame towering over the bickering women. "Fighting. in. front. of .the .supreme .beings. is .disgraceful."

Both Albedo and Shalltear turned their gazes toward me, their faces instantly going pale as they saw the red aura flaring around me. I was so close to laughing, but I kept my composure, the intimidating aura doing its job to calm them down.

They quickly fell into line, realizing their squabble wasn't worth the potential wrath of their supreme beings who they saw as a being greater than god.

The meeting began with Momonga calling Sebas to stop his scouting mission and join us in the meeting room. Moments later, Sebas arrived and knelt before us. His voice was calm and professional as he explained the situation.

"Nazarick has been transported to a new world, my lords."

Momonga remained quiet, his skeletal face betraying nothing as he absorbed the information. I, on the other hand, was buzzing with excitement.

I leaned back in my chair, my mind racing. 

This was it. This was the beginning of everything that had been laid out in the Overlord series, but now I was part of it. The canon events were unfolding, but with me in the mix, I could already tell things were going to take a wildly different course.

As Sebas continued to describe the landscape "The air here… the sunlight… it's all too different," 

I nodded absentmindedly, The sun was still high, but I could sense the passing of time, the slow descent of day into night. Soon, it would be dark, and I could finally stretch my legs outside of Nazarick. I had so many ideas, so many plans, but for now, I'd play along.

The meeting continued as Sebas detailed his findings. It seemed that Nazarick was perfectly intact, untouched by whatever force had brought us here. The world outside, however, was completely new. No signs of the previous Yggdrasil environments existed. 

All the Floor guardians were surprised and bewildered hearing it and not being able to believe their own ears

"Let's just hope the sun goes down soon," I muttered under my breath and stood up towering with my height.