New World III

I turned towards the guardians who were kneeling before us, their heads lowered in respect. My curiosity got the better of me, and with a slight smirk, I asked, "What do you think of us, the Supreme Beings?"

There was a brief pause before they began to answer, starting with Demiurge, who was always the first to speak when it came to addressing us. His voice, calm and filled with reverence, echoed in the throne room.

"My lords," he began, his gaze flickering between Momonga and me with his galsses gleaming in the light, "you are the apex of all creation. Lord Momonga, your wisdom, and strategic mind are unparalleled,"

"Lord Hyper Index," he added, his voice dripping with admiration, "your strength and intelligence are beyond anything this world can comprehend. The terror you invoke is a testament to your unparalleled power."

Cocytus followed next, his cold, metallic voice resonating through the room. "Supreme are the creators of all we know."You, the Supreme Beings, are gods. We live only to serve and protect your will."

"Lord Momonga, your intellect is unmatched, and Lord Hyper Index... your power is feared by all, even by those who dare not speak your name. You are both invincible. I am unworthy to stand before such greatness."

Aura and Mare spoke together, their voices trembling slightly with awe. Aura, ever the bold one, said, "Lord Hyper Index, you're super cool! Not only are you strong, but you're also scary, like, in a good way! your power is incredible! I could never dream of being as strong as you! And Lord Momonga, your leadership has always guided us to victory."

Mare, shy as always, nodded. "Y-Yes, Lord Hyper... your presence alone inspires fear in enemies...and Lord Momonga...y-you're a master tactician…"

Albedo's voice was filled with passion, her loyalty to both of us evident in her words. "The Supreme Beings, and in particular Lord Momonga and Lord Hyper Index, are the reasons for our very existence. We are eternally grateful for your divine presence."She shot a glance at Momonga, then turned to me, her voice softening with a reverence I hadn't expected. "Lord Hyper Index, your aura commands respect and fear in all who witness it.

You are not only a god of darkness but also a symbol of unfathomable unyielding will and might. To serve you is the greatest honor I could ever hope to achieve.

And of course, Lord Momonga, you are our most beloved leader, the embodiment of everything glorious about the Supreme Beings and ..the man I love."

Shalltear, kneeling nearby, chimed in. ""The Supreme Beings are absolute. Your beauty, Lord Hyper Index, is only rivaled by your terrifying strength. I feel honored beyond words to be in your presence. If I could offer myself to serve you personally, it would be a privilege beyond compare. Your strength and aura of fear are intoxicating... but Lord Momonga, your intelligence makes you our true guiding star."

Then, Lilith stepped forward, her voice dripping with reverence and affection. "Lord Hyper Index," she began, her tone a perfect balance of seduction and loyalty, "Lord Hyper Index, I exist only for you. Your power, your presence, your very essence is my world. I am bound to you in both life and death. To serve you is my one and only purpose, and I shall do so for eternity." She turned slightly towards Momonga, adding, "And of course, Lord Momonga, your strategic brilliance ensures that Nazarick will always remain superior and victorious."

Finally, the German NPC, who had remained silent for a while, spoke. His thick accent made every word seem more dramatic than necessary. "Mein Lord Hyper Index," he began, clicking his heels together and giving a stiff salute. "The Supreme Beings, and most notably you, Lord Hyper Index, are the conquerors of worlds! Your tactical brilliance and unyielding cruelty in battle are unmatched! You are the bringer of darkness, the overlord of chaos! To serve under your command is the highest honor for a warrior like myself."

Sigh....The guy really leaned into the whole villain aesthetic. Ulbert had done too good a job with his character design.

I turned my gaze toward Momonga, amused by the array of reactions we were getting. He sat there, stoic as ever, but the faint green aura that kept appearing around him betrayed his inner turmoil. After a moment of silence, he stood up, his skeletal form casting a long shadow over the room.

"With that said, Demiurge," Momonga began, his voice calm but authoritative, "I need you to start gathering information on the world outside. Set up an information network and begin scouting. We need to know everything we can about our new environment. Being unaware is dangerous."

"Yes, Lord Momonga," Demiurge replied with a deep bow, already mentally planning the execution of his task.

Momonga then turned to Albedo, his gaze thoughtful. "Albedo, I trust you to maintain order within Nazarick. Coordinate with Demiurge and ensure that everything runs smoothly."

"Of course, my lord," Albedo said, her voice filled with admiration. 

As we discussed the next steps, Mare nervously suggested, "W-What the walls of Nazarick with mud or altered the terrain around it? That way, we could blend in with the surroundings and...uh...not be as noticeable?"

Albedo's reaction was immediate, eyes widened with outrage "Blasphemy!" she hissed, glaring at Mare with a mixture of disgust and disbelief. "To defile the Great Tomb of Nazarick with mud is unthinkable!"

Momonga, however, saw the practicality in Mare's suggestion. "No," he said, raising a hand to silence Albedo's outburst. "Mare's suggestion has merit. In an unknown world, it is essential that we protect ourselves by any means necessary, including camouflage. It's a tactical advantage to keep our base hidden until we have more information about this world. Good thinking, Mare."

Mare's eyes looked down, shy as ever, but I could see the pride in his eyes. widened in surprise, his face turning red as he fidgeted under the unexpected praise. "T-Thank you, Lord Momonga..."

I watched it all unfold with a smirk, amused by the interactions. While everyone remained focused on their duties and Momonga gave his final orders for the time being, I couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement for what lay ahead. I glanced at the sky outside—it was slowly turning darker, and soon, night would fall.

That's when I would make my move "Soon…" I muttered under my breath