Oh and if you guys want to see my full collection of Ai Porn Pics I have made you guys can go to createaiporn.com and type up Prison Jumpsuit under the AiFurry tab for tags to find my profile of the username Izer5 and see my creations from all across that site it will let you guys see all the prisoners I have made for this chapter but if you guys ask I will make a Dropbox link for them if need be but like I said anyone in Prison jumpsuits are the prisoners that appear in this world and this chapter along with future chaps, I might edit a pic or two so you guys can see them here on this site but only if you guys ask.
"You sure you want to do this?" The Police chief asked me after I had spent several days being played with and playing with the police force and the guards of the prison.
On my neck was a golden metal collar with a few chain links going down from the front and at the same time the Warden, Police Chief, Police Force and all the Prison Guards had Giant Golden Cock Rings around their shafts.
The rings weren't tight but were snug and didn't fall off even though they weren't hard, it was another gift from the Goddess that only works here within this world of Pangea, the Collar and Rings of Devotion.
These showed that they were bound to me and were my women and I was theirs as well, their fertility and Virility were boosted along with their bodies able to accommodate insertions of any kind into any orifice.
Though if they were already married or in a deep relationship with another before being gave them normal wedding rings of devotion and an extreme increase of impregnating their lovers which had lead to half of the police force and prison guards have gotten pregnant as a result.
Though as a result of this my stats have begun to increase but I need to get stronger as I don't know what the future holds but strength is key to that.
Age: 18 (Real Age 10, The Goddess Made him look like an adult while in Pangea)
Race: Sphinx Beastman
STR: 20 (60) -> 40 (60)
SPD: 45kph (125kph) -> 60kph (125kph)
END: 200 (100) -> 250
AWN: 40 (80) -> 50 (80)
FLX: 400 (120) -> 500
INT: 40 (50) -> 50
LCK: 500
LIB: 700/1000
VIR: 1qt (2gal) -> 1gal (2gal)
()= The Average for an fully Grown Adult Beastman, if at or above the average their won't be a parentheses anymore, Luck can't increase under most circumstances.
"I'm sure, besides if they become mine I can reform them along with them becoming my own protection in this world of yours." I said with certainty in my voice.
This isn't the same prison that I was kept in before, that place was more like a dungeon or a small prison before one is brought to this place for their real punishment with most being here because of crimes of violence, robbery and drug trade.
There were those who were also imprisoned for acts of rape and murder along with the Cultists of Aphrodite and the Cultists of Kali who promoted those heinous acts were in a separate super prison on an island off the southern coast of the continent.
Those sent to that island were considered irredeemable and were isolated there and if possible faced execution but most their are too tough to kill and thus were exiled there for the rest of their lives, in comparison to those ruthless monsters, while these women were tough in their own right but nowhere on the level of those on that island which gave me an idea but that was for the future and only when I'm strong enough to head there.
"Alright if your sure about this…." She said before looking at the guards in the room and nodding at them.
They came up to me before cuffing my hands behind my back before they began to bring me towards the carriage outside the police headquarters that would take me to the prison on the outskirts of the capital.
What I was doing now was taking on one of the several 'punishments' that those marked as the cursed ones in this world would face and this was considered one of the worst ones, becoming a personal plaything of the prisoners there.
After a short ride I was brought off the carriage with a bag placed over my head as I wanted them to surprise me with who I would end up with for the time being as I was brought in.
I was wearing nothing but a loincloth as I was brought along the corridors in the prison and while I couldn't see it I could hear people in their cells sleeping even though it was the middle of the day but for the most part the cells were empty and the prisoners were out and about to do their jobs, eating food or using their free time in the gym or the yard outside, the same type of stuff you'd see back in a prison in my old world in my last life and in this life as well.
Soon enough a door was open and I could smell the thick stench of sweat in the air along with the sounds of what I believed to be people working out, that was before I was roughly pushed down onto my knees by the guards.
"Alright Ladies Listen Up! It's your lucky day! We caught ourselves a nice little man for you to play with, though he wasn't marked as cursed by our goddess this little shit has caused the capital no small amount of trouble so as punishment he's recieving the same treatment as those cursed ones, but don't worry he will do everything and anything you girls want as this fuckboy will be the prisons personal slave for the time being!" The Darknut Guard said as she stepped on my back while pulling off my bag on my head for the prisoners and me to see each other.
The gym wasn't full today but their were demons that looked more monstrous then the ones I've ever seen along with a few Oni and Snake women who were all looking at me like a fresh piece of meat to eat.
The guards didn't say anything else before closing the door and leaving me in the hands of these women before me.
Though one woman stood tall before me, her tits and ass we're massive compared to her twelve foot giant height with me standing im only at crotch height for her but as for the package under her jumpsuit was considered it was as long as I was tall.
Without saying much of anything she unzipped the top of her jumpsuit all the way down to her crotch as her massive third leg of a cock flipped out before me.
A heavy musky smell came from out of her clothes as steam radiated off her skin while sweat dripped down her body.
She looked down at me with her yellow eyes giving me a mean look to terrify me, which it didn't but it did make me a bit nervous as she looked at me menacingly.
"Ballrag, I'm sweaty, use that small tongue of yours to clean me up before I think of using your tiny body as my personal cock sock…." She said to me as she sat on a massive bench while looking down at me.
"Damn, Hel got to him first, I wonder if he will even last long enough for us to get a turn…." Someone muttered as everyone but two demons who came and sat beside her stayed back either due to fear or do to the difference in strength between them.
The two demons began to do the same as Hel telling me without saying anything that they wanted the same done to them, but it looks like my time here in prison is going to be rough, but that's fine I like dominating-
-And being dominated.
(Others there)
And like I said look up CreatePorn.com and go to the AiFurry tab look up Prison Jumpsuits click the New Tab and scroll to the right and select the Artoon Art Style and one of the ones at the top should have solo futas with their cocks out and that should be me so you guys can get to my profile and see my uploads when your there you can see a new tab in my profile to see the newest stuff I have uploaded before along with other things of mine.
Or if you don't want to go through that process here's a short link you can use that leads right to my profile, though I don't know if this link will work if I make more pics there though it should so try this if you want and if it doesn't work then follow the steps I mentioned before and remember my pics for the most part only have one person in them. (Edit: Changed the URL so this one should work I hope)