Chapter 1 Best Friends Reunion

Soothing music soothed people's souls in Rose Bar where the walls showed off pictures of movie stars. People came here to vent out stress. Soothing music was for them to feel relax. Pictures of movie stars were for the bar to engage customers. In this bar, there were the variety of people. There were movie stars, businessmen, workers, strippers, and so on.

In this bar, there were so many people, but there was just only one rule. It's that drinks and wine were free for ladies, but double price for gentlemen. The rule engaged ladies, and ladies engaged gentlemen. Where there were ladies, there were gentlemen. As ladies and gentlemen encountered each other, there would be the source of joys in each lovely night.

Belle was the frequent customer in the bar. Because of the rule, she could drink anything for free. She would like to drink to lose her mind, when she felt her heart was empty. She would like to have fun with different kind of gentleman for one night stand, when she felt she was lonely. 

Tonight she walked on the street lined with neon signs. The twinkling light drew many shadows to walk by her side. she walked through twinkling houses toward Rose Bar. Oftentimes she walked to the bar for dating with man. Now she was walking to the bar for dating her best friends.

She was a little bit late. It's not because she wore made-up for half an hour. It's becasue she encountered a lunatic in the way. Actually, she couldn't recall his name and the story between her and him. Maybe she had fun with him for one single night. After one night stand, she would forget everything. However, some idiots couldn't forget her. After all, she was too pretty and charming.

Love drove him crazy. She felt sorry for this poor guy. She must do something, before this poor guy committed suicide. What could she do to save his life? What could she do was to call the number of CPH. CPH was Capital Peak Hospital. It's the home for all lunatics in H City.

Street 7, No.3, 7:20 p.m.

Lunatic: Belle, I love you so much. Love is about sacrifice. I would sacrifice for you. Witness me! I'm going to sacrifice myself!

Belle: Dumb. I don't even know your name. Maybe you were just one of my dolls I dumped. I'll never return to any man I dumped. One night stand is just a rosy dream. After one night, everything would be gone with last night's dream. Don't get in my way! I have an appointment to attend!

Lunatic: Don't leave me alone. Please!

Belle: Calm down, please. If you could be quiet for 5 minutes, you'll be rewarded with a surprise.

What could she say was to comfort the lunatic. In case the lunatic might do anything stupid and even commit suicide. What could she do was to call the professional doctor. In case the lunatic might hurt himself and the others. Belle took out her phone, and dialed the number of CPH.

Belle: Hello, this is a warm-hearted lady. There is a lunatic who intends to commit suicide. I think he went crazy. The address is at Street 7, No.3, Red Queen District. Hurry up, please. He may commit suicide at anytime.

A white car with the sign of CPH, came here for the lunatic. The docotor got off the car, and checked the situation. All he ever wanted was for the lunatic to stay away from normal people, to accept treatment, and to embrace his normal life again.

Lunatic: What have you done! What's the point to live in this hell! I shall go to heaven!

Doctor: Just relax, dude. Look over there.

As the lunatic looked where he was told to look, the doctor came near him, and gave him a dose on his shoulder, to let him sleep off.

Doctor: Thank you for your call. I'm gonna grab him to CPH. 

Belle: You're welcome. It should be me to thank you for saving my life. If you weren't here, I might be in danger. Lately I feel there are many lunatics around me. Can we exchange the number. Just in case I may need your professional support.

Doctor: Okay. This is my number. Call me, when you are in need. I mean when you encounter the lunatic again.

Belle: Thank you. This is my number. Can me at anytime, when you are lonely. I mean you deal with lunatics all the time. You must need a normal friend to share your feelings. If you don't mind, I would like to be your friend.

Doctor: My name is Shao Qi. May I know your name?

Belle: I'm Belle. I think I need to go. I must go to meet my friends. See you, doctor Shao.

Doctor: See you. Enjoy your time.

Street 7, Rose Bar, 7:25 p.m.

Belle finally reached Rose Bar. It's not because she wore make-up for half an hour. It's because she encountered the lunatic in her way. It's not her fault that she was a little bit late. Their appointment was at 7:00 p.m., and she was late for almost half an hour. She believed her friends would understand and forgive her. After all, they have been best friends for several years.

Doorman: Wellcome to Rose Bar. Miss Belle. You're so pretty tonight. May I have a chance to be your partner?

Belle: Thank you. I have an appointment with my friends. Is there any hot man tonight?

Doorman: Three gentlemen just walked inside. I mean they are very hot and charming. But none of them are stronger than me. If you chose me, I'll give you an unforgettable lovely night. I promise you.

Belle: Thank you for letting me know. You are strong like a wild ox. But I'll never give any man a second chance. One night stand is just for fun. You had better forget everything about me. Otherwise, I'll drive you crazy. Ha, ha, ha...

Belle took out 10 dollars, and patted on his chest, and walked inside with laughter. She laughed, because she was so pretty tonight. She laughed, because she had a kind of charm on ordinary men. She laughed, because doorman said there were three hot men for her to hook. She had faith on her charm. If she fancied anyone, nobody could resist her charm.

Street 7, Rose Bar, 7:00 p.m.

Tulips came in the bar, sat down at the table, and checked her watch. It's exactly 7:00 p.m.. It's time to celebrate their reuion. However, she checked her surroundings, and found no traces of her friends. She understood both of her friends must be late. She felt little unpleasant, because she was alone, waiting for her both friends to come.

As Tulips sat down at the table, the waiter came over there, and inquired her need.

Waiter: Madame. What do you want to order?

Tulips: Give me a cup of soda, please.

Waiter: Okay.

The waiter came to get her a cup of soda, and soon returned. Tulips checked her watch again, and checked her surroundings again. It's 7:02 p.m., but none of her friends were arrival. She sipped her soda, and tried to calm down. 

A woman carried a handbag, came over there with a smile, sat down in front of Tulips. She saw the waiter came over there, and ordered a drink. She was Daisy, one of the best lawyers in a famous firm. She was a little bit late. Because she was busy, working on paperworks. She still had a pile of paperworks to deal with. But she had to drop her work, to meet her best friends. After all, they had been separated for several years.

Daisy: A cup of daisy tea, please.

The waiter left the table, and returned with a cup of daisy tea.

Daisy: Hi. I'm sorry for being late. I got a pile of paperworks for the case I dealt with. Where is Belle?

Tulips: She is later than you. I think we must sit here, waiting for more than a quarter minutes. What the hell did she think who she is. As though she was heroine in the movie who was always later than everybody.

Daisy: Be patient. A woman shall learn to be at peace with everything. In case wrinkle would climb up forehead. She was the most popular girl in school. She must be busy, dealing with her followers around her.

Tulips: It's just you who could tolerate her. Did pretty girl have right to do anything? Did she have right to let us waite for a quarter minutes? I don't buy it.

Daisy: Just relax. I heard you married the boss of Street 13. He was too busy to be with you. I understand your mood. 

Tulips: I beg him to let me meet my friends. He sends his men to watch me. I don't mind his business. But he always interfere my personal life.

Daisy: The key to a relationship is love, understanding and compromise. He is the boss, and the boss must have an occupied schedule. After all, you are spouses.

Tulips: In three of us, it's only me who stepped in the tomb of marriage. I know marriage most. Unlike me, Belle was the most popular girl, but she didn't even think about marriage. She is always free and easy.

Street 7, Rose Bar, 7:25 p.m.

Belle walked in the hall, and checked her surroundings. She was looking for the gentlemen doorman told her, and her best friends who were expecting her. She found these three hot men at the table, and her best friends at another table.

She waved her hand, and walked to her best friends. As she passed though the hot men, she turned around with a smile. As she smiled, the three hot men turned around to peek at her. As though that moment felt like a century. She pretended to ignore their look, and walked straight to her best friends gracefully. 

Belle: Hi, I'm sorry for being late. I encountered a lunatic in the way. It's all his fault.

Tulips: Never mind. You are busy, dealing with your followers. We are supposed to wait for you to come, aren't we? What do you want to order? Is that Dry Martini?

Belle: Oh, my God. It's been several years. I couldn't believe you still remember my favorite drink. 

Tulips: Of course. We have been the best friends for several years. Waiter! One glass of DM, please.

As Belle sat down at the table, the waiter came over there again. He looked confused, when he heard it. Maybe he didn't know what was DM.

Waiter: DM? 

Tulips: DM. Dry Martini. What the hell do you think what it is. Could it be dumb man?

Waiter: Okay. DM.

Waiter left the table, and returned with a glass of Dry Martini.

Daisy: In your facebook, there are so many hot men. Are you still dating them? Can you introduce someone for me.

Belle: They are just my dolls. There are the variety of dolls. What kind of doll do you like? I don't give any man a second chance. Because love always drives people crazy. Do you want to be crazy? I just encountered a lunatic in the way. It's pity that love poisoned him into an idiot. I don't want to end up like him. Man is just a doll. I won't fall in love with a doll.

Daisy: Man is just a doll. Don't let a doll ruin our mood. We have been separate for years. Don't destroy our mood. Cheers!

Belle: Cheers!

Tulips: Cheers!

Street 7, Rose Bar, 7:25 p.m.

As Belle and her best friends were celebrating for their reunion. Charles and his friends were also celebrating for their reunion. Whether it's seperation or it's reunion. It's about fate. They encountered each other in here. It's also about fate.

In Belle's mind, man was just a doll. Charles was a British doll with noble manner. Adam was a Korean doll with adorably husky voice. Zack was an antique doll with traditional politeness.

Adam: It's been five years. Tonight we are finally together again. Cheers!

Charles: Cheers!

Zack: Cheers!

Charles: Gentlemen. Look at yourselves. You're still the way I used to know.

Adam: We are still losers, but lucky for you. You've been studying aboard. You know how to manage a bank. You are sent to manage the greatest bank in H City.

Charles: It's nothing. I'm just lucky. I received the offer from Cambridge University, and left H City. I've been studying in London for years. I almost forgot everything in here.

Zack: Lucky for you. You entered Cambridge University to learn business. I learned literature at local University. Now I'm just a college tutor.

Adam: You both are better than me. I entered the Entertainment Town after graduation from senior high school. Thanks to my cousin, I'm not sleeping on the street. He is the main actor in several movies. He permits me to act in his movies.

Charles: Both of you are not bad.

Adam: You are the best in three of us. You are sent here to manage BoE in H City. You're rich and handsome. You are never gonna be worried of making girlfriend in the outside. Unlike us, we are poor guys with no money, no house, and no girlfriend.

Zack: Do you have a girlfriend. I saw her photo in your facebook.

Charles: She dumped me, when she heard I was sent to H City. Because she doesn't want to leave London. Let's drop the topic. Look at that table. The blonde girl seems to gaze at me.

Belle gazed at Charles. Because Charles was the hottest man in the bar. She gazed at Charles. Because she wanted to get his attention. She gazed at Charles. Because she set him as her target for her to have fun tonight.

She loved one night stand. Because one night stand filled her empty heart with delight. She loved one night stand. Because one night stand filled her lonely night with romance and passion. She loved one night stand. Because one night stand was just a rosy dream for her and for her doll.

After one night, everything would be gone with last night's dream. After one night, last night's passion would be gone with morning mist. After one night, she would return where she came from.

She would leave her doll alone no mater what. Because she would never give any man a second chance. She would forget everything no mater what. Because she would never fall in love with her doll. She would disappear in his life, like a drop of water merged in the lake. Because one night stand was just one night.