Rage of a Master

"Right," Ludwig said, "I'll try and fetch those whenever I can. As for now I need potions to use immediately," Ludwig said.

"For a thousand Kronas, I'd recommend these," she said as she pointed Ludwig to three sets of potions.

Three blue ones, three red, and three green.

Ludwig could immediately tell which is which.

"I even added flavor to them, since they're usually bitter, they're now Raspberry, Blueberry and lemon-Mint respectfully." She said in a beaming smile.

"I don't need the stamina ones," Ludwig said, "I'll just get the others," Ludwig said.

"Hmm, stamina potions are usually the most sought, since people tend to avoid being injured or mana sapped, but stamina is what they can't help but waste. But hey, who am I to judge, the client is king," she said as she removed the stamina potions, "Your total is 450 Kronas," she said.