Chapter 8: The first threat

"Avery, you've been jumpy for days. What's going on?" Maia, her best friend, leaned across the table, concern etched on her face. *Her brow furrowed, she studied Avery's face, searching for the truth.*

Avery forced a smile, stirring her coffee absentmindedly. "I'm fine, just tired. Too many late nights at the library." *But the lie hung heavy in the air, a weight she couldn't shake off.*

"You're lying," Maia pressed, her eyes narrowing. "You've been glancing over your shoulder every ten seconds since we sat down. Is something going on with the Blackwoods?" 

Avery took a deep breath, forcing herself to keep her voice steady. "It's just... they're weird, you know? Always watching." 

Maia raised an eyebrow. "Weird how? You've got to give me more than that. What have you seen?"