Chapter 16: The Full Moon’s Influence

"Avery, we need to talk strategy," Ethan said, his tone serious as they paced the forest floor beneath the glowing moonlight. The air crackled with energy, each of their breaths a reminder of the heightened connection they shared.

"Right," she replied, her heart racing. "But what if Liam shows up? We can't be caught off guard."

Ethan nodded, his jaw tightening. "He's waiting for the right moment. We need to anticipate his moves."

"I still don't understand why he's so focused on stopping us," Avery said, frustration lacing her voice. "He must know we're stronger together."

"That's exactly it. Our bond, our power—it threatens everything he stands for. If we unite the packs, he loses his chance to reclaim his power." Ethan's eyes blazed with intensity. "And the prophecy..."

"Do you think he even believes in it?" Avery asked, crossing her arms. "Or is it just an excuse to keep the packs divided?"