At the point when Ryan awakened, his vision was hazy, and his head pulsated. As his eyes acclimated to the faintly lit room, he understood he was tied firmly to a seat. His hands were bound behind his back, and each muscle in his body throbbed from the awkward position. He attempted to move, yet the ropes slit into his wrists, making get away from unthinkable. In the shadows, he could make out the figure of a man - the head of the famous Hyena bunch. The man ventured forward, his face covered by a threatening sneer, uncovering a bunch of gold teeth. His chilly, puncturing eyes bore into Ryan as he requested the area of the precious stone. Ryan said in a hoarse voice, "I don't know where it is." The leader was skeptical. He inclined nearer, his breath hot against Ryan's face. "Don't tell me a lie. We are both aware that you are the one they sent to get it. Ryan's head beat as he rehashed, "I don't have any idea. I should meet somebody at the camp for more data." The head of the Hyena wasn't one to mess around. He motioned to one of his men, who moved toward Ryan with a couple of forceps. "Perhaps a couple of broken fingers will refresh your memory." Allison, standing in the corner of the room, spoke up just as the man grabbed Ryan. She calmly advised, "Let him go." "He is clueless about the precious stone. He's simply a pawn." Clearly dissatisfied with Allison's interference, the leader scowled. However, he gave in and waved his hand to let go of the torturer. He replied, "Fine." "Shut him up." Ryan, actually stupefied from his catch, was hauled away and tossed into a chilly, dim cell. As the weighty metal entryway closed, the heaviness of the circumstance started to soak in. He had no clue about how long he had been oblivious or the way in which close he had come to death. All he knew was that the mission had turned out badly, and presently he was trapped in the crossfire. In the meantime, word of the Hyena attack on the camp spread quickly. The brutal destruction left nothing but ashes and wreckage behind. The story was quickly picked up by the media, and the secret agents soon heard it. Together with his team, Davis, Ryan's close friend and fellow agent, was sent to investigate the scene. As Davis went through the leftovers of the camp, he coincidentally found something that made his heart skirt a thump - a couple dissipated photographs of Ryan. They were old pictures, taken during past missions, however it was sufficient to persuade Davis that Ryan was as yet alive. Davis grasped the photographs firmly, his psyche hustling. Assuming Ryan was alive, why hadn't he reached them? In addition, and perhaps more importantly, what had transpired at the camp that would have attracted the Hyena's attention? Back at base camp, the top of the food chain weren't as hopeful. A different theory was proposed by the head of the secret agents, a stern individual with little room for emotion. "On the off chance that Ryan's alive and hasn't contacted us," he said icily, "then, at that point, he's logical with the precious stone. The Hyena entered the camp as a result. Ryan has gone mad. The words hit Davis like a demolition hammer. Rogue? Ryan? He could barely handle it. In any case, regardless of his fights, the choice was made. Ryan was to be put on the nation's most-needed list, marked as a solidified crook, and an abundance was set on his head. Davis wanted to scream and shout, but he was aware that he lacked the authority to question the higher-ups' directives. Nothing remained at that point but to look as his companion's name was hauled through the mud. Where it counts, he realized Ryan wasn't a backstabber. He was reliable, faithful, or more each of the, a loyalist. Yet, with no proof to help his cases, Davis was frail. Not entirely set in stone to demonstrate his companion's innocence, Davis sincerely promised to find Ryan before any other person did. He would demonstrate to the world that Ryan wasn't the foe. Ryan's situation got worse in the Hyenas' den. The head of the Hyena showed him the news reports, displaying the titles that marked him a deceiver. The leader laughed and said, "Your people have abandoned you." "You're presently not one of them." Ryan felt the heaviness of the treachery. His own administration had betrayed him, individuals he had battled for, forfeited for. He was worn out and hopeless and slumped in his chair. He was approached by Allison, who had been watching from the sidelines. She stooped close to him, her appearance delicate. "You don't need to battle any longer," she murmured. "Assist us. The Hyena could utilize somebody like you. With your abilities, you could assist us with bringing down the framework that neglected you." Ryan's eyes were filled with pain but also with determination. "I'd prefer be killed by my own country than become a fear monger." The strain between them hung weighty all around. Allison's face fixed, her eyes deceiving the feelings she attempted to stifle. She loved him despite everything. Yet, Ryan's words clarified where his dependability lay, in any event, when the world had walked out on him. The Hyena put out a picture of Ryan to give the impression that he had joined their ranks in a last-ditch effort to change people's perceptions. The picture spread across the web, further filling the conviction that Ryan had turned into a swindler. At the point when Davis saw the photograph, his heart sank. Briefly, he thought about how conceivable it is that it was valid. In any case, as he watched the recording all the more cautiously, something grabbed his attention. An inconspicuous signal, a short flick of Ryan's hand - it was a code, one that main Davis would perceive. It made it clear where the Hyena camp was. That was all the affirmation Davis required. Ryan was still supporting them and requesting assistance. Without a second thought, Davis accumulated a little group of his most believed specialists and set off on a mission to protect his companion. The attack on the Hyena's camp was quick and merciless. Davis and his group battled their direction through the compound, utilizing each asset available to them to arrive at Ryan. At the point when they at long last tracked down him, battered yet alive, alleviation washed over Davis. As they fled, Ryan considered shooting Allison, but something in him stopped him. In spite of everything, he was unable to force himself to pull the trigger. "Let her go," he told Davis, his voice stressed with feeling. "She doesn't deserve it." Davis wavered in any case concurred. They had more concerning issues to manage. Ryan was told by Davis to "go into hiding" as they left the camp. "I'll clear your name, but it will take time," he said. Ryan gestured, vanishing into the shadows to trust that the tempest will pass. For a couple of days, Ryan figured out how to remain off the radar, concealing in distant areas, expecting word from Davis. However, luck did not favor him. Neighborhood police, ignorant about the full story, got Ryan and arrested him. The titles shouted of his catch, and the anguish of treachery proceeded. Ryan's fate was now in jeopardy because the whole world thought he was a criminal while only a small number of people knew the truth.