Chapter 6: Night Out

"Fine!" He huffed and stormed off. Inside, he was to be gone. He'd tell Rinoa he tried to talk to her but she chased him off.

As he exited he past Fujin who stood leaning by door. He didn't notice the foul look she gave him as he disappeared up the hall.

Quistis stood fists clenched and eyes closed as she counted to ten in attempt to calm down. Fujin observed her curiously, she seemed no worse for wear, of course she seemed no better either.

"Why do I care either way?" Fujin frowned and thought back to last night.

Quistis had fallen asleep or passed out one, either way she was out like a light. Fujin pushed off the wall and walked over to her sleeping form.

Quistis looked so fragile lying there, curled up like a babe abandoned in the woods. Fujin frowned as unwelcome memories flooded her mind.

She forced them back and stepped out of the shadows. The magical lights of Balamb Garden gave her pale skin and silver hair a blue radiance.

Standing silently like a frozen sentinel she gazed curiously at the woman at her feet. Quistis was trembling visibly now; her skin was pale, and her lips blue.

The evening gown she wore did little to fight off the cold and Fujin realized if left alone she'd likely die.

"Perhaps she wants to die? Who am I to stop her if that's her wish?" Fujin thought with a frown.

"FOOLISH" She murmured to no one in particular as she unbuttoned her dress coat. Kneeling down she looked into Quistis's ashen face, even in sleep the woman found no peace, her features taunt and worried.

With a gentleness that came surprisingly easy Fujin wrapped her in the coat and lifted her from the cold ground. Quistis murmured softly as Fujin settled her in her arms.

She was careful to avoid being seen as she made her way to Quistis's quarters. Her care was more for Quistis sake rather than her own.

Fujin was used to being persecuted and being made fun of. Quistis on the other hand had already laid herself bare to one person and Fujin assumed no one else needed to see her like this.

It took a bit of resourcefulness but she made it to Quistis's room with little trouble. Standing at the door she realized she had no key and Quistis's dress had no pockets.

"DAMN" She cursed quietly and carefully sat Quistis down. She looked about then regarded Quistis thoughtfully.

With a smirk she slid a pin from the sleeping woman's hair. With deft ease she picked the lock, scooped Quistis up and slipped inside.

She looked about the apartment curiously. It was well kept and had an orient style motif.

A neatly groomed banzai tree lay atop the table by the door. Various paintings of benevolent spirits and relaxing nature scenes lined the walls.

The overall effect was a cozy one and Fujin nodded her approval. Searched for the bedroom she found it behind a sliding door and entered quietly careful not to unsettle anything.

Gently laying the still shivering Quistis on the bed she looked about for the thermostat. Quickly finding it she turned up the heat.

She returned to Quistis and pulled the blankets around her sleeping form. Quistis murmured cutely in her sleep and snuggled into the thick blankets. Fujin smiled faintly then frowned.

She was not one to smile and smirk and doing so unnerved her. She turned to leave only to stop and look back. She didn't like to see Quistis like this.

She knew how much they had in common and it scared her. Both strong and confident, and abandoned by those who they held dear.

She hated to admit it but she did have feelings for Seifer though she'd never tell him or anyone that. She hated thinking about it.

She knew she too could potentially fall apart and then she'd be reduced to the sad shell of the woman she really was. Quistis had fawned over that fool Squall only to loose him.

"His loss." Fujin thought grimly only to surprise herself. She stepped back startled and shook her head lightly, her silvery hair dancing in her face.

"TIRED" She said aloud then winced fearing she'd wake the sleeping woman. Stepping quietly she leaned over Quistis. She studied her quietly never having done so before.

"So alone.." She thought solemnly.

Carefully she slid the glasses from Quistis's face and settled them on the nightstand. Then without a sound she slipped quietly into the darkness.

A child brushed past and snapped Fujin back to the present. She focused and realized Quistis was looking at her and met her gaze with a guarded expression.

Quistis felt a bit awkward but didn't look away. She envied Fujin in a way, not a care in the world, untamed and wild.

The woman always lived by her own rules but still remained disciplined and in control. She'd always been strong and Quistis admired that about her.

"What the hell am I going on about?" Quistis blinked befuddled by her thoughts. Curious as to what Fujin wanted she made a move to speak but by then the woman had turned and walked away.

"She probably wants her jacket back stupid. How could I be so inconsiderate, she carries my sorry carcass back to my room and I leave her jacket in a heap at the foot of my bed? I don't even know why she bothered, she hates me."

She now had one more thing to think about. Baffled, she returned took her place back in line.

After lunch Quistis hurried back to her room recover the Fujin's jacket.

"Dumbass you cant do anything right lately."

She stood at the door and looking for her key frantically.

"Gone." She moaned and banged her head on the door.

"Quisty?" Quistis shuttered visibly and looked over her shoulder.

Selphie stood beaming brightly with Irvine smiling like a idiot behind her.