Chapter 8: Nunnery

With she, Seifer and her brother Rajin they became a team a family. Later when they matured she even allowed her self to dream of him.

Though she never dared to share her desires, she knew better. To him she was one of the boys and she knew he could never see her otherwise. She was content to stand by him to the end.

Why did he leave? Even her brother had vanished did they hate her? She felt weak at the thought. She bit her lip and buried her fears quickly before they gained strength. Where are they now she wondered?

It doesn't matter she told herself. If she learned anything its not to depend on others sometimes you have to go it alone.

"I don't need them, I don't need anyone." She lied to herself.

She sat in silence, her hair dancing in the breeze across her expressionless face . She lost track of how long she stayed secluded in though, before her mind drifted back to her brief encounter with Quistis.

"Why think about her and why now?" She wondered.

She remembered her breakdown, how she collapsed and sobbed. Fujin couldn't remember the last time she cried herself. She banished the line of thought abruptly and stood her body protested loudly causing her hiss. The shower had helped but she had really overdone it at the gym. Although knocking that idiot cold made her feel a little better. She quickly finished drying her hair and went to get dressed.

A multitude of bag in tow Quistis looked about. It was getting dark, she hadn't realized they had been out so long. She sighed and walked solemnly behind Selphie, who was skipped along ahead of her. Quistis hated Galbania, Squall never knew how close she, Selphie and Zell came to ruining the mission to assassinate Edea.

"Not that it matter we still lost in the end." She mused to herself sarcastically

Still the place was bad news, but Selphie wanted to shop so by Hyne how could she say no.

"Simple enough you goof." She chided herself.

"You say Selphie thanks for tying but I'm not in the mood."

"Yeah right then its quickly followed by tears and sulking and guilt tripping. That's the last thing I need."

Selphie skipped ahead keenly aware of her friends inner debate.

"Quistis?" She said simply, all the while still frolicking along.

"Yes Selph." She absently.

"Do you trust me?"

"Of course Selph." Quistis droned on automatic.


"Honestly. Selph"

"Ya know I only want what's best for you right?"

"I know Selph."


"Yes Selph." She sighed.

"You need to get laid."

"Yes Selph." Quistis stopped and blinked.

"Hey wait a minute!"

"Good we are agreed!" Selphie beamed brightly as she and pointed. A large neon sign hanged over hear head that said "The El Ravager Strip Club"

Quistis screamed.

Rinoa sat with her head her on table at the cafeteria. She watched transfixed as condensation slide down the side of the glass bowl containing a sundae the size of her head. She peeked around the curve of the glass to see a gaudy silver belt buckle and suede jean.

"Hey Irvine." She said dunking her spoon into the sundae with dull enthusiasm.

"Hi yourself little lady may I join you? Beauty such as yours should never dine alone."

Rinoa rolled her eyes at him and grinned.

"Well Irvine Ah do declare ya'll do have such ah way with words." She fluttered at him in a southern drawl. Irvine smiled a dashing smile and nodded at the quickly melting sundae.

"Ya gonna eat that all by your lonesome or just watch it turn to slush."

"I dunno." She mused slipping a spoonful in her mouth.

Irvine grinned broadly and leaned back in his chair.

"Well Selphie is out with Quistis. Hyne knows what they are doin."

Rinoa grinned past her spoon then waved it at him smartly.

"Sorry Irv I'm not spilling the beans."

Irvine looked downright hurt.

"You wound me lil girl. I would never ask you to betray my sweet Selphie's trust like that.."

Rinoa nearly choked laughing.

"Yeah whatever, grab a spoon and help me finish this beast."

"Righty then." He leaned back and grabbed a clean spoon from the nearby container then plopped forward the legs of the chair clacking audibly.

"Don't break the chairs Irvine. Doris about laid a chocobo last time."

"Ah she loves me, she's just jealous cause my heart goes out to my one and only. Unless of course you're taken by my dashing charm and good looks."

Rinoa giggled at he boldness and blushed.

"You're amazing you know that."

"Yeah so I've been told." He said smartly and tilted his hat.

"Ack! you!" She flipped a spoonful of ice cream at him.

"Aw hey now"

"Hey Guys!" Zell chirped brightly as he clapped Kinneas on the shoulder making him fumble his spoon.

"Aw shoot."

"Sorry guy did I scare yah?" Zell said apologetically.

"Sall right, just trying to make nice with the lady here."

"Pull up a seat Zell the more the merrier." Rinoa offered, she motioned to the sundae "Grab a spoon."

Zell never one to pass up food grabbed a spoon spun a chair backwards and sat down.

"Where's everyone at? I'm getting kinda bored, Nicole went to Galbania to do some shopping."

Rinoa coughed awkwardly and dabbed her lips with a napkin. Irvine glanced her way and nodded to himself.

"Squall's sulking again he's off in the training area beating himself with a stick or something." She offered sarcastically.

"Oh that's nice." Zell shrugged.

"Selph n Quisty are on a girls night out shopping." Irvine mumbled around a mouthful of Ice cream.

"Hey sweet perhaps they will run into Nicole." Zell grinned then leaned close to elbow Irvine.

"If we're lucky they will come back with something slinky." Zell said devilishly, Irvine guffawed under his hat and flashed his perfect smile.

"If we are lucky."

"Ahem." The two looked up at Rinoa who glared at them like the matron of a nunnery.