Chapter 12: Forgotten Faith

I don't know who to trust anymore, I've been sitting in this forest and I'm lost. Who knows how long it's been. So, I kept walking. This is far from where I started. Just a month ago I was sitting in a courtroom. Now I'm sitting on a log in nowhere. I let my mind get the best of me and I let go of everything. Now what do I do? Do I keep running from reality or do I face the fact I'm going to die alone. I know I will soon. If I haven't already and I'm just roaming through this forest forever, my corpse somewhere along the way. That sounds about right for the Earth. That sounds about right for this life. Sounds about right for everything. Every little thing that I have dealt with up to today all leads up to this moment. To this break in time This stop in reality. To those spiralling red colours in the sky. 

Red colours. No, more like orange. The leaves are kinda black and wow it's a little hot in here. I think the forest is on fire. I think I left my campfire going. Wait. 

I got up and started running, dragging my muddy bare feet on the ground as the heat caught up and I stumbled into the outskirts of the forest. I'd found my way out. But at what cost. The forest was the cost. My sanity, the reality of things and my hope for ever finding Al.