Chapter 35 Youyou was beaten

The evil dragon didn't react at first, but when he thought about what Ruan Cha said, he went crazy instantly.

He stretched out his claws and grabbed the cabinet door hard.

"It's no use." Ruan Cha's body softened again, and she lay down in the cabinet and cried bitterly, "It's all my fault."

The evil dragon ignored Ruan Cha who was crying. He tried hard to push open the cabinet door, but the cabinet did not move at all.

At this moment, he heard Youyou crying.

Zhang Xingjian took the cloth out of Youyou's mouth.

Although Youyou looked fearless when she was protecting Chacha just now, she was now extremely scared.

The tears just couldn't stop flowing.

"Uncle, Youyou doesn't like playing games."

Although Youyou didn't know what game the bad uncle wanted to play, the bandage on her hand was hurting her hand.

An ordinary person might have been soft-hearted, but Zhang Xingjian, a pervert, became even more agitated when he saw her frightened expression and tearful eyes.

He hadn't seen such a beautiful and cute human cub for a long time!

"Don't be afraid, uncle likes Youyou."

As he was speaking, he reached out to touch Youyou's face.

Youyou dodged away in fear, and Zhang Xingjian looked a little dissatisfied.

But he still had a smile on his face, and the next second he slapped Youyou in the face.

Because she didn't control her strength well, Youyou's face suddenly became red and swollen, and many stars suddenly appeared in her little head.

When Ruan Cha and E in the cabinet heard the slap, their hearts rose to their throats.

The evil dragon tried his best to break the cabinet door, but found that his strength was too small.

After Zhang Xingjian finished beating Youyou, he leaned close to Youyou's ear and whispered, "Uncle didn't mean it. Youyou, can you forgive uncle?"

This slap made Youyou feel dizzy. She whispered in a daze, "Mom..."

Zhang Xingjian heard her words clearly, and while taking off his coat, he said, "Why do you like to call mom every time at this time?"

After putting the coat aside, he added, "And you don't have a mother! According to my research, your mother died of complications during childbirth."

After saying that, he sat down beside Youyou's bed and reached out to pick up her clothes.

Youyou was wearing ordinary clothes and pants, but Old Mrs. Wu was afraid that she would catch a cold, so she gave her a coat.

Zhang Xingjian looked at her body and smiled.

He walked out of the room slowly.

It took Youyou a while to regain consciousness. When she saw the bad uncle leaving, she finally couldn't hold back her fear and burst into tears.

Her crying reached the ears of Ruan Cha and Elong in the closet, and both of them felt like their hearts were being pierced by needles.



It was a hopeless feeling, especially since they could hear everything going on outside.

Ruan Cha looked at the computer again, but there was still no signal.

She suddenly remembered that before setting off, she and Uncle Gu had established a shared route!

If Uncle Gu finds out that her signal is cut off here, he will definitely come looking for her.

Thinking of this, her hope was rekindled.

"Uncle Gu, you have to find something unusual!"

Zhang Xingjian, who was outside the house, entered the room again with a pair of scissors in his hand.

Youyou was crying so hard that Zhang Xingjian picked up a tissue and carefully wiped her tears regardless of her resistance.

"Don't cry, don't cry. Youyou won't look good if she cries."

Having said that, Zhang Xingjian obviously enjoyed watching Youyou cry.

Youyou didn't want her uncle to get close to her, but she couldn't move at all.

After Zhang Xingjian wiped her tears, he picked up the scissors and went towards Youyou.

Youyou screamed in fright, and the next second she saw her coat was cut into pieces.

"Youyou, you're so cute."

He laughed foolishly.

Hearing the bad uncle's voice, Youyou shook her head wildly, asking the bad uncle to let her go.

But Zhang Xingjian didn't care. After putting Youyou's coat beside the bed, he wanted to continue to take off Youyou's clothes.

Youyou cried and shook her head wildly. Zhang Xingjian thought she was too noisy and covered her mouth again.

The shriveled and smelly strip of cloth made Youyou cry.

Zhang Xingjian finally felt calm. Just as he was about to continue what he was doing, he heard the doorbell ring.

He originally didn't want to pay attention to it, but the doorbell kept ringing, and the person outside the door passed a message through the doorbell.

"Xingjian, are you home? I'm Gu Cong."

Zhang Xingjian originally didn't want to pay attention to it, but when he heard Gu Cong's voice, he frowned and decided to get rid of him.

"Youyou, wait for your uncle here obediently."

After saying that, he stood up and left the room, closing the door behind him.

Ruan Cha, who was almost in despair in the closet, brightened up her eyes when she heard Uncle Gu's voice.

"We are saved! Uncle Gu is here to find us!"

The evil dragon did not stop his actions and continued to use his claws to open the cabinet door.

Ruan Cha couldn't bear to tell him that based on the material of the cabinet door, he would not be able to open it even if he tried to open it for a hundred years.

And the ugly dragon is just a young beast.

She can only place her hopes on Uncle Gu!

I hope Uncle Gu can rescue them!

Zhang Xingjian pinched his face, smoothed his hair, and opened the door as usual.

"Gu Cong? Why are you here at my house?


Gu Cong was also a little embarrassed. He couldn't understand why Xiaocha's optical computer route was cut off when she arrived at Zhang Xingjian's house.

"Look, didn't Youyou get lost this morning? I wanted to go with her to look for it, but the engineer happened to be coming to see the spacecraft, so I shared the route with Xiaocha, and she left with the little dinosaur."

Zhang Xingjian's heart tightened. He didn't expect that Gu Cong and Ruan Cha actually shared the same route.

"And then?" He could only pretend to be calm.

"Just now after the engineer left, I turned on the optical computer and found that Xiaocha stayed here without moving, and then the signal was cut off. Have you seen Xiaocha?"

Gu Cong came to find Ruan Cha to look for Youyou together.

"I was at home all day today and didn't see Xiaocha and the other two. Maybe she passed by this street and her optical brain suddenly lost signal, so she cut off the shared route with you. After all, signals on deserted planets are like this."

Gu Cong felt that this was most likely the case. When he was staying at Zhang Xingjian's house a few days ago, the optical brain signal was sometimes good and sometimes bad.

"Then I'll go look over there. Sorry to bother you."


After saying that, Gu Cong went along the next street to look for Ruan Cha.

Zhang Xingjian breathed a sigh of relief after closing the door.

Why were there so many twists and turns this time? The more he thought about it, the more uneasy he felt.

He always felt that something unexpected was going to happen, so he decided that he couldn't take it slow like before, but had to get straight to the point!

He locked the door and ran back to his room.

When he left, Youyou tried hard to free her hands, but the bad uncle tied them too tightly.

Her hands were rubbed red and swollen, and she was unable to break free from the cloth.

"I didn't expect Youyou to be so disobedient." As soon as Zhang Xingjian entered the room, he saw Youyou squirming, and she was trying hard to break free from the cloth strips that tied her up with her hands.

"Youyou, if you don't listen, uncle will punish you." Zhang Xingjian said as he walked towards the bed.