Chapter 43 Youyou is so cute that it makes netizens fall in love with you

"What happened?"

Old Mrs. Wu could deal with Youyou perfunctorily, but she couldn't deal with Ruan Cha perfunctorily.

"My account was exposed."

Old Mrs. Wu didn't know why, but when facing Ruan Cha, she always subconsciously treated her like an adult.

Ruan Cha took over Old Lady Wu's laptop, and most of the messages on it were from other planets mocking Old Lady Wu from a high position.

"In that case, let's start a live broadcast to film the orchard for them to see."

Old Lady Wu was a little hesitant: "But if a barren planet with no resources can suddenly be used for farming, will it cause trouble?"

Having experienced things in his previous life, Ruan Cha is very clear about the thoughts of people from other planets. They look down on the barren planet from top to bottom.


"And they don't care about farming, but they like to judge the lower planets."

Ruan Cha's words hit the nail on the head. Among so many planets, barren planets are not suitable for farming. However, most of them did not choose to farm, but instead used culture dishes to produce nutrients.

"It seems that I have worried too much." Old Mrs. Wu has lived on a desolate planet all her life, and she only got a light computer recently, so she didn't know that the planets outside have developed to this point.

"Why not just shoot a video?"

Ruan Cha explained: "The video will be suspected of being edited. Now that it has been clarified, it will shut up those people."


At this moment, Youyou came running over with a small bucket, with some dirt on her face.

"Cha Cha, why don't you come and plant some flowers with me?"

"Why did you get so dirty?" Old Mrs. Wu squatted down and wanted to wipe her clean, but Xiaohua ran in at this time.

Seeing Xiaohua's expression, Old Lady Wu couldn't help laughing out loud, and even Ruan Cha, who had a bad attitude towards the evil dragon, laughed.

The dragon was covered in mud, and you couldn't even see his original skin color.

It looks like a round mud statue.

Ruan Cha finally couldn't help laughing out loud, and then Old Mrs. Wu also laughed out loud.

"Xiaohua, you can only plant flowers in the courtyard, not dragons."

The evil dragon snorted angrily, then trotted to the spring in the backyard to wash itself clean.

"Yuyu, what's going on?"

Youyou said with some guilt: "When I was planting flowers just now, I had just watered them and Xiaohua said he could dig a hole for me to put the flower seeds in. But Xiaohua was so heavy today that I accidentally dropped him into the soil."

It just so happened that Youyou watered the ground too much, and it turned into mud, and then that's what happened.

Youyou went to save Xiaohua.

That's how she got the mud on her face.

Youyou looks even cuter with mud on her face1

"Youyou, go wash your faces with Xiaohua." Ruan Cha said.


After saying that, Youyou skipped to the backyard.

Mrs. Wu was about to follow, but Ruan Cha stopped her: "Let's start the live broadcast now."


The two of them came to the fruit tree with the light computer, and after adjusting the camera position, they stood behind the light computer.

Just live stream it so others can see the plants.

"This is my backyard. I am not lying." Old Mrs. Wu was not used to speaking live. She simply said this and said nothing else.

There are quite a few people in the live broadcast room. After all, today is the time when the event is at its hottest.

Seeing that plants can actually be grown on a barren planet, the comments were full of disdain.

[We on Dili Star no longer needed to farm a hundred years ago, and we even built a solar crystal tower. ]

[We don't grow plants on our planet anymore, they just take up space. We use that land to build a quantum interaction observatory.]

Seeing all the boasting in the comments, Old Mrs. Wu felt nothing. When she saw that everyone was no longer targeting her, she was about to turn off the live broadcast when Youyou ran over.

"Aunt, Youyou, wash your face!"

The people from the planet who were showing off in the live broadcast room were stunned when they heard the baby voice.

"What is this?"

The optical computer can change its shape at will. It was the first time for Youyou to see a live broadcast on an optical computer. She tilted her head and moved closer.

Because she was looking very close, half of her round face was facing the camera.

The audience in the live broadcast room could only see half of Youyou's face, with a few spots of dirt on it, which made her look extremely cute.

Before they could scream and suck the cub, Old Lady Wu quickly turned off the live broadcast.

She didn't want Youyou to be exposed in front of the camera.

"This is a light computer. It can show you cartoons."

Youyou said "oh" and stretched out her hands to show her aunt. "Aunt, Youyou is clean now."

Old Mrs. Wu looked at the dirt on her face and took her little hand, "Youyou has turned into a dirty cat."

As she spoke, she went to wipe Youyou's face clean.

The dragon on the other side had short arms and had not washed most of the dirt off his body.

After wiping it clean, Youyou took the initiative to walk to Xiaohua.

"Xiaohua, Youyou is here to help you."

She took a ladle and filled it with water and poured it on Xiaohua, and the evil dragon became clean instantly.

After washing themselves, Youyou and Xiaohua continued to clamor for going to plant flowers.

"Flowers, plant flowers!"

This time, Old Mrs. Wu and Ruan Cha also joined in, and they finished sowing the flower seeds in a short while.

After doing all this, Mrs. Wu found that her social media platform became popular again.

The difference from last time is that everyone's attention is on Youyou.

[The voice of the baby just now is so cute! Can the blogger let the baby show his face? ]

[In fact, being able to farm on a barren planet is the first step in the advancement of interstellar civilization, so can the blogger let me raise a baby online? ]

Looking at the comment section which was completely different from the previous ones, Old Mrs. Wu found it a little funny. She was about to close her account when she saw someone asking if he wanted to sell fruit.

Of course, the person's next sentence was [You can use the voice of the baby as the cover. ]

This sentence made Old Lady Wu take notice.

There are three children at home, and she can't stay in the work cabin all the time. If they really want to buy fruit, it is not impossible for her to try.

After Ruan Cha learned about this, he said, "If they want to buy it, just sell it to them."

So for the whole afternoon, Old Mrs. Wu applied for hibernation in the work cabin on her computer, and then was busy opening the fruit website.

Ruan Cha was studying with her laptop as usual, while Youyou was watching cartoons with Xiaohua in her arms.

The leisurely afternoon was broken by the appearance of Old Man Luo.

"Eh? You annoying grandpa, you dyed your hair strawberry flavor too?"

Old Luo looked at the innocent Youyou and felt a little ashamed. "I'm here to apologize."

Old Mrs. Wu thought he was apologizing for this online incident.

"I was angry about your pink hair before because everyone on the deserted planet was so lifeless, but you dyed your hair pink and looked inexplicably full of vitality. It made people envious and jealous. I'm sorry, can you forgive me?"

Although Old Man Luo's words were sincere, Old Lady Wu couldn't say the words of forgiveness. After all, the scene where he deliberately stepped on the young sprouts and made Youyou cry was still vivid in her mind.

At this time, Youyou asked Chacha doubtfully: "Chacha, if Grandpa says sorry, do we have to forgive him?"