Chapter 47: The Beautiful Sister is a Teacher

"No, Youyou is very smart." Ruan Cha said sincerely.

At least in his previous life, Ling You was a top student at university.

When Youyou heard Chacha say that she was smart, she happily gave Chacha a kiss on the face.

"Chacha is the first person to say that Youyou is smart!"

"Youyou! Your saliva!" Although Ruan Cha's voice was a little loud, there was no disgust in her eyes.

Youyou laughed and squeezed onto Chacha's bed.

"Youyou is going to sleep with Chacha today."


But Youyou has learned to push for more, and finally fell asleep with her legs spread out next to Chacha.

Ruan Cha looked at her helplessly yet dotingly.

The next day, Youyou secretly put Xiaohua in her schoolbag again, and also packed vegetables and nutritional supplements for Xiaohua.

Because it is still a kindergarten, the children only have two formal classes every day. The rest of the time, the children play holographic games or study on their own.

The class officially started today. The children sat around a large round table, and each of them sat attentively.

Teacher Zhang said yesterday that the teacher is very fierce in class.

Youyou is no exception. She waits obediently for the teacher to start class.

When she saw the familiar figure outside the classroom, Youyou's eyes lit up.

Youyou remembers her! She is Sister Fang.

When Youyou and Xiaohua went to find the annoying grandpa, it was she who took her there.

But Sister Fang is not fierce. Why did the teacher say yesterday that Sister Fang was fierce?

Fang Sangning felt something was wrong as soon as she entered the classroom. She smelled the scent of a baby animal.

But she didn't care, she was no longer the commander who maintained interstellar security.

She introduced herself briefly: "My last name is Fang, and I'm your teacher."

Her voice was cold and emotionless until she looked around and saw Youyou looking at her with bright eyes. Fang Sangning was almost speechless, but she adjusted herself in time and began to teach slowly.

Ruan Cha was also a little surprised to see Fang Sangning, she naturally knew Fang Sangning.

In the previous life, the interstellar space encountered a tide of alien beasts, which put all planets in crisis. Fortunately, all the planets united to repel the alien beasts.

And Fang Sangning was the instigator who caused the tide of strange beasts.

Because she had been hurt before, she attracted the young beasts and wanted to destroy all the planets.

She is a dangerous person!

Ruan Cha sensitively noticed that Fang Sangning's gaze paused on Youyou for a second, and she frowned slightly.

Seeing Fang Sangning's eyes linger on Youyou for a second, she looked at Fang Sangning with a hint of vigilance unconsciously.

Fang Sangning's kindergarten is really interesting. Youyou looks at her with admiration, Ruan Cha looks at her with caution, and the other children are a little afraid of her.

"In the first class today, we will learn the basic concepts of functions." Fang Sanning opened the textbook and began to lecture without distraction.

At first, Youyou acted like a good student, but when Teacher Fang started teaching, Youyou felt dizzy.

Why doesn't she understand?

Youyou carefully peeked at the children next to her and saw that they were all listening intently, as if they all understood.

Is Youyou the only one who doesn't understand? She was full of question marks.

Youyou continued to listen to the class hard, but after a while, her eyelids began to twitch.

Teacher Fang's voice was so nice that she felt sleepy while listening to it.

After a while, Youyou couldn't help but fell asleep on the table.

Fang Sangning had just finished explaining a concept when he turned around and saw Youyou sleeping on the table.

The other children shook Youyou worriedly.

Yesterday, Teacher Zhang said that Teacher Fang was very fierce. How dare Youyou sleep in the classroom?

Ruan Cha didn't expect that Youyou would sleep in class. Youyou has the face of a good student.

"Student Ling You." Fang Sangning called Youyou, but Youyou was still sleeping soundly.

Ruan Cha, who was sitting next to Youyou, quickly pushed Youyou.

When Youyou woke up slowly, she found that she had fallen asleep in class.

She stood up quickly and said, "I'm sorry, Teacher Fang. Your voice is so beautiful! I couldn't help but fall asleep while listening to it."

After hearing what Youyou said, the other children looked at her with admiration. Why wasn't she afraid of Teacher Fang?

"Well, it's okay, you can continue sleeping." Fang Sangning didn't care.

But Youyou saw the unhappiness in Sister Fang's eyes. She thought it was because she slept in class, so she quickly assured her: "Youyou will definitely study hard!"

Sure enough, for the next ten minutes, Youyou forced herself not to fall asleep until the bell rang for the end of get out of class.

Fang Sangning left the classroom expressionlessly; her classes for the day were over.

When she passed by the teachers' office, Teacher Zhang and Teacher Li were packing up their toys. When they saw her coming back from class, they found an excuse to leave, obviously not wanting to be in the same space with her.

Fang Sangning didn't take it seriously. When she was about to pack up and go home, a small round head stuck out from outside the door.

She looked up and saw it was Youyou.

"Sister Fang, I'm sorry. Youyou didn't mean to sleep in class." Youyou said guiltily, "It's just... just..."

Before Youyou could say anything, Fang Sangning interrupted her: "Okay, I get it."

Without waiting for Youyou to continue speaking, Fang Sangning left the classroom.

This made Youyou a little depressed! She was so bad! She actually slept in Sister Fang's class. She must have hurt Sister Fang's heart.

Fang Sangning walked a distance away, then she stopped and couldn't help but look back.

Youyou stood there dejectedly for a while, and after Ruan Cha held her hand and coaxed her for a while, she immediately returned to the classroom with a smile on her face.

Children are so easy to please.

In fact, she was not angry about Youyou sleeping in class, or she didn't care at all.

When Fang Sangning gets home, he likes to sit in the living room all day long, and repeat the same life the next day.

Like a living dead.

On the other side, Youyou felt a little depressed when she saw Chacha coming.

"Youyou is sleeping in class, Youyou is bad."

Ruan Cha took Youyou's hand and said, "Youyou will take the initiative to apologize. Youyou is good."

Youyou was easy to coax and laughed immediately. After laughing, she was still a little confused: "Chacha, what is a function? Youyou doesn't understand the symbol that looks like a little snake."

Ruan Cha suddenly remembered Youyou's counting before, and it seemed that Youyou in this life was not good at math.

"I'll teach you."


Chacha is so smart, she can definitely teach Youyou!

After school, Youyou carried Elong and ran straight to the backyard to find her aunt.

Seeing the new food grown by her aunt, Youyou said excitedly, "Youyou, you know, this is rice. It can be used to cook!"

"Yes." Old Mrs. Wu said with a smile, "Did Youyou behave well in school today?"

Youyou drooped her eyelids, "You are not a good kid. Youyou fell asleep in class. Because Youyou couldn't understand anything."

"Youyou is still young. She will understand when she grows up." Old Mrs. Wu comforted.

Youyou immediately became happy and busy watering the rice with Xiaohua.

After taking the nutritional supplement, Ruan Cha took out the laptop to tutor Cha Cha.

Ten minutes later.

"No, how come you don't even know the multiplication table? Isn't this engraved in our DNA?" Ruan Cha was shocked.