Chapter 2: Meeting Luffy

Its been 17 years since Hanashi reincarnated to the One Piece world. During this time she has now become the most notorious criminal in all the East Blue and has a bounty of 40,000,000. This is unheard of in the East Blue but because she is a Ninja she takes tasks that no in the East Blue could do such as killing Marine captains and pirates with bounties over 20,000,000 with ease. Over the years she's become Infamous and has gotten names such as "Demon Eyes", "Demon Child", and most recently Demon Queen Uchiha" which in all honesty much prefers this name over the other ones she's gotten in the past. Right now Hanashi is coming back to her village from a mission about taking care of a pirate with a bounty of 25,000,000 and a marine captain and commodore at the same day. She then stole 2 of the Devil fruits in the marine ships which she plans to sell in the underworld for her village.Upon arriving many of the villagers greet her and express how happy they are seeing her. She continues to walk at the center of her village and goes up to her Grandpa.

Hanashi: Lord Madara. I have completed my mission. The assassination of both marines and pirate have been eliminated. The combinations of both parties come to a total of 65,000,000 Berries.

Madara: Please Hanashi. Just call me Grandpa. I gave up that tile of lord long ago. Soon I will no longer become Hokage of the hidden leaf. Soon you child will become Hokage and rule Konoha to its fullest. You will then become the third Hokage.

Hanasshi then sighs and looks at Madaras's eyes with sadness and a bit of annoyance

Hanashi: Grandpa! I told you stating tomorrow I would leave Konoha and go to the Grandline to become the Strongest person in the world. Someone that even surpasses the pirate king himself. I want to become stronger than Gol D Roger. I remember you telling me stories that you once fought Gol D Roger to a standstill and was almost victorious. I wish to have an adventure of my own ya know.

Madara then frowns and gives Hanashi a file full of papers.

Madara: This for your next mission. You'll be given a week of rest and 3 days to prepare for the mission. Failure is not an option.

Hanashi then quietly responds with"That's because it never is" which gets her a death glare by Madara making her dismiss herself and leave the village to relaxe.

Hanashi sighs in relief feeling the cold breeze of the sea hitting her face and upon opening her eyes she sees a large pink ship, with four sails, one higher than the other three. Each sail has a pink heart, and the ship herself has two hearts on each side. The figurehead is a duck and ad according to her information that ship belongs to Alvida the Iron Mace. A bounty of 5,000,000.

Hanashi: A bounty of 5,000,000 berries huh. Well it's not much compared to what I usually get but some cash is better then no cash.

Hanashi then quietly docks her boat and sneeks into Alvida's boat by running on top of the seawater. Upon inspecting the ship. She finds a young man of above-average height with shaggy black hair, round black eyes, and a slim muscular build. His outfit consists of a red vest, light blue denim shorts cuffed just above his knees, and tan sandals. He also has a scar with two stitches underneath his left eye. Seeing how the situation was going she decided to sit back and enjoy the show.

Based on what she's heard and seen. The boy in the straw hat had infiltrated Alvidas ship and is helping the boy with pink fend off against the pirates. Once Alvida confronts The boy in pink she breaks that wall and yells at Koby.

Alvida ship POV

Alvida: Koby! Who is the most beautiful of all the seas?

The pink haired boy named koby then frantically stutters and tells Alvisa that she is the most beautiful woman of all the seas but was interrupted by the boy in the Straw Hat who she knows found out was named Luffy.

Luffy: Hey Koby who's this fat lady?

All the pirates including Koby and Hanshi then paused with their jaws almost hitting the floor. Hanashi was more shocked because she didn't expect for the guy to be so blunt. Upon hearing this Alvida becomes very angry and tic marks start to appear on her face and starts to growl and grunt with anger. She begins to grind her teeth and angrily exclaimed how much of a bastard Luffy was and goes for a strike on his head with her mace. Luffy then tanks the hit which scared lobby while the pirates chuckled in amusement. After a couple of seconds puffy extends his arms and launches them at the fat woman sending her flying off her ship for miles and miles. Not only were Koby and the pirates shocked but also Hanashi.

Koby: L-luffy. How did you do that?

Luffy: Oh yeah I forgot to tell you. I'm a rubber man. Bullets and punches don't hurt me.

He says while stretching his mouth. Once he lets go of his mouth he lowers his head a little down making his eyes look a bit sinister and exclaims to Koby that everything will be okay.


Hanashi couldn't control herself and burst out laughing.

Hanashi: Hahahahaha! That's rich. Oh man that's to funny. Hahahaha!

When everybody on the ship heard laughter they all looked at where it was coming from and they all froze in there place from fear.

Pirate 1: W-what the hell! What is she doing here?

Pirate 2: D-did she come for our captain's bounty?

Pirate 3: W-we're all dead!

Luffy: Hey Koby who's the pretty lady?

Koby then looked at Luffy as if he was a moron which in his defence he is a moron.

Koby: LUFFY BE CAREFUL ABOUT WHAT YOU SAY! THATS UCHIHA D HANASHI! S-she's East Blues most wanted criminal. That's the Ghost of the Uchiha. She has a bounty of 40,000,000. It's the biggest bounty in East Blue history


Koby: Ssssshhhh!!! Don't provoke her you don't know what she's capable of. I heard she single-handedly took out 3 pirate crews with bounties over 20,000,000. She's not someone you should mess with.

Luffy: She's that strong huh!

Both Luffy and Hanashi look into each others eyes for a couple of seconds. It's as if time froze and everyone hoped that she was in a good mood. They prayed that this idiot wouldn't anger her so that they live for the rest of their lives.

Luffy: Hey you. Join my crew.

He says bluntly

Koby: LUFFY!!!!

Hanashi: Pffftt! Hahahaha! Oh my gosh. I'm sorry for laughing it's just that with all these missions Grandpa has been giving me. Everything you just say makes me smile and laugh.Hahahaha!!!

Luffy: Hey you never answered my question.

With this everyone on the ship were practically scared shitless. And Hanashi stopped laughing and gave Luffy a serious glare.

Hanashi: Let me tell you something Luffy was it? You're in no way powerful enough to ask something of me. Much less for free. I'm a Ninja, not a pirate.

Luffy: Not powerful enough? ARE YOU SAYING I'M WEAK!!! Wait you're a ninja? That's pretty cool. Hahahaha

Koby: LUFFY! Just please keep your mouth shut. We're all going to die.



He screams in terror

Koby then began to cry and slumped to the floor along with the rest of the pirates.

Hanashi: A challenge that's interesting. Alright but what's in it for me?

Luffy: I don't know.

Luffy shrugged nonchalantly

Hanashi then gave a bored look and begins to think. Upon look at the straw hat Luffy was wearing she then gets an idea.

Hanashi: Okay Luffy I wan't to see what your made of. So I'll entertain you for a little bit. I'll keep my promise so long as you keep yours.

But to make things interesting I won't use any of my powers and only fight you using my weapons and if you make me use any of my powers then I will admit defeat. As for what I want in return. What I want is that straw hat of yours. So Luffy do we have a deal.

Luffy then glares at Hanashi which sends chills to her spine which makes a bit excited.

Luffy: Fine. We have a deal.

He says seriously and glares at Hanashi.

Hanashi:( Strange? Why do I feel like this when he looks at me? Well one things for sure. He talks way to much. But it's not bad all things considering there's worse people in this world. Plus he seems to have a good heart.)

Hanshi then tells Luffy once he captures all the pirates here on this ship then they can go fight on a nearby island where she docked her ship. Once Luffy finishes cleaning up the ship from pirates a splash could be heard outside the ship. Both Hanashi and Luffy look outside to see a orange haired girl with a bag full of what they could assume to be treasure. They both decide to ignore her and sail towards Hanashi's ship and dock right next to hers. Compared to Alvidas ship it's about half her size making it smaller than Alvidas. Once they land Hanshi states that the only rules to this fight is that in order for Luffy to win he has to hit her and that only a single punch will suffice.

Luffy then looked a little ticked of but decided that she was only messing with him. But boy was he wrong.