57. Date 2-5

"Are you crazy?! Why would you go to Hawaii alone with that jerk?!" Knight asked as Target was packing her things.

"It's just a two days trip." She said as she looked at Knight. "Jayden agreed with it so I'll be fine." She reassured.

"You have to rethink your actions Target!" Knight said as he cannot help but worry about her little sister.

"You should worry about your person not on mine." She added as Knight looked pissed and went outside to get some air.

"Knight might be stubborn but still he's you older brother. Why not respond in a polite way huh?" Jayden asked as Target continued packing.

"It's just pissed me off since he thinks this mission is all about who would please each partners and I'm way to ahead of him now that Halix is my boyfriend." Target said as she felt like this is a competition rather than a mission.

"Why did you agreed on this mission in the first place?" He asked Target as he smiled at her. "To please Zade." She answered directly as Jayden smirked.

"Because Zade was superior, Yet I am doing such things because I want to please Wendy." Jayden talked highly about Wendy all the time that is why this things for him is something more than a mission.

"Knight might also felt the way with Zade because he had done enough with both of you siblings yet you should also reconsider that you have different person to deal with and Knight mission is harder than you thought since he's dealing with the Head Chief's daughter." Jayden explained.

"What are you saying that our mission is different?" Target asked.

"Didn't you think that it was way to easy for you to have Halix in just one click?" Jayden asked as Target thought about it. "While Knight is working his best to succeed on this mission." He added as Target starts feeling guilty by her actions.

"Atleast show concern as a siblings rather than being cold on each other as subordinates. After all this mission is about you being siblings not being rivals." He explained.

Target looked at Knight smoking outside as she sigh and went to his aid and told him that she was sorry on how rudely she acts on him without thinking properly.

Knight smiled knowing that he cannot help but adore his little sister. Jayden sawb how the both of them smiled and starts joking around like a normal siblings would do.

'Maybe they didn't know how to act as a siblings because they didn't get the chance to act like what a child should act in the first place.' Jayden thought as he went to his room to make a report and send it to Aaron.

Christmas is coming and Jayden smiled sadly thinking that he'll spend christmas without Wendy on his side and he also want to watch the twins grow up eventually.

Yet the mission is way important than his feelings and he cannot be selfish right now.

A call startled Jayden as he looked into the screen and it was Zade's name.

"Ahhhh Jayden I'm glad you answered!" Wendy said as she smiled at Jayden. "Isn't this Zade's phone?" He asked as Wendy smiled.

"Yeah I borrowed it so that you will pick up immediately." She said as Jayden felt his heart melt.

"I hope your doing well there with the Shiba siblings." Wendy said as she showed him a knitted scarf.

"I want to send you something this Christmas since you cannot be here with us. Will this be okay? I'm not a professional artist but I was doing well this time." She reassured.

"I hope your okay with this.... Ehhhh why are you crying?" She asked as Jayden starts sobbing.

"Tch don't get ahead over yourself Jayden! My wife is mine only!" Zade shouted and turn the call off.

Jayden cried as he cannot be more happier than to be with Wendy's side this time even if she cannot give him back the love that he is willing to give to her.

Target heard everything as she was running to tell Jayden that Knight and her make up but now she heard everything and saw how happy that call made Jayden to the point that he cried in tears.

Knowing how well Jayden handles the situation in a professional way, He's escape in reality is Wendy because his love is stronger than ever for her.

Target went to Hawaii with Halix but her mind was left in her house thinking about Jayden if he really is fine being alone since Knight had a music feast to practice with and he won't be coming home for awhile.

"You seemed bothered about something?" Halix asked as Target smiled. "It was nothing, it's just my father was all alone in the house and I just think that he will be sad eventually if I take too long here in Hawaii." She explained as Halix smiled.

"I see, Your worried about your father. How close are the both of you?" He asked as Target smiled.

"Not that close yet I care for him. He's someone that I looked up to." She said thinking on how Jayden offered his blood for her to be alive today.

"Why did we go here?" She asked as she looked at an old stall where there are no people around.

"Hmm I just thought that this will make you think of me as a cool boyfriend." Halix said as he opened the door and saw tons of people holding different guns as they stared at Halix going inside together with his beloved girlfriend.

Target didn't budge yet the guns that are shinning caught her eye.

"It seems like your not afraid about anything inside here." Halix said as Target's mind was unfocused and looked intensely on the latest gun 2024.

"Want to try it??" Halix asked as Target immediately nodded. "I didn't know you have the likings of gun." He said as Target snap out of it.

"We usually go to hunt some wild birds that is why I know how to hold a gun." She lied since she was an excellent sniper.

"Hmm I see, how about we try to aim those dummies and if you win I will give you what you want." He said as Target smiled since this is the easiest task for her.

"Those dolls are nothing." She said as she went to see the dolls as she stop when she saw children being tied up as people starts to aimn for the apple.

"W-What the hell!" Target said as she glared at Halix. "One mistake and the other thing that will burst aside from the apple in their heads is their brains." He said as he starts laughing.

'How evil can this guy be?' Target asked to himself as the children are trembling in fear as they both aim for the apple.

Target is known to be a famous snipper yet she cannot hit a child with her bullet no matter what the reason is as it adds up to her anxiety as she looked at Halix smirking like he doesn't care if he can aim it or not at all.

'Damn him this trip is a trap at all!' Target said to herself as her hands tremble looking at the scared eyes of the kid.

"We only have three bullets. If you cannot hit the apple then you loose." Halix said as they spinned the kids like a roulette wheel.

Halix starts shooting as he missed and hit the kid on the arm as the child starts to bleed.

"Halix." Target called yet Halix didn't listen as the audience cheered for them to hit the apple without hurting the kid.

"Halix..." Target called again as Halix shoot again and missed it as it went straight to the childs legs.

The child mourn in pain yet everyone just laugh like they were all having fun and being entertained by Halix.

Halix was about to shoot again when Target shot the apple as it burst causing everyone to shut up.

Halix smirked as Target looked at himw with disgust.

"I see, You aimed pretty well. I bet your a good sniper." He whispered as Target's hand is trembling in fear.

He left Target there as she said the bleedingf child.

When Target went back home she saw the tables being prepared by Jayden and Knight as they welcomed her warmly.

It was a stressful vacation with Halix as she didn't expect him to be that ruthless.

She started sobbing as Jayden went to her and comforted her.

"That demon I wish he will die soon!!!!" She shouted as Knight and Jayden knew that Halix did something that pushed Target to her limits that would cause her to cry this much because of pain.

"I'm sorry, It must have been so hard for you." Jayden said as Knight just watched at his little sister crying.

He want to kill Halix and Chelsea as soon as possible yet they need to wait for the perfect timing.