Finally Sobek turned back to the dinosaurs. As he tried his new skills, many more had arrived. 'Am I wrong or are there more than before I evolved?'.
The questions can wait. "Tell me, has something important happened in my absence?" he asked simply.
Explaining the dinosaurs for his behavior and evolution was out of the question. For humans, knowing the thoughts of their leaders was important, but for animals it was different. A pack leader didn't act like this: he didn't have to give any explanation for his actions. Even if Sobek was tempted to say 'sorry, now I'm done checking my powers, tell me something nice', this act would have been interpreted to the ears of his subordinates as an act of weakness. For the animals, lowering themselves to the level of others was a sign of ineptitude. Therefore, if Sobek wanted his pack to remain united and steadfast, he always had to be indifferent and sure of himself.