For a dinosaur, the basic rule was survival. So if a danger came knocking on its door there were only two options: fight or escape. Surrender wasn't even contemplated, because it would have meant being eaten.
That is why Buck had no doubt that he needed to go to war. Sobek had shown him what was happening and assured him that the humans would never stop. Escaping was therefore not an option, which left only fighting.
Buck trusted Sobek. If he had said to go to war, he would have done it. However, he was also afraid. Sobek had repeatedly warned him about humans and now he found that concern was well founded. Was it really possible to fight against such creatures? The instinct of self-preservation clashed strongly with the reason that instead reaffirmed the need to face them.
Suddenly Sobek spoke. "You know, despite my powers and my strength, I will never have the greatest of treasures"