"If you'll continue like that, you will consume it with your eyes"
Neytiri turned her head and saw her teacher Mo'at enter the door. She jumped to her feet: as an apprentice she should have welcomed her teacher with honor. "Forgive me, master, I was..."
"... lost in your thoughts, I know. You are lost in your thoughts every day now". Mo'at smiled. "Far from me to criticize your devotion, but you shouldn't let you get distracted by material things. Honoring the entities that rule this world is important, but so are your obligations. You are my apprentice and as such you have homework. You can't stay all the day staring at that tapestry"
Neytiri could not help but bow her head blushing like a child scolded by her mother. She glanced out of the corner of her eye at what Mo'at was pointing to: it was a canvas featuring the image of a giant reptile with a sail.