This is our land!

The flame danced across the sky for a few seconds, then went out. Buck lowered the flamethrower and placed it reverently at his pack leader's feet.

The dinosaurs did not make a sound for several moments, then began to bellow in chorus: "Fire... Fire!"

"He tame it... He is the tamer of the fire!"

"Lord of fire!"


The words of the dinosaurs seemed to turn into a religious song. Not that it was different from reality. Even though they didn't know what gods and spirits were, the dinosaurs were experiencing the same feeling humans do when facing such entities.

Fire was one of the most devastating things in nature. While a tsunami or earthquake was far more destructive, nothing terrified an animal like flames. Not surprisingly, being burned alive was considered the worst death ever. The fire choked, burned, destroyed and killed all forms of life leaving nothing but charred bones.