First example of tradition

Abe reached Cartago after a full day's drive. The city was more than 1200 kilometers away from Serapode, the capital of Odaria where the Jersey family resided, so even driving at 100 km/h he took hours to reach it.

Once there he made his way to what he knew was the expedition center in the forest. Anyone wishing to enter the uncolonized area had to register there, provided he wanted to do something legal. But of course, Abe knew that there were other ways to go into the deep forest.

Once inside he already knew who his target was. He quickly walked over to a skinny man who was playing with his cell phone leaning against a wall. "Hello, my name is Abe" he introduced himself.

"Carver" the man grumbled without looking up. "What do you want?"

"Join next week's expedition" Abe answered.